Yo, so here we go with my first home recorded video. Showcasing my juvenile Eresus walckenarei in their enclosure. Disclamer tho - for around 5-6 years now, I have HORRIBLE speech fluency issues, as You can hear in the vid, so please try to not be bothered by this too much LOL Im not r3tarded, just cant speak at times LOL Pardon my sense of humour. In case You cannot understand what I say, or have difficulties in deciphering it, please let me know and I shall make either subtitles, or transcript of what I say in the vid. Not much to see there, since the Eresus sling got bunkered up in their web, actually ate few days ago and I suspect it being pre-moult, so I did not handle it for You to see. We will rehouse the babe on the camera tho, if You so wish. About the Violet Tree Spider I speak of near the end of the vid, I of course mean Tapinauchenius violaceus and yes, You shall see it when it will arrive. Stay safe out there and I hope You forgive me the bad camera angles LOL
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