I like to talk to you Lyrics
[verse 1]
When words flow from the heart They strike with great power
They circulate close among us just like that Giving pure gold
to those willing [Chorus] And that's why I like to talk to you And that's why I like
to talk
to you
[Verse 2]
Everybody thinks what he thinks
My head thinks
Maybe I'll finally succeed
Say simple words
And that's why I like to talk with you And that's why I like to talk with you
[Verse 1]When words
flow from the heart They strike with great power
They circulate close among us just like that Giving pure gold
to those willing [Chorus]And that's why I like to talk to you And that's why I like
to talk
to you
[Verse 2]
Everybody thinks what he thinks
My head thinks
Maybe I'll finally succeed
Say simple words[Chorus]And that's why I like to talk with you
, and that's why I like to speak with you
[Verse 1]
When words
flow from the heart They strike with great power
They circle close among us just like that
Giving sincere gold to those willing
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And that's why I like to talk to you And that's why I like to talk to you[Verse 2]Everybody thinks what he thinks
My head thinks
Maybe I'll finally succeed
Say simple words[Chorus]And that's why I like to talk to you
, And that's why I like to talk to you
[Verse 1]
When words
come from the heart They strike with great power
They circulate close among us just like that Giving Genuine Gold
to the Willing [Chorus] And that's why I like to talk to you
And that's why I like
to talk
to you
[Verse 2]
Everybody thinks what they think
My head thinks
Maybe I'll finally succeed
Say simple words
And that's why I like to talk to you
and that's why I like to talk to you
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