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I combined some of the most beautiful tf2 lofi songs that i could find on youtube, i do not have rights to any of them.
Heavy image by u/bm_78, i asked him can i use it and he said yes.
Put this video on loop for the best fightning/relax experience!


00:00 More Lofi (More Gun Remix) Prod. Notazar
04:31 lofi hip hop sniper - chill beats to relaxsnipe to
08:11 lofi kazotsky kick - beats to cap pointseat sandvich to
10:06 Team Fortress 2 Theme - Lofi Remix
12:56 [TF2 Lofi] NEXUS - Rocket Jump Waltz
16:14 TF2 but its Lo-Fi
20:06 Archimedes
24:07 Red Bread
26:17 Seduce Me!

#tf2 #teamfortress2 #lofi

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