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Dodał: MojoPlays
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Opublikowano: 2022-12-25

The connections between these games are so small, you may not have realized theyre in the same universe. For this list, well be looking at sets of games or franchises you may not have realized share the same world. For obvious reasons, we arent including crossover games, events, or DLC. Our list includes the Hitman series (2000-) & Kane & Lynch series (2007-10), Vagrant Story (2000) & Final Fantasy XII (2006), the NieR series (2010-21) & Drakengard series (2003-13), and more! Were you aware of any of these? Is there something we left off? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great gaming videos here:
10 Nintendo Franchises That DESERVE A Comeback: https://youtu.be/PLprQOW544Q
10 Facts You Didnt Know About The Horizon Series: https://youtu.be/zwz-THJHMEI
The 10 HARDEST God of War Ragnarok Bosses: https://youtu.be/dp4MYLnIHaA

Big thanks to all the channels featured in our video!
PlayStationPaul https://www.youtube.com/@PlayStationPaul
Joeke https://www.youtube.com/@joeke5912
Goober Plays Games https://www.youtube.com/@GooberPlaysGames
Casual Racer Red https://www.youtube.com/@CasualRacerRed
Spazbo4 https://www.youtube.com/@worldoflongplays
InnateElf63679 https://www.youtube.com/@user-jl9hq7xz3x
Demuzal Studio https://www.youtube.com/@deathshadow456
WeirdTurtle https://www.youtube.com/@WeirdTurtle
GameArmy https://www.youtube.com/@GameArmyTV
Replaying Classics https://www.youtube.com/@replayingclassics
Gray Upsilon https://www.youtube.com/@ProfessionalSpectre
mihaibeast https://www.youtube.com/@worldoflongplays
DAT PIFF 47 https://www.youtube.com/@datpiff4733
MasterMoonfire https://www.youtube.com/@MasterMoonfire
CaptainJZH https://www.youtube.com/@CaptainJZH
MrBlasterMasterr https://www.youtube.com/@MrBlasterMasterr
crowbar https://www.youtube.com/@Crowbar
Loopy Longplays https://www.youtube.com/@LoopyLongplays
JonL https://www.youtube.com/@worldoflongplays
Freddy https://www.youtube.com/@freddy4597
RabidRetrospectGames https://www.youtube.com/@RabidRetrospectGames
RavenLord https://www.youtube.com/@worldoflongplays
Dominic The Wolf https://www.youtube.com/@sillybily911
iampanax https://www.youtube.com/@iampanax

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