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Dołączył(a): 2015-08-29
The Competition is now Closed! Thank you to everyone who entered!

100 subscribers, 32000 Youtube video views! And it's just the beginning. To celebrate our Youtube adulthood, we're giving away a copy of Lego Pirates of The Caribbean for the Playstation02:21 997 02:21100 Subscribers Extravaganza & Game Giveaway! 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

We interview R2-D2 who made his way to London to promote Star Wars: The Old Republic for the PC, due for release in December 2011.

For more randomness, visit http://www.arhn.eu

Article for this video: http://arhn.eu/2011/09/an-interview-r2-d2/01:33 1699 01:33An Interview With R2-D2! (Eurogamer Expo 2011) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

Booths! Babes! And Elves!

For more boothbabes and cosplay pictures, visit www.arhn.eu or www.aylives.com

Article for this video: http://arhn.eu/2011/08/gamescom-babes/02:10 4362 02:10Boothbabes and Cosplay of Gamescom 2011 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

Extra Life 2010 Wrap-Up.
Article for this video:
http://arhn.eu/2010/11/extra-life-2010-podsumowanie/14:13 808 14:13Extra Life 2010 [En/Pl Subs] 720p 720p

Dodał: arhn-eu

Gamescom 2011 is officialy over... and this video is a week late. You wanna fight about it?

Learn what we liked, what we didn't and enjoy some Gamescom infused video footage in glorious high definition. We... well... I, left on my own... talk games, th09:09 4005 09:09Gamescom 2011 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

During our visit in Cologne we have managed to have a quick chat with the awesome developers from Harmonix, known for their hit franchises Guitar Hero, Rock Band and Dance Central. What do they have in store for gamers? What are their future plans? How ma05:00 3998 05:00Gamescom 2011: Harmonix Interview 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

PL (Eng Below): Dzięki uprzejmości Grema możemy rozdać wam nowiusieńką kopię Gears of War 3! Wystarczy tylko wziąć udział w naszym konkursie! A już za kilka dni w naszym serwisie rozpakowanie Gearsowej kolekcjonerskiej edycji konsoli XBox 360 oraz edycji 01:58 555 01:58Gears of War 3 - Konkurs Plastyczny! 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

A Review of Groove Coaster, Taito's latest rhythm game.

We are also giving away free copies of this game to random arhn.eu fans!

For more reviews, unboxings and giveaways, visit www.arhn.eu

Subscribe or just register at arhn.eu to make sure you w02:03 750 02:03Groove Coaster [iOS] - Review + Giveaway! 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

We were invited to take a peek inside Radiant Worlds, the studio behind SkySaga. The Design, Art and Sound Directors on the project were happy to answer our questions and explain how individual teams work together to create and expand a evergrowing online world!

To learn more about SkySaga visit www.skysaga.com

Po więcej recenzji, wywiadów i rozpakowań zapraszamy na http://arhn.eu
Odwiedź również nasze nowe forum pod http://forum.arhn.eu
Dołącz do nas na facebooku: http://www.facebook.com/arhn.eu
Śledź nas na Twitterze: http://www.twitter.com/arhneu10:15 1446 10:15Inside SkySaga with arhn.eu 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

Granie w "Chmurze"? Czy to możliwe? Twórcy OnLive uważają, że tak rysuje się nasza przyszłość!
Artykuł dostępny tutaj: http://arhn.eu/2010/12/test-onlive/
Więcej artykułów na temat OnLive: http://arhn.eu/pl/tag/onlive/04:35 3519 04:35OnLive - Szybkie Spojrzenie i Test [PL/Eng Subs] 720p 720p

Dodał: arhn-eu

A lot has changed since our original OnLive coverage in 2010. The service has now arrived in the UK and we've used this opportunity to ask Andre Srinivasan, the Product Manager for the platform about the past and the future of OnLive!

For more videos, 06:14 785 06:14OnLive - UK Launch Interview (Eurogamer Expo) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

From Road Runner & Dizzy to SkySaga. With over 30 years of video game development experience under belt, Philip and Andrew Oliver are pioneers in the UK games industry. Still active today, they continue to create experiences for new generations of gamers worldwide.

Po więcej recenzji, wywiadów i rozpakowań zapraszamy na http://arhn.eu
Odwiedź również nasze nowe forum pod http://forum.arhn.eu
Dołącz do nas na facebooku: http://www.facebook.com/arhn.eu
Śledź nas na Twitterze: http://www.twitter.com/arhneu55:53 3045 55:53The Oliver Twins 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

Today in Time Warp, we look back at the 2001 cult classic cyberpunkesque hacker simulator.

On top of that, courtesy of Introversion Software, the game developers, we also have a bagfull of PC copies of the full title! And who doesn't like free stuff? C04:31 1163 04:31Time Warp: Uplink [EN] + Free Game Giveaway! 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

Description below. Polish version available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2LsvnUadqU
If you were born and raised in the eighties or nineties in one of the "Second World" post-soviet counties odds are that you're not reading this right now. You may07:22 3610 07:22[EN] Funstation 3 - Review 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

Available on:
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/game-dev-story/id396085661?mt=8
Android: https://market.android.com/details?id=net.kairosoft.android.gamedev3en&hl=en

More crazy stuff: http://arhn.eu

This Video's Article: http://arhn.eu/2011/003:07 4168 03:07[EN] Game Dev Story - Review 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu

Tamagotchi! Remember them? The Bandai released 1996 virtual pet was THE TOY of the 1990's. It defined the decade and everybody had one. Whoever didn't wanted one anyway. No wonder. Tamagotchis are still considered to be one of the most recognized toys out12:18 5216 12:18[EN] Tamagotchi - Review 1080p 1080p

Dodał: arhn-eu