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Dodał: MichalRudasOfficial
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Opublikowano: 2013-03-28

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I never walk alone - Michał Rudaś - album "Changing"
music: Michał Rudaś&Marcin Świderski
lyrics: Michał Rudaś

the song comes from album "Changing" - premiere 26.02.2013


Through the forests and through the clouds
Smell of you leads me up so high
You know better what's wrong or right
You know better what's hidden in my heart

My life is a battle
My life is searching for light
Closer to your breath, closer to your kiss
I want to rest in your arms forever

I never walk alone
I never walk alone cos you're with me
I never walk alone
I never fear cos you are fighting for me

The mountains get dark and throw a shadow on my face
And in my head a question : What did I say ?
My thoughts are running crazy
All my fears spin their net
Can anybody tell me what the hell this is ?!

I didn't mean to fall and I am ready to go on
I didn't mean to bring you down or hurt you, no !!
You do know that I care and love you so
I want to feel your heart beating next to mine

I never walk alone
I never walk alone cos you're with me
I never walk alone
I never fear cos you are fighting for me

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