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Unreported World tracks down Brazils communist activists taking land from the rich to give to the poor. Just one per cent of the country owns almost fifty per cent of the land. But reporter Symeon Brown discovers that challenging wealthy landowners and farmers can be deadly.
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In the state of Espirito Santo, Brown tracks down members of the Marxist inspired Landless Rural Workers Movement, or MST, who occupy unused farmland in the dead of night. However, the groups controversial methods arent universally loved and some of their camps have even been targeted with homemade bombs.
In the neighbouring state of Bahia, Brown meets Dida Souza, a landowner and founding member of the opposing movement Invasion Zero. Its 15,000 members include landowners trying to prevent further occupations. But after an indigenous leader was killed when her tribe clashed with Invasion Zero members, the group is under the spotlight.
Producer/Director: Amy Gardner
Series Producer: Andy Lee
Executive Producer: Ed Fraser
Production Company: Channel 4 News
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