Well, well, well... That was unexpected ;)
But, you know, random royalty is still royalty!

Oh, and Fortnite Battle Royale is completely free! Get it now

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INSTAGRAM: juliii_i_mirke
BLOGSPOT: http://studenckosc.blogspot.com22:11 71 22:11 Random Royalty | Fortnite Battle Royale 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

Ależ obfity miesiąc, omg! 
Nie dość, że sprezentowaliśmy sobie całą trylogię Zamków od Diany Wynne Jones (Ruchomy Zamek Hauru, Zamek w Chmurach, Dom Wielu Dróg), to jeszcze zaczęło już sypać prezentami! Do mojej małej kolekcji gunpla dołącza URDR-HUNT Gundam Asmoday - przepiękny model, dokładnie w takim stylu, jak lubię. Budowaliśmy go na streamkach na i bawiłem się przy tym przednio. A ponieważ jest już po mikołajkach teraz, to i chwalę się prezentem - kolejnym gunpla, Mk-II Titans, tym razem RG, czyli już wyższej jakości :D Jaram się baaaaardzo i też będzie składany na streamach - JUŻ OD TEJ NIEDZIELI!
Nie omieszkałem również wspomnieć o byciu nahypeowanym na nowe animce w tym sezonie, przede wszystkim jednak w tym odcinku chwalę szósty sezon My Hero Academia. Jest fantastyczny, świetny, zrehabilitował się bardzo po fatalnym piątym sezonie.

Jak zwykle zachęcam Was do podzielenia się waszymi inspiracjami z listopada w komentarzach oraz pięknie dziękuję za wszystkie lajki :D

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth
BLOGSPOT: http://feoxd.blogspot.com27:01 144 27:01Roboty, zamki i herosi INSPIRACJE LISTOPAD 2022 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

new year, new season, new opportunities02:01 76 02:01SEASON 2021 TRAILER 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

towards the bright future

Avenza - Royal

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth
BLOGSPOT: http://feoxd.blogspot.com01:31 120 01:31SEASON 2022 TRAILER 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth


 -    []

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth
BLOGSPOT: http://feoxd.blogspot.com02:04 304 02:04SEASON 2023 TRAILER 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

#vtuber #amongus #vroid 
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

Gdybyście się zastanawiali, co to się dzieje, że Among Us zdaje się lagować - to przez proximity chat, czyli Better Crewlinka. Ta umożliwiająca zbliżeniowe rozmowy nakładka jakoś dziwnie wpływa na performance podczas streamowania.
Niemniej, zabawa w tym odcinku przednia, granie Jesterem przede wszystkim sprawia radość, jako że można się było mega wykazać kreatywnością przy próbowaniu wrobić samego siebie bez od razu wykazania, że się tego chce xD

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth
BLOGSPOT: http://feoxd.blogspot.com02:13:59 374 02:13:59 SKAZANY ZA NIEWINNOŚĆ! w Among Us 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

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INSTAGRAM: feogarth (Mireczek od Giereczek)

Music: SDMS - Dark Spring
Provided by No Copyright Trap
Download for free:

Contact: subzrecords@gmail.com01:48 130 01:48Season 2019 Trailer | Feo XD 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth


Together, go on, to the future!

Music by
DNOZO - Take Me
Song/Free download -
Follow DNOZO -

Been searching for a song like that for a long time - love it 

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth 


BLOGSPOT: http://studenckosc.blogspot.com03:07 84 03:07 Season 2020 Trailer 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth


Together, go on, to the future!

Music by
DNOZO - Take Me
Song/Free download -
Follow DNOZO -

Been searching for a song like that for a long time - love it 

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth 


BLOGSPOT: http://studenckosc.blogspot.com03:07 95 03:07 Season 2020 Trailer 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

#vtuber #gunpla #vroid 
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

O bogowie, ale chciałem tego modela! Tym razem faktycznie większy od reszty, bo ze skrzydłami i potężnymi zbiornikami paliwa przyczepionymi do plecaka - i ta tarcza oraz glewia! Dios mios, co za piękny model, zdecydowanie jeden z moich ulubionych w kolekcji. Będzie ubaw z budowania go, więc zapraszam do wspólnej zabawy :D 

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth
BLOGSPOT: http://feoxd.blogspot.com02:03:14 87 02:03:14Sinanju taki piękny! (GUNPLA) (#1) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

#vtuber #gunpla #vroid 
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

Ej no, calkiem szybko poszlo, szczerze mowiac bylem gotowy na jakies 3, moze cztery streamki z budowania, a tu jednak wprawa dobra. Co prawda model zlozony bez naklejania zadnych naklejek i dekoracji - a tego jest multum - to wiec i poszlo szybciej, jednakze to dlatego, ze zamierzam pomalowac i troche scustomizowac ten model. Nie wiem, kiedy to zrobie, bo minelo juz ponad pol roku od tego streamka, a ja dalej tego nie skonczylem. Sami wiecie jednak - z ostatnich Inspiracji - ze mam duzo innych spraw na glowie xD
Anyway, model i tak jest piekny i szczerze, szczerze go polecam. Mega mi sie podoba.

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth
BLOGSPOT: http://feoxd.blogspot.com02:22:04 153 02:22:04Sinanju taki piękny! (GUNPLA) (#2) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

#vtuber #gunpla #vroid 
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

Daję radę jak mogę, by wrzucać archiwalne odcinki w miarę regularnie podczas tego hiatusa, ale, cholibka, narodziny Jacka trochę jednak mnie wybiły z rytmu xD Niemniej, dalej będę się starał.
A jak będzie stabilniejszy i wymagał mniej uwagi, to może nawet wrócimy do streamków - póki co, mamy trochę contentu do nadrobienia na kanale względem streamków, więc look forward to this, bo też i zbliżamy się nieubłaganie do Vampire Survivors :D

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth
BLOGSPOT: http://feoxd.blogspot.com01:54:17 118 01:54:17Sinanju taki piękny! (GUNPLA) (#3) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

Jeśli miałbym wybrać jedną najtrudniejszą rzecz w robieniu tych filmików, to wymyślanie tytułów xD

Mogłem też wspomnieć, że na Steamie za darmo jest bardzo ciekawa i sympatyczna giereczka HELLTAKER - bardzo polecam. I na dodatek soundtrack ma fajny 

OBLIVION - Cyberpunk / Dark Synthwave Mix - Royalty Free / No Copyright
1. Law Abiding Citizen - 0:00
2. Detox - 3:38
3. Rebels - 6:55
4. Dredd - 10:09
5. Hellraiser - 14:00
6. Escape From LV426 - 16:18

Find me also on:
INSTAGRAM: feogarth (Mireczek od Giereczek)
BLOGSPOT: http://studenckosc.blogspot.com17:05 473 17:05Slime, Smok i Tytan INSPIRACJE MAJA 2020 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

#vtuber #amongus #vroid 
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

Dni lecą, miesiące mijają, a my dalej w amongusy zmodowane pięknie pykamy i stajemy się na dodatek coraz lepsi. W tym odcinku mam jedną z najlepszych gier jako szeryf ever, a reszta również się mega popisuje, na przykład bez listości zabijając wszystkich mega szybko XD

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth
BLOGSPOT: http://feoxd.blogspot.com02:10:02 79 02:10:02 Sussy środa, mordeczki, w Among Us 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

Może i fajerwerki spod Amfiteatru były największe i najładniejsze, to jednak mam wrażenie, że w tamtym roku było ich więcej ;P
Anyway, super mam widoki z balkonu
Gdyby jeszcze nie było tak ziiimnoooo :(02:56 51 02:56Sylwester Opole 2015 | Fajerwerki nad miastem 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

I tak, wiem już teraz, że mogłem wziąć tamtą beczkę z prochem i idealnie wskoczyć z nią na pokład xD

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth 


BLOGSPOT: http://studenckosc.blogspot.com29:05 199 29:05 Szkielety polują na nas! | Sea of Thieves #3 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

The loot box openings combined with the rhythm of the Warrior Concerto remix (
Enjoy :)03:12 119 03:12THE LOOT BOX CONCERTO | OVERWATCH 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

#vtuber #amongus #vroid 
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

I cyk, kolejny odcineczek, trochę impostorawania, ale dość niskich lotów xDD No nie pykało za bardzo tym razem. A stream jest z zeszłego roku jeszcze, kiedy był mega boom na Kerfusia i memy z nim związane, piękna era, trochę nsfw, ale zabawna xD

Find me also on:
INSTAGRAM: @feogarth
BLOGSPOT: http://feoxd.blogspot.com01:16:20 267 01:16:20 Ten stream dedykuję Kerfusiowi (w Among Us) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

WARNING! In this video I admit to spending some real life money even though Im not supposed to have any - for Im just a poor student XD
100 hundred days in Warframe - a summary on the progress and also the first look on the exclusive Azima pistol. And a big THANK YOU to all the viewers and readers :D
Also, some spoilers to the Second Dream quest ahead, so be warned.

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BLOGSPOT: 53 08:16The 100 Days of Warframe 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

Its been a long time coming...

Most Beautiful Music Ever: Everdream by Epic Soul Factory
Composed by: Cesc Vilà (Epic Soul Factory)
Album: SIGMA (2015)
Follow Epic Soul Factory on:

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BLOGSPOT: http://studenckosc.blogspot.com13:46 141 13:46The 900 hours of Warframe (750 days) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

Trying something new! Im not gonna deny I was inspired by amazing works of SsethTzeentach (very recommended,check him out), but at least finally I feel inspired to play the games that have been gathering dust in my libraries for ages - and thats so much fun! Just playing games, trying new things... and mocking and laughing at them xD

Find me also on:
INSTAGRAM: feogarth (Mireczek od Giereczek)
BLOGSPOT: http://studenckosc.blogspot.com06:16 126 06:16 The Peculiar Experience of 100% Orange Juice 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

Risky, coz you never know how long u r gonna spend there.

BONJOUR you beautiful people, Feo here. This time we are going to take a look at a game that definitely took me by surprise and out of nowhere made me sink a few good hours into vigorously holding left and right click, strafing, kiting, jumping, dashing and looting. Risk of Rain 2 is a game I did not know almost anything up till a few weeks ago, only to find out later on that it actually was pretty big for a moment on youtube and actually has some funny youtubers covering it - REDRIOT: Local Dog Acquires Too Much Power 

To be honest, the moment I got it, it immediately picked my interest and I just couldnt wait to try it out.
And try it out I did! Its a roguelike game where you choose from a variety of unlockable characters with various abilities and traverse procedurally generated levels in order to find helpful gear - helpful in a sense that it would help you survive the intense hordes of enemies that know no rest and will come after you all the bloody time! The gear is also random, so yeeaaahh it gets crazy very easily
Especially, when you also take into consideration that the items - and their effects - stack. So a pile of chunks of meat that regenerate health can be be a very distinct difference between life and death. And multiple pairs of sunglasses that increase critical chance will make you not only look extremely cool but also transform you into a little terminator.
The game has a very interesting mechanic where it has this little counter in the top right corner showing you the time you have spent on the current run - and that the difficulty will increase. And how soon, so the difficulty does not exactly correspond to the number of levels you finish, but the actual time you spend in the game. 
Suuure, the game gets repeatable very quickly, having constantly all the same enemies, biomes and challenges, but the randomness can keep every run pretty fresh,keeping the player curious on what they will get this time. And curious to try out the other characters as they are definitely unique, ranging from gun-crazy Louis Armstrong (NEIL! NEIL! I OBVIOUSLY MEANT NEIL!) and cybernetic Katniss Everdeen to a skinned dog and a potted plant.A fine assortment of individuals, I dare say.
In addition to that, the cell shaded graphics will not age easily and are very pleasant to the eyes of the players - especially those who like games like Borderlands (and Oh God, I love Borderlands)... 

If it wasnt for the chaos and the randomness that happens when you choose the hardest difficulty - which, as I mentioned earlier, scales even more with time - I probably would have dropped it after the first run, as I am not a big fan of constantly trying to crank up my highscores, time after time. But yeeaah, randomness might actually be my kink...

ROR2 OST: Chris Christodoulou - Antarctic Oscillation | Risk of Rain 2: Early Access OST
Astronomia Meme

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INSTAGRAM: @feogarth 


BLOGSPOT: http://studenckosc.blogspot.com05:15 1272 05:15 The Risky Experience of Risk Of Rain 2 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

Salty coz sea haha you get it hehe sea is salty hehehe

Yeah, but in all honesty, there is a lot of things you might get salty in here - especially with the popularity of tucking ie. hiding on the ship of other players and robbing them of everything when they least expect it and the fact that the reputation in Reapers Bones pvp faction aint gonna raise itself
BUT REMEMBER - its just a game and it is called Sea of Thieves on purpose. Everything is in the title, bruh

Sea of Thieves is a fantasy pirate life simulation MMO game which premiered 2 years ago in 2018, but recently re-surfaced to a vast popularity with the Steam release. Me and the bois started playing it just about 2 months before Steam release and got pretty HOOKED (hahaha xd).
Really immersive, super fun, no character/equipment progression, just unlocking  buying cosmetics with the in-game currency, only if you want something extra shiny - or a pet - you would have to actually spend money. And here - allow me to add, just to give some kudos to the devs - that there is a way to earn the premium currency when killing an extremely rare Ancient Skeleton. But you may also say, the company behind SoT really lives up to its name (xdddd)

And damn son, if this game isnt crazy enjoyable, especially if you are looking for a fun coop game with friends where there is always something to discover, be surprised, scared, to enjoy and there is always something to do and thousands of distractions along the way that later on tend to be a nuisance but BOI OH BOI AM I SEEING SOMETHING SHINY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP MMMM-HMMMMMM  (heading towards reapers bounty flares)

HOWEVER - dont get too cozy and ready to dive head-first into some naval battles, especially in the separate pvp-only Arena mode. The skill ceiling is crazy high (ceiling gang, hatfu). It is really difficult at the very beginning, there are dozens of rules you need to learn and the majority of surprises that you encounter is DEADLY. Explosive barrels you can accidentally sail into, storms, volcanos, skeleton ships emerging right next to yours, roaring megalodons out of nowhere and the FREAKING KRAKEN I HATE WITH ALL MY HEART THAT CAN MAKE YOU SOIL YOUR UNPREPARED PANTS especially the first time 
Little pirate beginners, fully immersed, happy that you dug some pretty Marauders chests and got some pricy skulls, you are returning to the Outpost, ready to sell. The wind is blowing, waves slushing around you, roles on the vessel assigned, its peaceful on the sky, nothing can stop you now You dont realise the music is not playing, until a sudden note full of anxiety picks your attention. You look overboard and see the water turning pitch black. A terrifying roar. Powerful crash. Giant tentacles wrapping around the ship, sucking people out of the ship Man, I hate it. 
And before you ask - no, there is no limit of how many the game can throw at you at any given time. You can get all of them, making sure you know the game hates you - and there is a term for that - GET RARED. 
The list of dangers is long, but one is certain - the biggest one is always the other crews, the pirates ready to board your ship when you are completely unprepared, anchor you in a place, detonate a powder keg on board, steal your supplies, absolutely immobilize you with cursed cannonballs. With AI encounters, there are some rules that help you deal with them, like megalodons not getting close to islands, so you can run away there from them. With players, there is none - except maybe one which is GGS AT THE END GOOD FIGHT YOU CHEATERS GGS I HAVE BEEN FIGHTING THIS BOSS FOR AN HOUR NOW HOW COULD YOU STEAL IT GGS MAN I WILL HAVE YOU KNOW MY FATHER WORKS FOR NINTENDO

Dont get me wrong - its really a great game, especially with friends, but you need to have an open mind for the possibility of being grinded, minced and burnt alive to a crisp baby-pirate burger every time, losing hours of playtime with no profit and ending up being (haha) SALTY XDDDDDDDDD

#BeMorePirate #SeaOfThieves

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INSTAGRAM: feogarth (Mireczek od Giereczek)
BLOGSPOT: http://studenckosc.blogspot.com06:10 1669 06:10 The Salty Experience of Sea of Thieves 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth

#valheim #valheimpolska #valheimmemes

Yeah man, I like my Gothic with a bit of a crafting aspect to it, sure!


You must have heard of this early access game that has taken Steam by storm recently. Valheim, a survival viking game, with procedurally generated world and hordes of monsters that are coming to get you - in between of you picking up rocks by the river or harvesting ungodly amounts of honey from beehives you built.
A game that is only 1GB big (seriously) and looks much better than tonnes of other indie games thanks to one simple trick - lighting and shading perfected. Look at the textures (booooo) in this game and now look at how it all perfectly blends together when the sun is setting and you are just sitting there after a long day of building your new house near the coast or stop for a moment to admire the snow swirling in the moonlight...
Mine, eat, sleep, repeat. This is how it is in other games. Here, the progression is so naturally built into the exploration that you start feeling enamored by it. You discovered everything in one biome? Oh, luckily there is the next one, go and see how you fare there. Got instakilled by something out of your league, like a mosquito? Check another one, it might have just the things you need, like materials for new armor. Hey, you got a swamp key? Guess you gotta check it out now! (Why is my face melting?!) Oooh, mountains look nice and tickle that Skyrim vibe of yours? Too bad you are starting to freeze immediately after stepping in them, so better go back and find a way of preventing that, there has to be one. Its all so natural, perfectly blended with the feeling of progression and actually presented to you on the very start. You land in the stone circle and are told by one of Odins ravens that you are to slay 5 epic bosses, one for each biome, one after another. And you can see the carvings of those bosses around you, on the stones. And because they seem pretty huge, you better git gud.
And git gud you do. Over the course of the next game days you are going to practice and hone your skills in fight mechanics similar to Dark Souls, with attack timing, stamina usage and parrying, backed up with levelling similar to Morrowind and other Elder Scrolls games. Where you get better in a certain activity the longer you do it. 
Valheim is not innovative. But it gets a lot of things right and one-ups a metric tonne of other early access games with how it gets things done so well, be it building, fighting or exploration and the feelings it gives you. Even in its unfinished state.
Cant wait for the updates...

Find me also on:
INSTAGRAM: @feogarth (Mireczek od Giereczek)
BLOGSPOT: http://feoxd.blogspot.com06:32 168 06:32 The Unforgiving Experience of Valheim 1080p 1080p

Dodał: feogarth