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Band | Zespół: Michael Schenker Fest
Where | Gdzie: Wytwórnia, Łódź, Poland,
When | Kiedy: 13.11.2018
Length | Długość:
Gary Barden - vocals | wokal
Robin McAuley - vocals | wokal
Graham Bonnet - vocals | wokal
Doogie White - vocals | wokal
Michael Schenker - guitar | gitara
Steve Mann - guitar, keyboards | gitara, klawisze
Chris Glen - bass | bas
Ted McKenna - drums | perkusja
01 Holiday (Scorpions song) (just first part, vocals by Michael Schenker himself)
02 Doctor Doctor (UFO song) (Barden, Bonnet and McAuley on vocals)
Doogie White Set
03 Vigilante Man
(Michael Schenkers Temple of Rock song)
04 Lord of the Lost and Lonely
(Michael Schenkers Temple of Rock song)
05 Take Me to the Church
06 Before the Devil Knows Youre Dead
(Michael Schenkers Temple of Rock song)
07 Natural Thing (UFO song)
08 Captain Nemo (Michael Schenker Group song)
Graham Bonnet Set
09 Dancer (Michael Schenker Group song)
10 Searching for a Reason (Michael Schenker Group song)
11 Desert Song (Michael Schenker Group song)
12 Night Moods
13 Assault Attack (Michael Schenker Group song)
14 Coast to Coast (Scorpions song)
Gary Barden Set
15 Ready to Rock (Michael Schenker Group song)
16 Attack of the Mad Axeman (Michael Schenker Group song)
17 Rock My Nights Away (Michael Schenker Group song)
18 Messin Around
19 Armed and Ready (Michael Schenker Group song)
20 Warrior
21 Into the Arena (Michael Schenker Group song)
Robin McAuley Set
22 Bad Boys (McAuley-Schenker Group song)
23 Shoot Shoot (UFO song)
24 Heart and Soul
25 Only You Can Rock Me (UFO song)
26 Too Hot to Handle (UFO song)
27 Rock Bottom (UFO song)
28 Lights Out (UFO song)
If you like what I do, support me on Patreon and gain access to hours of live footage recorded by myself!
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