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Dodał: w4rb1rd

Federation Raid over unknown, alien structure. Quick, hit 'n' run operation plus some reconnaissance. Video also features shots from old and unfairly forgotten game - Star Trek: New Worlds, which I still have, but the recorded sound isn't good (was too loud, 'cos, it was recorded from my older comp, which is capable of running that game, but has problems when recording audio using FRAPS). Nevertheless, I think it is likely you will enjoy it :)

* 'W4rbird' is my another nick. Don't be alarmed :)
* For better quality look here:;8367592;;/fileinfo.html
* Interested in ST: NW, yet? Then contact me for mods, missions or unofficial patch (1.1/US) made entirely by me, or search my site ( There is everything you need.

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Komentarze do: Federation Raid (PART II)
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