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Komentarze do: Antykomuna i spotkanie autorskie w Dąbrowie Górniczej | GALERIA ZDJĘĆ
Najlepsze komentarze
anonim () 2019-12-24 15:21:21 0
NAZI STOP!!!! Odpowiedz
anonim16 (*.*.237.16) 2018-12-16 21:22:24 0
In Sanskrit, Veshtita means “entwining.” In its Kama Sutra
incarnation, this entwining happens when the woman
envelops the man between her legs, allowing him to be
surrounded by bliss and creating an intense, interwoven
connection of body and soul. This very seductive position
can result in reaching simultaneous orgasmic heights. Not
only is it easy for lovers to kiss and share intimate whispers,
but with their full bodies pressed together, they are able to
align all of their chakras, creating an extraordinary flow of
intense and sensual energy. Odpowiedz
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