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minister spraw wewnętrznych na temat USA. Clayton - Onuca i inne mniejsze onuce z USA redagują artykuł na ten temat i będzie bardzo trudno się z tym Nie zgodzić, bo jak na razie USA piękniście rozgrywa partię szachów z Europą, uczyli się od Fishera, biedaczysko już nie żyje, taki geniusz szachowy i tak się zmarnował. Tego w polskiej TV na 100% Nie zobaczysz.

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Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-20 19:49:32 +2
W Polsce jesteśmy hodowani jak grzyby, trzymani w ciemności i karmieni gUFnem, sorry za takie porównanie, ale taka jest Prawda. TV republika, czy inne stacje, tego ci Nie przekażą, Nie powiedzą. Wszystko jest cacy, UPAina wygrywa i nie ma żadnych problemów w każdej dziedzinie i Nikt nie drukuje pieniędzy z powietrza.
Skąd JA znam tą Propagandę Sukcesu? Cheers ;) Odpowiedz
anonim () 2023-04-20 21:35:55 +2
@Truth_or_Lie: Aljaziirra tez ci wszystkiego nie powie i pokaze...pigs musza zatwierdzic przekaz Odpowiedz
Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-20 22:10:25 0
@anonim001:67c:2660:4: Wiesz jak jest, nie wszyscy mogą sobie pozwolić na wszystko. JA oglądam tyle wiadomości + czytam, że brakuje mi czasu na Wszystko. Pozdrawiam ;) Odpowiedz
Pokaż wszystkie odpowiedzi [1]
Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-20 19:38:18 +1
PIGS - podczas świńskiego galopu znowu ukradły Film. Nie szkodzi, byłem na to przygotowany, kto zdążył, ten zdążył obejrzeć. Pozdrawiam ;) Odpowiedz
Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-20 15:39:36 +1
Wnioski Wasze - Hey ;)
USA Nie podskoczy Turcji, choćby nie wiem jak bardzo by chciała, a chciałabym, ale się boję ;))) Odpowiedz
anonim () 2023-04-20 19:44:08 +1
@Truth_or_Lie: biberhazaria ? Odpowiedz
anonim () 2023-04-20 21:11:07 +1
@Truth_or_Lie: Dyszcz podo i earthquakes , tyz wina putina? ... tam chyba tez Brasil co sie nie lubieja...i podobno wyszlo ze ostatnie to byly triggowane przez....jehudinow z sys. lepszym niz pegasus... jak i w majmarze, to samo office co robilo w usa.... ale tam wojsko przejelo wladze bo takie ma uprawnienia w konstytucji ...zadnego spawacza i szemranych ludzi w radzie panstwa nie potrzeba bylo..widzial karty ilum.... na jednej jest chochol w ruskim mundurze a 2 gienieraly z juesej potrzasaja kukla Odpowiedz
Pokaż wszystkie odpowiedzi [8]
Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-20 20:28:17 0
Thomas Swan - Wielka Onuca! jak on śmiał napisać taki artykuł, czytajcie ... artykuł z 2012 roku, ciekaw jestem, co by Wielka Onuca napisała Dzisiaj Hey ;)

The Real Reason Why People Hate the US
A more plausible answer for why many people hate America is its history of military interventions and covert interference in the political systems of other countries.

Some apologists for these actions might cite tyrants such as Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi, who were deposed with America's help after allegedly committing some atrocious acts. Yet, even in these cases, the civil wars, terrorism (e.g., the emergence of ISIS), slave markets, and suffering that followed might suggest that the people were better off without this "help."

Regardless, the US government's history of foreign interference extends prior to the 21st century and well beyond controversial characters. In fact, America and its Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have toppled many publicly-supported democracies around the world.

After WW2, the CIA facilitated numerous acts of assassination and torture and replaced democracies with dictatorships in countries all over the world for more than 40 years. Nowadays, the ironically-named "National Endowment For Democracy" does the same thing.
Prior to the 1990s, the justification was often that the Soviets had influence over the country. However, in many cases, there was little or no evidence to back up this claim. Regardless, what right did the US have to deny foreign peoples their democratic choices?

America's International Crimes
As well as having bombed 24 countries since WW2, the US government has intervened (e.g., with a political coup) or interfered with deadly results in the politics of:

Afghanistan, Angola, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Congo, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Laos, Nicaragua, Panama, Uruguay, and Vietnam.

These are only the countries for which substantial public information is available. To read brief summaries of these crimes (sorted by country), please watch the video below.

Understanding the Iran Situation
An underreported part of this history concerns Iran. Notably, the 1979 Iranian revolution took place to remove a dictator that the US government had installed and supported for 25 years. This installation occurred after the CIA had engineered the downfall of democracy in Iran. The Iranian people therefore suffered oppression, torture, and death as a result of CIA interference in their country.

In light of this historical evidence, one might expect Westerners to be a little more understanding of Iranian antagonism and mistrust. Yet, Iranians are continually portrayed as irrational, intolerant, and deceitful. Mending relations may require a national apology, but can anyone imagine that happening?

In sum, there are many reasons to dislike the United States. Unless Americans understand the harm that their leaders have inflicted upon the world, and demand more courteous relations, there may continue to be "blowback" of the violent kind, or at least antipathy and hatred. Furthermore, unless Americans understand that patriotism is not required to bolster one's ego, the more passive kind of dislike will continue.However, foreigners are not blameless either. The actions of the US government are not the actions of its people. Unfortunately, Americans are unknowingly complicit in these crimes because America's political and media establishment covers up its dark history. Powerful figures have no interest in undermining a bloody enterprise that is highly profitable to weapon's manufacturers and resource acquirers.

Finally, it is also difficult for a child brought up in America to avoid a patriotic mindset when they are bombarded with US flags and pledges of allegiance from an early age. This cycle of indoctrination is difficult to stop, and difficult to blame on anyone alive today.

© 2012 Thomas Swan Odpowiedz
Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-20 20:18:49 0
Inne źródło - Geopolityka
Turkish Interior Minister Soylu Claims “The Whole World Hates America” and Refers to Europe as a “mere Pawn” By: GEOPOLITIKI Date: April 19, 2023 PRESIDENT.GOV.UA Latest News MILITARY USS Cleveland collided with a tugboat during its launch MILITARY Iran: ‘We forced a US submarine to surface’ MILITARY Sudan: RSF Delivers Remaining Egyptian Soldiers to Red Cross MILITARY CENTCOM eliminated a top ISIS leader in Syria Follow us on Google News Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu’s recent statement on the relationship between the United States and Europe will likely cause a stir in the international community. Soylu claimed that “the whole world hates America” and referred to Europe as a mere pawn of the United States. These statements are reflective of a growing anti-American sentiment in Turkey and highlight the true state of Turkey-US relations. According to Turkish media, Turkish Interior Minister, Süleyman Soylu stated that “there is no Europe. Europe does not exist. America exists. There is nothing special.” He also claimed that “America continues to lose credibility and the whole world hates America (USA), Europe is America’s pawn in Africa, all African states hate the states that exploit them and turn to their local languages.” PHOTO: TWITTER Soylu’s statements have sparked controversy and are likely to attract attention on the international stage. The Turkish Minister has been known for making similar remarks in the past and has enjoyed the support of the Turkish President, Erdogan. It remains to be seen how the US and Europe will respond to Soylu’s remarks. However, it is clear that they reflect a deepening divide between Turkey and its Western allies. The comments are likely to exacerbate tensions between the US and Turkey, which have already been strained in recent years due to differences over issues such as Syria, Iran, and Turkey’s purchase of Russian S-400 missiles. What do you think of Soylu’s remarks? Share your thoughts in the comments below. –GEOPOLITIKI.COM

Source: | GEOPOLITIKI Odpowiedz
Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-20 20:09:21 0
Chcecie poczytać, czym będą leczyć ludzi "którzy mają długiego covidka" Proszę bardzo, wujek Goog le Wam pomoże Hey ;) artykuł z Time z 18 kwietnia ;)
The Latest Promising Long COVID Treatment? Psychedelic Drugs

Getty Images
After more than a year of being short of breath, tired, and riddled with heart, motor, cognitive, gastrointestinal, and menstrual issues, Ruth was willing to try anything to make her Long COVID go away. So she turned to psychedelic drugs.

Ruth, 31, who asked to be identified by only her first name, had tried psychedelics a few times in the past and was familiar with the research on their therapeutic use. Feeling like she had nothing to lose, she took five grams of psilocybin mushrooms in December 2021.

That single trip changed her life. She woke up the next morning with a normal heart rate, breathing more freely than she had in a long time. After that, her period stabilized and her brain fog and motor dysfunction cleared. She got her energy back. She still has a few lingering symptoms, and though it’s impossible to say for sure what happened, Ruth credits psilocybin for her renewed health. “That’s probably difficult for a lot of people to process or believe,” she says. “But it really worked.”

One person’s dramatic recovery does not prove anything, scientifically. But there’s a growing movement to study whether psychedelic drugs could treat Long COVID, an often-debilitating chronic condition for which there is currently no proven cure.

Psychedelics and Long COVID are a somewhat unlikely match. While there’s been a boom in psychedelic research in recent years, much of it has focused on mental-health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and substance-use disorder. The research on psychedelics and Long COVID, by comparison, is negligible—and there’s a lot standing in its way. Psychedelic drugs are federally illegal, categorized by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as substances with high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use.

But research is growing.
Dr. Joel Castellanos, associate medical director at the University of California, San Diego’s Psychedelics and Health Research Initiative, says he hears from plenty of Long COVID patients who have either tried, or are interested in trying, psychedelics. One patient saw such dramatic improvement in their fatigue, headaches, depression, and brain fog after using a combination of psilocybin and MDMA that Castellanos is currently working to publish a case study about their experience. Though case studies do not prove cause and effect, Castellanos says he’s “excited about psychedelics. It’s a brand-new way of looking at a lot of different symptoms that people experience.”

Dr. Sue Sisley, who researches psilocybin at Scottsdale Research Institute in Phoenix and also works in a community Long COVID clinic, became interested in using psychedelics as Long COVID remedies after patients told her they were trying them on their own and seeing improvements in their energy, cognitive function, and memory. “I was initially skeptical,” Sisley says. But “none of the medications I was [prescribing] for them were helping substantially,” so she thought it was worth exploring something that apparently was.

Sisley recently advised lawmakers on a bill working its way through the Arizona state legislature, which would provide up to $30 million to research the therapeutic potential of psilocybin for 13 different conditions, including Long COVID. Her hunch is that psilocybin may help Long COVID patients by stimulating new neuronal connections and tissue growth in the brain and reducing inflammation throughout the body. The research funding earmarked in the bill could help suss out whether those hypotheses are right.
There’s already some research—albeit not in humans—to suggest that inflammation may indeed be a target for psychedelic therapies. Charles Nichols, a professor of pharmacology at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine, has found that some psychedelic drugs have anti-inflammatory effects in rodents. If the same turns out to be true in humans, Nichols says it’s logical to think psychedelics could bring some relief to people with Long COVID.

That’s been the case for Renée, 53, who also asked to be identified by only her first name. After a suspected case of COVID-19 in 2020 left her with smell loss, a rapid heart rate, dizziness, ringing in her ears, brain fog, psychosis, hallucinations, and suicidal thoughts, she decided to try microdosing: taking just enough of a psychedelic to spark a physiological effect, but not enough to get high. She started by taking small amounts of LSD every few days for a month.

“I started to feel connected to humanity again. I had emotions again. I had some joy again. I felt normal,” Renée says. Her cognitive functioning improved dramatically and she felt her creativity come back—a boon for her quality of life, since she’s an artist. She still microdoses periodically, now with psilocybin, and says she views it as medicine.
While some people, like Renée, regularly use small doses of psychedelics, Dr. Saleena Subaiya, a physician and researcher at Columbia University Irving Medical Center who also has Long COVID, is launching a small pilot trial to explore whether single-dose hallucinogenic treatments can relieve Long COVID symptoms. After study participants receive a psychoactive medication, Subaiya and colleagues will track them for two months to see whether symptoms including depression, brain fog, and fatigue improve.

Psychoactive drugs have been shown to regulate neurotransmitters, stimulate the growth of cells in the brain, and reduce inflammation in the central nervous system, so it’s possible those properties could translate to improvements in brain-related symptoms of Long COVID. Still, Subaiya is wary of overpromising, particularly given the hype around psychedelics and the fact that there is no proven cure for Long COVID.

Despite the positive rumblings about Long COVID and psychedelics, they have not yet proven effective, Subaiya says. “The safest way to engage with these substances right now would be in a trial,” Subaiya says. “We’re dealing with very powerful psychoactive medications. People need to proceed with immense amounts of caution.”

Correction, April 18 Odpowiedz
anonim () 2023-04-20 21:26:32 +1
@Truth_or_Lie: przeca admyny tylko po polskiemu...chyba ze gugel byl i zadecydowal... putina mozna wulgaryzowac a szmuli juz nie? Nie wiem ale glowa innego panstwa jest pod ochr.prawna i jak cus beczysz dostajesz na garba ...widac jakie to teraz syfilizowane kraje. Odpowiedz
Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-20 20:11:34 0
@Truth_or_Lie: ten artykuł był dziale pt. "Mowa nienawiści/wulgaryzmy" Hey ;) Wnioski Wasze ... Odpowiedz
Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-20 19:43:02 0
These are the countries that hate America most.

5. Iraq
> Disapproval rating: 67.0%
> GDP per capita: $7,132 (79th lowest)
> Unemployment: N/A
> Life expectancy: 69 years (57th lowest)

The United States and Iraq have a long history of conflict. The Gulf War in 1991 was followed by the Iraq War, which began in 2003 and lasted until U.S. forces left Iraq in December 2011. Although the war has ended, the U.S. State Department warned that traveling to the country is extremely dangerous because of civil unrest and threat of kidnappings and terrorist attacks. The long-running presence of the U.S. military and the years of conflict, during which hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, including civilians, died have likely contributed to negative opinions of Americans. The new government has struggled since the war began. Many citizens disapprove of the regime of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who was elected to office in 2010 under a free election overseen by the United States. As of 2012, however, Iraqis were less likely to express confidence in their national government, military or judicial system than citizens of peer nations, and just 30% believed their country had fair elections — lower than in any country in the region.
4. Yemen
> Disapproval rating: 69.0%
> GDP per capita: $2,348 (38th lowest)
> Unemployment: N/A
> Life expectancy: 63 years (38th lowest)

More than 100 Yemeni citizens have been detained at Guantanamo Bay over the years. The United States also has been concerned over terrorist activity in Yemen. It is therefore no surprise that the two countries have a strained relationship and that nearly 70% of survey respondents disapproved of U.S. leadership. Also, just 9% of Yemenite respondents approved of U.S. leadership, less than in any other country reviewed by Gallup. The country suffers from a very poor economy, with GDP per capita at just $2,348 last year, among the very lowest in the world. According to the World Bank, more than half of the country’s population lived in poverty as of 2012. U.S. citizens are currently under advisory from the U.S. State Department to avoid traveling to Yemen due to the extremely high security threat level.

More: America’s Most Content (and Miserable) Cities

3. Lebanon
> Disapproval rating: 71.0%
> GDP per capita: $15,832 (66th highest)
> Unemployment: N/A
> Life expectancy: 80 years (tied for 23rd highest)

Like many countries that disapprove of U.S. leadership, Lebanon has a long history of conflict with Israel. Hezbollah, a militant group and political party deemed a terrorist organization by the United States and European Union, has operated out of Lebanon for several decades. In February, Israeli forces bombed a Hezbollah convoy on the Syrian-Lebanese border. Hezbollah subsequently claimed responsibility for the roadside bombing of an Israeli patrol along the Lebanese-Israeli border in retaliation. The country is also strapped with debt. Its gross debt was nearly 143% of its GDP last year, the third highest in the world. According to a recent AP report, the country’s debt problem is compounded by corruption and a government unwilling to act. In 2012, 85% of residents stated that corruption was widespread, the most of any comparable country.
2. Pakistan
> Disapproval rating: 73.0%
> GDP per capita: $3,144 (48th lowest)
> Unemployment: 6.7% (47th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 66 (46th lowest)

While 73% of Pakistani respondents still disapproved of U.S. leadership in 2013, this was a six percentage points improvement over 2012. Relations with Pakistan have been tense since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States by al-Qaeda. Shortly after the attacks, the U.S. made Pakistan the base of its operations in its hunt for al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and the war on Afghanistan’s then-leadership, the Taliban. In 2009, a survey revealed that 59% of the Pakistani people viewed the United States as a bully and as a bigger threat than al-Qaeda. Further exacerbating the country’s negative view of the U.S. may be Pakistan’s struggling economy and poor governance. Just one in 10 Pakistanis said they lived comfortably on their incomes in 2012, according to Gallup, and only 23% of Pakistanis expressed confidence in their government.

1. Palestinian territories
> Disapproval rating: 80.0%
> GDP per capita: N/A
> Unemployment: N/A
> Life expectancy: 73 years (95th highest)

Four of five Palestinians disapproved of American leadership, by far the worst perception of the United States globally. One explanation for the country’s hostility toward the United States is Palestine’s conflict with Israel. Hamas, the organization that has effectively governed the Gaza Strip territory since 2007, is considered by the United States and European Union to be a terrorist organization. Possibly emphasizing the deep divides in the Palestinian territories, just 18% of respondents told Gallup the place they lived was a good place for racial and ethnic minorities in 2012, less than all but one other country in the region.
anonim () 2023-04-20 21:21:13 +1
@Truth_or_Lie: Teraz mozna bylby sie pokusic o bilans ofiar....ile kosztowalo 2000- 2019 wprowadzanie hamerican.dupokracy? ... dorownali juz adolkowi?... bo polpota i cze... chyba przegonili... Odpowiedz
Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-21 05:14:58 0
@anonim001:67c:2660:4: Jest możliwe ich Wszystkich policzyć, ale komu się chce, jak USA jest nadal bezkarna.
Pozdro man ;) Odpowiedz
Truth_or_Lie 2023-04-20 19:39:35 0
"Whole world hates America," says Turkish interior minister
Source: XinhuaEditor: huaxia2023-04-20 22:59:45

ANKARA, April 20 (Xinhua) -- The United States is seeking to impose its hegemony on global affairs and the "whole world hates America" for its activities, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu has said.

Soylu, the most vocal member of the Turkish government when it comes to criticizing Washington, made the remarks during a meeting with young people on Tuesday in Istanbul, noting that the United States is losing its global credibility.

Europe has turned into America's "pawn" in Africa, Soylu was cited by Turkish daily Aydinlik as saying.

"Do not overthink Europe, there is no such thing as Europe. Europe is just a train in a convoy made by the Americans, and it's not something to be exaggerated," Soylu said.

The world has no lost love for the United States and the West, because of their efforts to impose their culture and values on others, he added.

Relations between Türkiye and the United States have been strained over several issues in recent years.

In 2020, the United States sanctioned Türkiye in response to Ankara's purchase of the Russian-made S-400 defense system.

Türkiye's decision to hold up Sweden's NATO bid is a more recent source of dispute between the two NATO allies.

In early April, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said "our doors are now closed" to U.S. Ambassador to Ankara Jeff Flake, after the latter met with Kemal Kilicdaroglu, head of the Republican People's Party, who runs as presidential candidate for an alliance of opposition parties.

Given that Türkiye's presidential and parliamentary elections are scheduled on May 14, "we need to teach America a lesson in these elections," Erdogan was quoted by the state-run Anadolu agency as saying.

In early February when Washington and eight European countries issued travel warnings over possible terror attacks in Türkiye, Soylu blasted Flake for portraying his country as an unstable state, telling Flake to "take his dirty hands off of Türkiye."

Soylu is an ardent critic of the United States. In the past, he blamed Washington for the 2016 military coup attempt, while the latter denied that claim. ■ Odpowiedz
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