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Welcome to Hollywood is a song written by Andreas Carlsson and Bryan Todd.[1] It was written for Nickelodeons boy-band project, which eventually developed into Big Time Rush.
Background and composition
In the early stages of Nickelodeons boy band project, Sony Music hired several professional producers to act as music consultants. Andreas Carlsson and Bryan Todd collaborated to write Welcome to Hollywood, which they intended for the band to use.[2] Simon Curtis, an American actor and singer who previously starred in Nickelodeons television film Spectacular!, was selected to test for the shows pilot, and the studio had him record a demo.[2]

As the project developed, Curtis was replaced by other members, and Welcome to Hollywood was sold to Disney Channel actor Mitchel Musso. Unbeknownst to Curtis, his background vocals were kept for Musso to lip-sync to during live performances, and they also remain in the official studio release of the track.[2]

Welcome to Hollywood was never released by Big Time Rush, and it is unknown

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