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Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, were taking a look at the 10 Hardest Missions in the Grand Theft Auto Series! For this video, were looking at the missions across the GTA games that made us want to pull our hair out. Our list includes Wrong Side of the Tracks Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004), Death Row Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002), The Big Score Grand Theft Auto V (2013), The Exchange Grand Theft Auto III (2001) and more! Which of these frustrated you the most? Was there one you felt was worth mentioning? Let us know in the comments.
Watch more great GTA videos here:
The 7 BIGGEST Changes in GTA 5 On PS5:
10 CRAZY Bugs And Glitches In GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition:
10 Times Grand Theft Auto Infiltrated Other Games:
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#GTAV #GTA5 #GrandTheftAuto #GTAViceCity #GTASanAndreas
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