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Dodał: World War Two
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Opublikowano: 2024-12-28

On the morning of July 12, 1943, the Battle of Prokhorovka begins! Pavel Rotmistrovs 5th Guards Tank Army charges into a storm of anti-tank fire from Paul Haussers Waffen SS divisions. As vehicles clash and burn, fierce hand-to-hand combat rages all around. In this episode, Indy takes you into the heart of the action as one of historys most ferocious battles unfolds hour by hour.

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Hosted by: Indy Neidell
Director: Astrid Deinhard
Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson
Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson
Creative Producer: Marek Kamiński
Community Management: Jake McCluskey
Written by: James Newman
Research by: James Newman
Map animations by: Daniel Weiss
Map research by: Sietse Kenter & Tom Aldis
Edited by: Piotr Tomaszkiewicz
Artwork and color grading by: Mikołaj Uchman
Sound design by: Marek Kamiński
Colorizations by:
Mikołaj Uchman
Daniel Weiss

Source literature list: https://bit.ly/SourcesWW2

Archive footage: Screenocean/Reuters - https://www.screenocean.com

Image sources:
Photograph of Marder III colored by Ruffneck88 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-022-2949-28,_Russland,_Jagdpanzer_-Marder-_Recolored.jpg
Portrait of Ivan Kirichenko courtesy of Mil.ru
Portrait of Joachim Peiper courtesy of FMSky, Ruffneck88 https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R65485,_Joachim_Peiper_Recolored.jpg\

Soundtracks from Epidemic Sound:
Break Free - Fabien Tell.mp3
Dark Beginning - Johan Hynynen
Deflection - Reynard Seidel
Force Matrix - Jon Bjork
Its Not a Game - Philip Ayers
Last Man Standing 3 - Johannes Bornlöf
Last Point of Safe Return - Fabien Tell
Leave It All Here - Fabien Tell
Never Before - Fabien Tell
Potential Redemption - Max Anson
The End Of The World 2 - Håkan Eriksson
The Inspector 4 - Johannes Bornlöf
Weapon of Choice - Fabien Tell

A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.

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Komentarze do: Armies of the Soviet Union, Charge! - Prokhorovka Part 3
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