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Opublikowano: 2023-07-02

PlaytoEarnGames.com Newsletter 3: https://playtoearngames.com/news/playtoearngames-com-newsletter-3

Discover the latest updates in web3 gaming from Mythical Games, Ubisoft, Sparkadia, My Pet Hooligan, Heroes of Mavia, Yuga Labs, and more. Exciting releases and news in the world of blockchain gaming. Stay informed and continue to read our newsletter.

The world of Web3 gaming is changing in big ways every day of the week. This week, there were a lot of new releases, seasons, play sessions, playtests, alphas, and betas, which gave the game a strong boost. Illuvium, Synergy of Serra, My Neighbour Alice, My Pet Hooligan, Rogue Nation, Sparkadia, Heroes of Mavia, Fableborne, and Phantom Galaxies are some of the Web3 games in this group. But the biggest news was that Ubisofts first Web3 blockchain game, Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles, would be coming out soon. Yuga Labs HV-MTL Forge season zero is another big one we will talk about. Also, the huge success of NFL Rivals, which had over 1 million downloads, led to a new round of funding for Mythical Games.

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#NFTGames #CryptoGaming #Metaverse #GameDevelopment #Playtest
#NewReleases #GameCommunity #EpicGames #Ubisoft #MythicalGames
#Sparkadia #YugaLabs #Fableborne #HeroesOfMavia

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Komentarze do: PlayToEarnGames. com: Web3 Gaming News in a Nutshell!
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