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Chevrolet isnt just a company, its an American institution. Today on Past Gas, the story of a world-conquering company that almost wasnt. How did the men who made Chevy lose it so quickly? How did the company nearly get shut down by its own board, then come back to overtake Ford in sales only 7 years later? How did an up-and-coming lawyer flip Chevys attitude about safety even quicker than a Corvair could flip itself? All that and more on todays Past Gas, about the beginnings of Chevrolet and the man who stole its name, William Durant.
0:00 Intro
0:23 James vs. Eminem
2:45 Cinematic intro
4:39 Host intros / James vs. Zorro / Favorite Chevrolets
9:07 How Chevrolet Was Kicked Out of Chevrolet
55:45 Nolan embarks on a European tour
56:54 Listener mail / Outro
Donut Media brings you some of the craziest stories from all of automotive history in their new podcast Past Gas!. Hosts James Pumphrey and Nolan Sykes walk you through incredible stories behind your favorite cars and manufacturers, like underground Japanese racing clubs, bitter racing rivalries and how some of your favorite classic cars came to be. Remember, its about cars, not about farts.
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