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Opublikowano: 2019-02-19

Ukrainian A w tomu sadu is a classic wesnianka a spring song (otherwise known as gaiwka, gagilka, jagilka, ryndziwka) or ancient Slav ritual song. Pieces like this were sung in the spring, whose arrival heralded the new year in the Slavic calendar. The season was greeted with joy and ceremony, with the accompaniment of song and dance. Wesniankas usually tell about the themes of agriculture, love and marriage, history or (in the oldest versions) cosmogony.
The song performed by DagaDana originates from Myropil (Romanovo Region, Zhytomyr Oblast) and tells the story of a courtship. Here a young couple try to arrange a date. Unfortunately, because of the stubbornness of them both, the meeting is uncertain. The boy tells the girl in a letter hell be waiting for her in the orchard, but she wont agree and wants him to come to the place she chooses.

Dominika Dyka is the soul behind the stylisation for the videoclip to A W tomu Sadu ( ) and an artist whose works are currently storming the web. In her art Dyka pays great attention to the beauty and richness of Ukrainian folk culture.

Slava Salyuk, a legendary Ukrainian jeweler, created the jewelry using coral beads, old coins and cross pendants.
The band members are wearing historical costumes from Dawnij Narodnyj Odiag shop in Lviv, a place which collects traditional garments from various corners of Ukraine and traditional coats from Częstochowa Region in Poland.

The main theme of the whole session was the meeting of various cultures - some of them very close to each other, like Polish and Ukrainian, some very distant and exotic, like the Chinese one which has mesmerised the band musicians during their concert tour in Asia.
DAGADANA have been playing together for nine years. Since the very beginning their philosophy has been meeting and sharing art and music with artists from various corners of our planet, as well as being the ambassadors of Polish and Ukrainian culture. The band has already played in 22 countries!
Two operators from Poland and Ukraine were invited to join the works. The whole project was looked after by Visual Heads Company from Poznań and their film director, Artur Przybylski.
Meridian 68, the album recorded in Poland and China together with guest stars from Beijing, Inner Mongolia and Poland, was nominated for Fryderyk Award. It was also the best reviewed Polish album in World Music Charts Europe - a yearly ranking of the best world music albums selected by radio music journalists from whole Europe.
DAGADANA signed a record contract with a Chinese record company 13th Month, as well as with one of the most important European record companies - Jaro Medien (publisher of such stars of the genre as Bulgarian Voices Angelite, Hazmat Modine, Hun-Huur-tu or Warsaw Village Band).

A w tomu sadu to klasyczna ukraińska wesnianka (inaczej: gaiwka, gagilka, jagilka, ryndziwka), czyli starodawna słowiańska pieśń obrzędowa. Utwory tego typu wykonywano wiosną, której nadejście zwiastowało nowy rok w kalendarzu Słowian. Czas ten witano radośnie i uroczyście, przy akompaniamencie pieśni i tańców. Wesnianki poruszają najczęściej tematy agrarne, miłosno-weselne, historyczne czy kosmogoniczne (ten wątek pojawia się w ich najdawniejszych wersjach).
Pieśń wykonywana przez zespół DagaDana powstała w Myropilu (Rejon Romanowski, Obwód Żytomierski) i opowiada historię pewnych zalotów. Oto para młodych ludzi, która próbuje umówić się na randkę. Niestety, ze względu na upór obu stron, spotkanie staje pod znakiem zapytania. Chłopak w liście informuje bowiem dziewczynę, że będzie na nią czekał w sadzie, ale ona nie chce się na to zgodzić i żąda, żeby przyjechał w miejsce, które ona wskaże.

(A w tomu sadu)
Słowa: ludowe
Muzyka: tradycyjna, ludowa, Bogdana Vynnytska, Mikołaj Pospieszalski, Dagmara Gregorowicz, Bartosz Mikołaj Nazaruk

In that orchard

Lyrics: traditional
Music: traditional

Daga Gregorowicz - vocal
Dana Vynnytska - vocal
Mikołaj Pospieszalski - vocal

Music arrangement: DAGADANA
Lyrics: Traditional
Directed by: Artur Przybylski
DOP: Artur Przybylski, Maryan Borovets
Production: Visual Heads
Producer: DAGADANA, NRA Service
Postproduction, Colour correction: Artur Przybylski
Set designer: Dominika Dyka (Treti Pivni)
Stylist: Dominika Dyka (Treti Pivni)
Stylist Assistant: Magdalena Wojciechowska (Biskupianki w Podróży)
Makeup: Lesja Buk
Stagehand: Anna Nazaruk, Olya Kravchenko
Studio: Art Studio Passage
Supported by: Stoart - Związek Artystów Wykonawców,

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W katalogu: DAGADANA - Live shows
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