Oto kolejny epizod Radio r78 pełen nowości i dobrego brzmienia :)
MP3: hulkshare.com/rsx78re
01. Andain - Beautiful Things (Gabriel and Dresdens Unplugged Mix) [TUNE OF THE WEEK]
02. Libra presents Taylor - Anomaly [Calling Your Name] (DIM3NSION Remix)
03. Vast Vision - Pinnacle Pines
04. LTN, Stendahl, Arielle Maren - Black Hole (Blood Groove & Kikis Remix)
05. Ferry Tayle, Franco Riccobaldi - Who Knew [LAST WEEK TUNE]
06. Alex Di Stefano - Never Back Down (Cold Blue Remix)
07. Exouler - Traun
08. Syntouch - Summer Rain
09. Bjorn Akesson - Vival
10. Craig Connelly Feat. Tricia McTeague Rory OGrady - Meet at the End (Amir Hussain Remix)
11. Sean Tyas feat. Katherine Amy - Twilo
12. Doppenberg pres. Remarq - Desiderum
13. Gai Barone - Lost in Music (Will Rees Remix)
14. Kiran M Sajeev - Casimir
15. Markus Schulz & Andy Moor - Daydream (Lemon & Einar K Remix) [WAYBACK TUNE]
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