Nie jestem autorem tego klipu.
Pochodzi on ze strony http://bit.ly/2oaS2r4
Twórcą jest MrNosec
Zwycięzca w 2017 Viewers Choice Awards w kategori Najlepszy film akcji
Im not the author of this clip.
It comes from http://bit.ly/2oaS2r4
The creator is MrNosec
The winner of the 2017 Viewers Choice Awards in the category Best Action Video
[PL] Lista anime:
[EN] List of anime:
The Animatrix (OVA)
Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Jo (Movie)
Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Q (Movie)
Hagane no Renkinjutsushi (TV)
Genius Party Beyond (Movie)
Innocence (Movie)
Shinseiki Evangelion Gekijouban: The End of Evangelion (Movie)
Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Ha (Movie)
[PL] Muzyka:
[EN] Music:
Audiomachine - Guardians At The Gate (Access Denied Dubstep Edit)
Modestep & Koven - Take It All
Disclaimer: This video is purely fan made, and I am not making any profit. It is purely for entertainment purposes and in no way meant to offend. I do not own the clips or the songs used, they belong to their rightful owners/companies. No Copyright Infringement is intended.
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