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The third installment of the LEVEL series, the documentary Level with Me is definitive proof that our space agencies are fraudulent. They have been stealing our tax money for far too long. Fooling the masses with, but not limited to, CGI, green screens, harnesses, and governing your mind into a fantasy heliocentric world. Gravity you say? Well in this documentary, they prove electrostatics is the force commonly referred to and accepted as gravity due to our Rockefeller funded education systems, with a ground breaking electrostatics experiment! This time around, they visit NASAs Kennedy Space Center in Orlando, NASAs CSBF in Palestine, Texas, and the Board of Brevard County Commissioners office in Florida. Also, they bring forth what really happened with the Challenger Space Shuttle explosion and what the crisis actors involved are currently doing with their lives. The truth can set you free!

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Komentarze do: Level With Me / Full Documentary [2023]
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januszzbych 2023-06-15 14:40:23 +3
Dzieki za upload. I tak wiekszosc ludzi nie zrozumie, ale fajnie ze niektorzy probuja pokazac prawde. Odpowiedz
anonim () 2023-11-17 11:54:35 0
@januszzbych: ta wygibuska co miala presidente zostac juz powiedziala ze juz zrobili 18k skreches Odpowiedz
anonim () 2023-10-05 00:11:50 +1
Proszę administrację o usunięcie tych bzdur Odpowiedz
anonim () 2023-11-17 11:52:49 +3
@anonima01:e0a:531:9e: Bzdury to masz we lbie MKultra ci zrobili korposzczurze Odpowiedz
anonim () 2023-11-17 12:45:25 +1
@anonima01:e0a:531:9e: Micho Kakhu? powiedezial niedawno ze w/g niego zycie nie powstalo z bigbang ale byl jakis kreacjonista Odpowiedz
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anonim () 2023-11-17 12:36:02 0
Mozesz wrzocic ..zaginiona historia / last history, tam bylo pokazane ruchome chodniki hulajnogi na prund 18-19w Odpowiedz
anonim () 2023-11-17 12:00:42 0
Oczy szeroko zamkniete....''Latwiej kogos zbalamucic, niz wyprowadzic z matrixa'' m.Twain nawet JMJarre se na tym zarobil robiac plyte/utwor chalenger? Odpowiedz
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