Welcome to my channel
This is a reactivation. Around year ago I started working on this channel and social 
There is no place for those who are slaving us and lying to us on this and other world. 

o  I do no be lie ve      o
o  I feel Things                 o
o  I see Things                 o
o  I know Things             o
             by RO

Newtons apple not fall to the ground because of the downgrade gravity but because of the upward momentum of EMR or LIGHT
                          by Tesla
09:32 128 09:32FEAssn - Ritual of Royal Freemason 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

credits thx17:44 130 17:44Flat Earth Talks. Próba zrozumienia. 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

This version focusing only on most common places around the world. In Poland we have big proof and legend of Giewont, but 90% of Polish are focused how to feed their families, buy bmw or new flat tv and be slave for their masters at work. true is that those 70% of world population are hidden cocksukers and faggots 

I remember words of my friends.
- that this is how it have to be...

I said LOL . Be fkn cocksuker and fuggot at work and life not for surviving but only to have new house, new car

...pitty  mates: Siwy(*big eng fundation for disabled plp) Lysy(interia), Dero(, Chaber TPSA ups sorry now Orange- 33 buhaaha) and Others. like Michniks  son in law owner of Merkury Market no matter you work for £10 or 10.000 this is still bergian for hour of your live you fkn slave.  

On bed of death youll find out truth meaning.
Is our responsibility to raise against those who are fkn slavery us - those retards are guilty of our pain, illness, and hiding truth.

Day is coming and all of them will find no mercy here and outside. they will be chasing, they will be living in fear.

Even when plp denied existence of giants due to lack or poor imagination, lazy nest or they have been hacked by material world to connect all dots there are still plp like me and others what trying to remind you where are we living.

Remember one thing if you did smth wrong to smbd it will comeback to you in triple. Golden Rull.

All best for those who are looking truth...Live in peace.15:16 336 15:16Giants 15min Proofs. 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

Hologram ARL-TR-6299

Paul Hellyer

TOMI 335649:39 236 49:39Holograficzne nadejście Mesjasza 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

Exploring the Edges: Flat Earth, Freedom, and Consciousness Join us on a journey through controversial theories and the human psyche. In this video, we delve into the Flat Earth theory, a concept that challenges conventional scientific understanding. Despite being scientifically disproven, the Flat Earth model has seen a resurgence, sparking debate and discussion.

Examine the concept of a slave mindsetthe idea that people can be mentally confined and restricted by agenda, fake societal norms and expectations. This mindset can limit personal growth and freedom, leading to a lack of critical thinking and self-awareness.

Explore consciousnessa fundamental aspect of our existence. What does it mean to be conscious? How does our perception of reality shape our understanding of the world?

This video is not just about questioning what weve been told; its about awakening to new possibilities and perspectives. Whether youre a sceptic or a believer, we invite you to open your mind and engage in this thought-provoking exploration.

Remember, its important to approach sensitive topics with respect and encourage constructive dialogue. The description should reflect the content of your video accurately and invite viewers to watch with an open mind. 00:43 202 00:43Imagine what are you going to know tomorrow 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

Welcome to my channel
This is a reactivation. Around year ago I started working on this channel and social 
There is no place for those who are slaving us and lying to us on this and other world. 

o  I do no be lie ve      o
o  I feel Things                 o
o  I see Things                 o
o  I know Things             o
             by RO

Newtons apple not fall to the ground because of the downgrade gravity but because of the upward momentum of EMR or LIGHT
                          by Tesla

Links to brothers and sisters who help me to understand:

Donation will help me to get new equipment for PEN testing and better videos...



Strona powoli się buduje: 62 00:40Intro 2 Flat Earth Assotiation ZnZP 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

Welcome to my channel
This is a reactivation. Around year ago I started working on this channel and social 
There is no place for those who are slaving us and lying to us on this and other world. 

o  I do no be lie ve      o
o  I feel Things                 o
o  I see Things                 o
o  I know Things             o
             by RO

Newtons apple not fall to the ground because of the downgrade gravity but because of the upward momentum of EMR or LIGHT
                          by Tesla
04:35 84 04:35Ive got that FEAssn feeling 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

Credits to - in my opinion missing real Kenye West after his visit with D.Trump...Listen careful to this video clip is full of symbolic and words  meanings. 

This video is like a birthday cake for decoders...Please enjoy.

some lyrics we were able to find
see on drive

link below 119 36:33Kanye West - Symbolic Runaway 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

02:48 67 02:48Kilka ujec Slonca - Sunset 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

imagine more advanced tech  what it can do on dna level03:08 93 03:08March of the microscopics robots 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

#ZnPZ/FEAssn00:38 112 00:38Mikroboty

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn