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Thanks Mothers® Polish for sponsoring todays video! Click the link [] to get your car back to fresh!
Team Donut goes head-to-head with the team from @realmechanicstuff for a game of the Feud, but for cars!
Big thank you to our RMS team for coming out to compete!
Sandro --
Steph --
Angelina --
Donut We like cars, and we like making videos about cars. Hopefully our videos make you like cars too.
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Written by Kristina Felske and Max Maddox
Directed by Max Maddox
Shot by Edgar Grajeda and Deji Bankole
Produced by Angela Trevino
Edited by Evan Brooks
Hosted by Jeremiah Burton, Zach Jobe, Nolan Sykes, Justin Freeman, Sandro Ibarra, Steph Gutierrez, Angelina Alcantar
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