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Dodał: WowShow
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Opublikowano: 2017-05-20

In this video I make a PVC atlatl (spear thrower) and fire darts to go with it! Thanks to my sponsor Dollar Shave Club new members get their 1st month of the Executive Razor with a tube of their Dr. Carver’s Shave Butter for ONLY $5 with FREE shipping. That's a $15 value. Exclusively at: http://www.dollarshaveclub.com/nighthawk

Thanks also to Nick from the channel BackYardBowyer for letting me use some of his footage and show all of you his awesome design. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/backyardbowyer

Here's a link directly to his atlatl tutorial (one of several): https://youtu.be/cWt94Qelm9M

A big part of how I've been able to keep making videos on YouTube over the last year is thanks to Patreon supporters. If you enjoy these projects please consider contributing on Patreon and you'll get some other cool stuff like early access to videos. Most of all your support will mean I don't have to rely on the volatile YouTube ecosystem to keep this channel afloat, and new videos will be assured no matter how bad YouTube messes things up in the future. My page: https://www.patreon.com/NightHawkProjects

Special thanks to my top Patrons! Syniurge, Matthew Leitzke, & TheBackyardScientist!

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Komentarze do: How to make a primitive spear thrower and fire darts from PVC
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