How to make a rope out of a plastic bottle?
We often need a strong wire or rope at rest or at the cottage. For example, you need a linen rope, and there's nothing suitable at hands. Don't worry! It is possible to make a long and strong rope out of an empty plastic bottle.
You may get 4-5 meters of a strong plastic tape of one plastic bottle of 0,5 liter. If you need a stronger rope, you may entwine a few tapes together, for example, in bunches. Here is a simple way to find a solution in some complicated situation. And we have this done again with the help of plain plastic bottle. Plastic tape is useful for another crafts as well: basket wickerwork, hand made the video and prove the easiness of the method.
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Welcome to my channel Roman UrsuHack where you will learn how to make hand made crafts, New Year crafts, presents, toys, Halloween scares. The main thing is that one can make it at home and with one's own hands.
You are interested in handiwork, craft or you just have nothing to do, haven't you? You have found the channel you really need. Here you can find lots of crafts, hand made items, and the main thing is that they all made of make-shifts and at the lowest cost!
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