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J4CK4L5 2017
Quality: WEB-DL (High)
Language: English

1h 25min | Horror, Thriller | 1 September 2017
Plot: Set in the 1980s, an estranged family hires a cult deprogrammer to take back their teenage son from a murderous cult, but find themselves under siege when the cultists surround their cabin, demanding the boy back.
Ratings: 8.0/10
Director: Kevin Greutert
Writer: Jared Rivet
Stars: Deborah Kara Unger, Stephen Dorff, Johnathon Schaech

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5.0 / 5 Oceny: 1
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Komentarze do: J4CK4L5 2017 ang.
Najlepsze komentarze
anonim206 (*.*.205.206) 2017-09-02 12:19:08 0
Dziastin i botoksowa mama .....hajziel jakich malo Odpowiedz
Autoodtwarzanie następnego wideo
