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It may surprise you, but the South Park games actually have some pretty great boss fights! For this list, well only be talking about the two RPGs - The Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole as theyre mainly the only two games with real boss fights. Our list includes Princess Kenny from South Park: The Stick of Truth (2014), Corey Haim from South Park: The Fractured But Whole (2017), Al Gore from South Park: The Stick of Truth (2014), and more! Which of these boss fights was your favorite? Share with us in the comments below.
Watch more great boss fight videos here:
The 10 BEST Zelda Mini Bosses:
The 10 BEST Batman Arkham Boss Fights:
The 10 HARDEST Elden Ring Bosses:
Big thanks to the channels featured in our video!
Boss Fight Database:
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#SouthPark #Gaming #VideoGames #Cartman #Comedy #PlayStation #Xbox #Boss
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