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Opublikowano: 2023-04-28

PlayToEarnGames.com: Eternal Dragons Announce First Guild-Focused Tournament - Gaming News

Full Article: https://playtoearngames.com/news/eternal-dragons-announce-first-guild-focused-tournament

#eternaldragons #guild #tournament #gaming #alpha

Eternal Dragons have announced that they are launching their first-ever Guild-focused tournament. This is a significant event that follows the success of the Alpha Tournament that took place earlier this month.

The tournament is designed to put a spotlight on the gaming guilds that have joined Eternal Dragons and those that have been explicitly formed around their game. So this time around we have gaming guilds in focus, and players should join one at their earliest convenience.

Players can collect special Dragon NFTs and use them across multiple games as they progress through the expansive realm of Eternal Dragons. We will share more about Eternal Dragons gaming guilds at the end of the article.

The Eternal Dragons team will host this event, as it brings a level of excitement to the game that they have not seen before. Also, the Alpha Tournament was a resounding success, with over 80,000 views across various channels.

The organizers are hopeful that the Guild-focused tournament will be just as successful, if not more.

The tournament will run from April 29th-30th, with the first matches starting at 18:00 pm CEST on Saturday. In addition, the tournament will consist of eight spots, with one spot reserved for each of the gaming guilds currently involved in Eternal Dragons. The remaining spots will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

#dragonnft #nft #channel #dragons

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