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This is the video answer for PewDiePie:
Thanks for showing what an unprofesional idiot is Mr.Pierce Morgan from ITV - but let's take the bull by the horns. Women earn less because they ARE shorter, they ARE weaker, they ARE less aggresive – and they ARE less inteligent. On the average, of course. It was (before the political correctness times) in every manual of psychology, it is invariantly demonstrated in American SAT tests, after my speach the scientists from the Netherlands repeated the IQ tests with the same result. Yet stereotypes are very resistant to the facts...
Women are less inteligent – but they are more clever. Why in the majority of couples a man is taller, stronger, more aggressive and more inteligent than his woman? Because great majority of women want their men to be taller, stronger, more aggressive and more intelligent than they are! It proves they are wiser: I haven't seen a single girl chasing a man because of his beautiful legs...
An illustration of the gender gap. There are men and women working for the European Parliament (working – not sitting at the desk and getting equal payment for doing nothing!) Men earn much more. Why? Because all the drivers are men – and almost all sweepers are women. One must be more intelligent to be a driver than to be a sweeper ...
And one strange fact. I often say (which is actually also true) that women have (on the average!) much better memory, than men. And I NEVER met a men who got angry at me for such a statement!
Odpowiedź na video PewDiePie "This man has -1000 respect for women and the reason why might SHOCK you" -
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