Żydowska propaganda dla tępych gojów. Żtdów zginęło może i 6 mln ale oprócz nich jeszcze ze 30 mln innych mieszkańców europy, nie są nikim wyjątkowym. 447
@anonim99: Widać że powyższy wpis napisał antysemita ze skłonnościami nazistowskimi.
anonim24(*.*.118.24)2024-09-25 17:29:13+1
@iciosek96: Widać, że jesteś syjonistycznym negacjonistą, który uważa, ze śmierć Żyda to mistyka, a śmierć goja nie rożni się od śmierci zwierzęcia...
6:52 Poniżej transkrypcja odmiennej relacji Irvinga z tego wydarzenia.
"are you aware of the fact that my books I am in fact the David Irving to which you have made 9:28 disparaging references throughout your speech of the last hour and a half and I'm sure you 9:32 were not aware that I was and of course as I spoke with my English accent in this Atlanta 9:36 audience a thrill went through the whole audience everyone turned around to see what the hell was 9:40 going on when I said that I was the David Irving that she'd been smearing the students knew that 9:44 this was going to be something the likes of which they they were not expecting a black sitting next 9:50 to Martin O'Toole said man this is going to be fun now this is going to be fun Deborah lipstadt 9:55 had to let me speak because she had been smearing me and she knew that the students like fair play 10:00 I said you have just told the students a lie you've told the students that you have a blueprint 10:07 of the gas Chambers at Auschwitz which actually show the holes in the roof through which the SS 10:12 officers poured the cyanide to kill millions of people I want to admit this is a lie because you 10:19 know it's a lie and if you won't admit it's alive then let me do the following and I reached into 10:23 my inner pocket and I pulled out a ward of one thousand dollars in twenty dollar bills and I 10:27 held it Aloft and I said I've got a thousand dollars here a few Mrs leftstadt a thousand 10:31 dollars for you Professor which you can have if you can now produce that document which you just 10:35 told the student exists and if you can't produce it now then if you can at least tell the students 10:40 where they can find it and if you can't tell the students where they can find it then you 10:44 will admit that you've told them a lie and this is what it's all about professor of stat because you 10:48 have been lying on the likes of you been lying and you've been going around the world peddling 10:51 these lies around the world and if you don't want to tell the students here who paid your Affairs 10:56 who paid your airline tickets new paid your fees all around Australia and New Zealand this journey 11:00 that you're so proud of having made I'll tell the students who paid it"
anonim242(*.*.90.242) 2021-02-20 17:07:01+1
Miś: Janek, wiesz jak było! Była wojna! Pięć lat wojny, pięć lat okupacji, wiesz... Hochwander: Dwadzieścia osiem filmów o tym zrobiłem, robię dwudziesty dziewiąty. Miś: No, to już z samych filmów wiesz jak było
"David Irving : Talking Frankly" altcensored (dot) com od 50 min.
Bardzo dobry film o manipulacji faktami. Ciekawie prowadzony przewód sądowy. Bardzo dobra gra głownych aktorów...Timothy Spall, Tom Wilkinson znakomite role. Polecam. Warto obejrzeć.