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W godzinach wieczornych może zdarzyć się jednak, iż ilość użytkowników przekracza możliwości naszych serwerów wideo. Wówczas odbiór może być zakłócony, a plik wideo może ładować się dłużej niż zwykle.
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Saltair was a resort built on the southern shore of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, first opening its doors in 1893. It was conceived by the Mormon Church and local businessmen as a place for wholesome recreation and quickly became a popular destination, renowned for its massive dance floor and scenic location. The original resort was destroyed by fire in 1925 and was rebuilt only to suffer repeated setbacks, including further fires, economic difficulties, and fluctuating lake levels. A second version of Saltair opened in 1931 but also burned down in 1933. The third iteration, opened in 1981, struggled with flooding and financial issues. Despite its storied past and periods of popularity, Saltair never fully recaptured its early 20th-century glory, leaving behind a legacy as a cherished but troubled landmark.
ITS HISTORY - Weekly Tales of American Urban Decay as presented by your host Ryan Socash.
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Scriptwriter - Ryan Socash,
Editor - Karolina Szwata,
Host - Ryan Socash
Music/Sound Design: Dave Daddario
Some images may be used for illustrative purposes only - always reflecting the accurate time frame and content. Events of factual error / mispronounced word/spelling mistakes - retractions will be published in this section.
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