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Dodał: Donut Media
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Opublikowano: 2022-02-24

Thanks to Displate for sponsoring todays episode. Order 1-2 Displates to get 23% off and 3+ to get 29% off: https://displate.com/promo/donutmedia/?art6201496132eda

The Batmobile, Batmans favorite crime-fighting, jet-powered, bat-shaped supercar with gadgets galore and a heavy goth vibe! The Batmobile is an icon that has evolved since its DC Comic debut in 1939, with icons like Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan shaping its creative journey along the way

Between the comics and cartoons, the TV show, and the moviesfrom The Dark Knight, to Batman Forever, to The Batman (which comes out next week,) there are OVER 250 Batmobiles. But, which came first? Which one is craziest? And which one actually makes sense for fighting crime? This is everything you need to know to get Up To Speed on the Batmobile!

Thanks to Mike Schafernak for the dope edit. Check out more of his stuff at: https://www.checkoutmikes.work

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Komentarze do: The Batmobile: Everything you Need to Know | Up to Speed
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