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A building with a very rocky history, 2 Columbus Circle was the core of significant controversy in New York City almost 15 years ago. From its privileged beginnings, its changes in ownership, and the furious debate that raged for thirty years, this relatively recent addition to Manhattans list of remarkable buildings had no trouble making up for its lost time.
ITS HISTORY - Weekly tales of American Urban Decay as presented by your host Ryan Socash.
02:01 - George Huntington Hartford II
04:29 - Hartfords Plans for a Museum
06:22 - Edward Stones Design
07:02 - Lawsuit from the Museum of Modern Art
07:29 - Difficulties in Construction
08:07 - The Lollipop Building
09:07 - Positive Reception
09:55 - The Fate of Hartfords Museum
10:48 - A Postmodern Landmark?
11:42 - The Renovation Debate
12:47 - The Museum of Arts and Design
This video is sponsored by Hunting Clash
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Scriptwriter - Gregory Back
Editor - Rishi Mittal
Host - Ryan Socash
Some images may be used for illustrative purposes only - always reflecting the accurate time frame and content. Events of factual error / mispronounced word/spelling mistakes - retractions will be published in this section.
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