Enjoy All Bosses From Cuphead as Mugman. A+ No Damage
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Boss List Below:
0:00 The Root Pack
01:21 Goopy Le Grande
02:34 Hilda Berg
04:09 Cagney Carnation
05:57 Ribby & Croaks
07:55 Baroness Von Bon Bon
09:52 Beppi The Clown
12:00 Djimmi The Great
14:06 Grim Matchstick
15:38 Wally Warbles
17:22 Rumor Honeybottoms
19:11 Captain Brineybeard
20:51 Sally Stageplay
22:57 Werner Werman
24:21 Dr. Kahls Robot
26:21 Cala Maria
28:00 Phantom Express
30:08 King Dice
34:17 The Devil
Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930s, the visuals and audio are painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era, i.e. traditional hand drawn cel animation, watercolor backgrounds, and original jazz recordings
#Mugman #Cuphead #AllBosses #NoDamage #Walkthrough #Gameplay #Playthrough #BossBattle #BossFight #Boss
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