00:28 12 00:28chillin

Dodał: proxzirecords

01:51 31 01:51click. 3gp

Dodał: proxzirecords

template but i love it so bad..
Music - Magnetic Man ft Katy b - Perfect Stranger00:12 29 00:12favoriteintro. mp4

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Loading Screen Intro from template00:14 26 00:14intro. mp4

Dodał: proxzirecords

djing in the middle of the night on sylvester
This Boy Decides to dj at 3AM and Wakes Everyone Up!
POV: 3AM in Poland on Sylvester so you dont care

#sylvester #dj #fyp #viral00:53 14 00:53me at 3am in poland

Dodał: proxzirecords

also a template00:13 0 00:13musictypeintro. mp4

Dodał: proxzirecords

I Keep Remixing My Friend Into Everything Part 36 feat. Jakub Sztenc

no offense just pure fun

#nieznamukrainskiego00:59 15 00:59nie znam ukrainskiego

Dodał: proxzirecords

just messing around in fl studio02:16 11 02:16proxzi - ID

Dodał: proxzirecords

Official Instrumental of fairytale by rich disease produced by @proxzi, provided to YouTube by FAL, LLC

fairytale · rich disease · proxzi


 2024 FAL, LLC

Released on: 2024-08-16

Executive Producer: proxzi 
Performer: rich disease
Lyricist: Mieszko Gronowski
Composer: Mieszko Gronowski
Composer: Kacper Maciej Kolan
Mixing Engineer: proxzi
Mastering Engineer: proxzi
Creative design: Kacper Maciej Kolan
Graphic design: Kacper Maciej Kolan
Shout out: tranidol

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Follow proxzi:
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 The music and the background in the following video are not free to use, if youd like to use the music in this video, please contact the artist.

 These videos may cause people with photosensitive epilepsy to convulse in seizures. Viewer discretion is advised.

#richdisease #fairytale #proxzi #single #newmusic #newrelease #emorap

officialy everywhere 02:16 0 02:16rich disease - fairytale (official audio) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: proxzirecords

00:16 5 00:16trailer. avi

Dodał: proxzirecords