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z płyty "Heaven & Hell" ... Dio RIP ...

"Die young, die young
Can't you see the writing in the air?
Die young, gonna die young
Someone stopped the fair"

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Komentarze do: "Die Young" ... Black SABBATH ... live ...
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Truth_or_Lie 2023-08-28 12:25:20 0
"Die Young" - lyrics ... Nie posiadam DVD z tego koncertu ...

Ooh, gather the wind, though the wind won't help you fly at all
Your back's to the wall
Chain the sun and it tears away
To face you as you run, you run, you run
Behind the smile, there's danger and a promise to be told
You'll never get old
Life's fantasy to be locked away
And still, to think you're free, you're free, we're free

So live for today
Tomorrow never comes

Die young, die young
Can't you see the writing in the air?
Die young, gonna die young
Someone stopped the fair

Gather the wind, though the wind won't help you fly at all
Your back's to the wall
Then chain the sun and it tears away
And it tears away to face you as you run, you run, you run Odpowiedz
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