update 10:46 15/08/2018

Welcome to my channel                                                                               

TRUTH about Slavery Mankind by extraterrestrials made sht species and their reptilians monkeys.  - Huawei is taking over most of network devices in UK an EU to force NWO3.  


Anunnaki, Syrians, Illuminati,  Lucyferians and their tools central banks, media, gov, police, health, living style including subliminal programming of our children at schools. Sumerian Tablets, Deceptive language,  They started this war but we are gonna finish it, no matter what cost

Lusz : Cel naszego tworzenia

There is no place for those who are slaving us and lying to us on this and other world. 

o  I do no be lie veo
o  I feel Things      o 
o  I see Things       o
o  I know Things      o by R


Newtons apple not fall to the ground because of the downgrade gravity but because of the upward momentum of EMR or LIGHT - by Tesla                          


Started as I was 18 fighting against slavery in Poland - betrayed moved to Uk after decade when we move step forwards we are . Zeitgeist,, started connecting dots... We do not have countires theyre only companies. Our Birth certificate is 

worth a prx $800.000. We are all in dead sea...Time to wake up for freedome.

1. dmurphy25

1a. Distance to the Sun 

2. Cindy Garay


aplanetruth and his knowledge help me to digg more and encourage to fall deep into systems controlling our public such as CISCO and Huawei where I have an opportunity to take a part in conference in Shanghai. My short video give you visual brief what is coming.

4. Flatearthsamurai
Great videos of fake moon and clouds behind it question this.

5. Beyond the imaginary curve - Street interviews 

6. Flat Earth Talk
Student proves flat earth to his class

7.nigahiga - 20mln subscribers - and 412k likes/16k
Flat Earth explained in funny way

8. Rob Skiba makes a great point by reading about Treasure Caves, Koran, King John Bible, Sumerian Tablets, proved that there is no moon rock at all in the national museum. (after all it force me to look for more and more) 

9. Jan Dociekliwy - Stories about our regim system.

10. Al Theeathoone

11. Bro. Sanchez TV

12. Cartoonz Exposed

13. End Time Survivors

14. Flat Earth

15. GeoShifter

16. Illuminati Order Grand Lodge Othroerir

17. Makavelian Souljah Force


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27:06 137 27:06Muzyka relaksacyjna na tle deszczu i burzy 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

Motając się w zeznaniach. Zjeb25:58 133 25:58NASAs Big Lie FEAssn 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

Wszyscy u władzy i  ich padawany klaniaja sie illuminatom, sa tchorzami i lapowkarzami zniewalajac nas...Nie ma wolnosci slowa, media sa sprzedane, wszystko co polskie jest wykupione przez obcy kapital...Kazdy bunt przejaw nie zgody jest ostro tepiony. 
Przyklad Białegostoku i dzieci wyworzonych przez organy panstwa do burdeliw europie, na okultystyczne cele i dla narzadów...sprawa ponownie wrocila do sądu...zoabczymy sa dalej sprzedajnymi k****wami.

Kiedy sie ludzie obudza, zjednocza i zrozumieja ze nie obronia swoich pociech w przyszlosci jak dzis beda bierni...

Myslisz ze masz dobra prace i tak niewolniku robisz za polowe wynagrodzenia...Obudzisz sie jak Ciebie dostanie ich nie sprawiedliwosc i bedziesz skamlal jak pies pod drzwiamy proszac o pomoc...

There is no place for those who are slaving us and lying to us on this and other world. 

o  I do no be lie ve      o
o  I feel Things                 o
o  I see Things                 o
o  I know Things             o
             by RO

Newtons apple not fall to the ground because of the downgrade gravity but because of the upward momentum of EMR or LIGHT
                          by Tesla
01:03 83 01:03Nation Traitors 1918 - 2018 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

01:55:14 2229 01:55:14No Game No Life - Anime 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

There is no place for those who are slaving us and lying to us on this and other world. 

o  I do no be lie ve      o
o  I feel Things                 o
o  I see Things                 o
o  I know Things             o
             by RO

Newtons apple not fall to the ground because of the downgrade gravity but because of the upward momentum of EMR or LIGHT
                          by Tesla

Film Kubricka zawiera przerażającą prawdę ukrywaną przed światem. Z filmu wycięto 24 minuty tuż po śmierci reżysera, co zawierały wycięte po śmierci Kubricka sceny?20:25 8345 20:25Oczy szeroko nie zamkniete! 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

04:11 283 04:11Przeslanie... 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

#Desant #Rosja #Krym01:24 210 01:24Rosja desant z Taganrogu na Krym 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

31:08 214 31:08Skrzywieni Psychicznie

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

00:29 128 00:29Soon CV takers will regret their decision 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

08:40 355 08:40Stare Mapy

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

38:20 93 38:20Supply Chain Disruption 720p 720p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

Welcome to my channel it is 2016 October.

There is no place for those who are slaving us and lying to us on this and other world. 

o  I do no be lie ve      o
o  I feel Things                 o
o  I see Things                 o
o  I know Things             o
             by RO

Newtons apple not fall to the ground because of the downgrade gravity but because of the upward momentum of EMR or LIGHT
                          by Tesla
01:30:00 137 01:30:00System Breaker Music 5 ZnPZ/FEAssn

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn

09:30 158 09:30Szantaże szczypionkowe 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn