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Dodał: TimeGhost History
Konto zweryfikowane
Opublikowano: 2019-09-26

What do you get when you combine vigorous grain-tax policies, bad harvests with Stalins fear and animosity for the rural population of Ukraine? A man-created murder famine, designed to kill millions of Ukrainian men, women and children.

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Hosted by: Indy Neidell
Written by: Indy Neidell and Spartacus Olsson
Directed by: Spartacus Olsson and Astrid Deinhard
Executive Producers: Bodo Rittenauer, Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson
Creative Producer: Joram Appel
Post-Production Director: Wieke Kapteijns
Research by: Naman Habtom and Spartacus Olsson
Edited by: Danliel Weiss
Sound design: Marek Kaminski

- Applebaum, Anne, Red Famine: Stalins War on Ukraine (2017).
- Davies, R. W. and Stephen G, Stalin and the Soviet Famine of 1932-33: A Reply to Ellman, in: Europe-Asia Studies 58-4 (2006), 625-633, https://www.uio.no/studier/emner/hf/iakh/HIS2319/h16/pensumliste/stalin-and-the-soviet-famine-of-1932-33_-a-reply-to-ellman.pdf
- Lewin, M, The Immediate Background of Soviet Collectivization, in: Soviet Studies 17-2 (1965) 162197.
- Kuromiya, Hiraoki, Ukraine and Russia in the 1930s, in Harvard Ukrainian Studies 18-3/4 (1994) 327341.
- Marples, David R, Ethnic Issues in the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine, in: Europe-Asia Studies 61-3 (2009) 505518.
- Watstein, Joseph, The Role of Foreign Trade in Financing Soviet Modernization, in: The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 29-3 (1970) 305319.
- Wolowyna et al., Regional Variations of 19321934 Famine Losses in Ukraine.

A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.

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