[FULL PLAYLIST HERE] ➜ • [PLAYLIST] OMD Live in Gdańsk ❤️ 6.02... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl2J0Jfdtfdt0UZih_NUJqCwbseVqzO6V
Awesome climatic performance of legendary OMD group (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark) in former Gdańsk shipyard area (B90 club) in Poland - Bauhaus Staircase tournee
Genialny koncert, legendarnej grupy OMD w Gdańsku (klub B90) w dawnej stoczni. Jest to część trasy koncertowej Bauhaus Staircase - 6.02.2024
Andrew McCluskey - Vocals, Bass guitar
Paul Humphreys - Keyboards, Vocals
Martin Cooper - Keyboards, Saxophone
Stuart Kershaw - Drums, Percussion
#omd #orchestralmanoeuvresinthedark #concert #live #performance #gig #gdansk #gdańsk #electronic #music #synthpop #koncert #występ #electronic #electronicmusic #electropop #synthpop #muzykaelektroniczna #b90 #music #stocznia #pop #show #song #tour #venue #band #bootleg #bauhaus #staircase #tune #track #sound #synthesizer #keyboard
IMG 8489 OMD w Gdańsku
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