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Dodał: bazylland
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Opublikowano: 2022-06-08

Toy Colorful Tractors And Steep Unusual Silos | LOADER OF COLORS and Front-end Loader | Traktory / @Bazylland
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Music in the movie :
--Smash Brothers Unite - Rolla Coasta
--Let the Games Begin - Arlo Young
--No Games - Swif7
--Shell Games - _91nova

Hello, welcome to my Bazylland channel
Enjoy watching my Farming Simulator 22 videos daily and subscribe to my channel!

How I Make Videos:

I play Farming Simulator 19/22 along with the game mods and create different scenes and maps for each movie.

I make thumbnails by taking a screenshot of my Farming Simulator 19/22 game.
Later, I edit these screenshots and create the thumbnails.

All footage used in my video is 100% captured and I am my property.

* Every gameplay clip on this channel is recorded and edited by me (NO RE-USE OF CONTENT).
#toytractor #bazylland #tractorcolor

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