WZ-132A (4,1K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: AnGo13
Tank: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLw8HMNSv_bMjCexAaTBEX3pUxwWCGVQhB
Map: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLof40Rm48LFWi_bcxkk_4ALS3RByFZyU5, Standard

 Further development of the WZ-132 project. The main difference was supposed to lie in a shorter vehicle chassis. Engineers wanted to combine high mobility and firepower. A prototype passed trials in the late 1960s, but the project was discontinued. The vehicle never saw mass production; the prototype did not survive to the present day.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.25.109:34 0 09:34WZ-132A (4,1K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

Wz.66T Burza (7,4K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: The_Strangler
Tank: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLw8HMNSv_bMirQz8adpW56QHA_b7nOW-F
Map: Siegfried Line, Standard

 opis czołgu

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.26.006:12 5 06:12Wz. 66T Burza (7,4K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

XM57 (9,1K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: God_Pack
Tank: XM57 (VIII)/(8)
Map: Studzianki, Encounter
- Innovative Loading System
- Improved Compressor

 By the mid-1950s, the idea of turret-mounting a partially rotating gun had emerged. The XM57 was developed according to this principle. A special feature was that the crew was located not in the turret, but in a cabin behind it, which meant that the turrets dimensions could be reduced. Loading was fully automated. The gunner would have aimed using cameras in the turret, but a periscopic rotating reticle was also planned for the top of the cabin. The commanders cupola would have been mounted with a remote-controlled AA gun in order to tackle airborne targets. The project existed only in blueprints.

#BOSSWoT #WoT #worldoftanks #WoTReplays #BOSS 

*Version:1.27.008:04 5 08:04XM57 (9,1K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

XM57 (9K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: Biuro_OnCrack
Tank: XM57 (VIII)/(8)
Map: Malinovka, Standard
- Bounty Turbocharger
- Bounty Ventilation
- Bounty Rammer

 By the mid-1950s, the idea of turret-mounting a partially rotating gun had emerged. The XM57 was developed according to this principle. A special feature was that the crew was located not in the turret, but in a cabin behind it, which meant that the turrets dimensions could be reduced. Loading was fully automated. The gunner would have aimed using cameras in the turret, but a periscopic rotating reticle was also planned for the top of the cabin. The commanders cupola would have been mounted with a remote-controlled AA gun in order to tackle airborne targets. The project existed only in blueprints.

#BOSSWoT #WoT #worldoftanks #WoTReplays #BOSS 

*Version:1.27.010:17 4 10:17XM57 (9K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

Škoda T 50 (7,2K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: Moritz_Zander
Tank: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLw8HMNSv_bMhZTOhT6oWsN2Iu0CC4damI
Map: Glacier, Standard
- Turbocharger
- Commanders Vision System
- Stabilizing Equipment System

 A further development of the post-war concept for the Czechoslovakian general purpose tank. The project was developed by Škoda in 1947. In 1948, significant changes were introduced to the project. There were plans to mount a 100 mm gun. The project was discontinued after one full-size wooden prototype had been built.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.25.110:55 4 10:55Škoda T 50 (7,2K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414