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96160 odsłon wideo
Dołączył(a): 2017-11-22
★LINK DO ODDANIA GŁOSÓW: http://bit.ly/2pjYiNs
★VOTE FOR US HERE: http://bit.ly/2pjYiNs

00:33 294 00:33KIEROWNIKU! Zapodaj głoooosa! 1080p 1080p


ENG: soon 
Zadawajcie pytania do kolejnego Q & A, zostawcie like i suba! 
Przebijemy 100 like? 
Q & A zostało nagrane 4 kwietnia, odpowiada konkretnie na waższe pytania. 
Jutro o 19:00 spodziewajcie się na kanale nowego utworu: Blackout!
 ♪ NEW CHANNEL YTtwo: https://bit.ly/2NebfGI
★ Facebook - https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
★ Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2hitQ0U
★ Snapchat: ympressivtreax
★ Booking/Kontakt - ympressivtreaxonyt@gmail.com
★ Soundcloud - http://bit.ly/29h6aZn
★ Shop / Sklep: http://bit.ly/2aZ8hmd04:27 123 04:27Kiedy coś z GIMPEREM? / Q & A 1080p 1080p



Download or ADD it to your favourite SPOTIFY/Apple Music playlist by clicking HERE: 
Pobierz go lub DODAJ do swojej playlisty na SPOTIFY/Apple Music klikająć TUTAJ: 
★ Grafikę wykonał - http://bit.ly/29gCVak Szymon Brandt 
★ Float on Soundcloud - 
★ Facebook - http://bit.ly/297InHC
★ Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2hitQ0U
★ Snapchat: ympressivtreax
★ Booking/Kontakt - ympressivtreaxonyt@gmail.com
★ Soundcloud - http://bit.ly/29h6aZn
★ Shop / Sklep: http://bit.ly/2aZ8hmd
★ YouTube: http://bit.ly/2i3odmK04:08 376 04:08Y & T - Float 720p 720p


Zostaw LIKE i suba :D Prosimy! 
 ENG - soon  (go go go Konrad tranlate)
 Track: YTone x Voix - We Are Free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vpT-LM-sLaTw
 YTone Social Media:

 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
 INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/2LRVLWI
 SNAPCHAT: ympressivtreax
 Shop / Sklep: https://bit.ly/2mFGDBH
 SOUNDCLOUD - https://bit.ly/2SdkrKq
 BOOKING/KONTAKT - ytone.info@gmail.com
  SECOND CHANNEL YTtwo: https://bit.ly/2NebfGI
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------04:58 189 04:58YTone - 2019 / 2020 1080p 1080p


 ENG: Lyrics in captions.
Hello after 2 years! We are back and we have an album for you called La La Love. It consists of 5 songs. You can now listen to all songs from the album by clicking on the link below! Leave a thumbs up and add it to your Spotify playlists!

Add to your playlist on Spotify or other favorite platform by clicking HERE:

 PL: Tekst w napisach.
Cześć po 2 latach! Wracamy i mamy dla Was album o nazwie La La Love. Składa się on z 5 utworów. Już teraz możesz odsłuchać wszystkich utworów z albumu wchodząc w link poniżej! Zostawcie łapkę w górę i dodajcie do Waszych playlist na spotify! 

Dodaj do swojej playlisty na Spotify lub innej ulubione platformie klikając TUTAJ:
YTone Social Media:

 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
 INSTAGRAM: ytonemusic
Spotify: YTone
SOUNDCLOUD - https://bit.ly/2SdkrKq
BOOKING/KONTAKT - ytone.info@gmail.com
La La Love:
The creative process of the YTone duo for the La La Love album unfolded in one of the top-notch studios in Łódź. Pop and EDM genres were merged to achieve a radio-friendly, catchy, and powerful songs. Purchased vocals add a personal touch to the tracks. The albums theme revolves around love. Some tracks touch upon themes of longing, others delve into the topic of betrayal, while yet another set narrates the story of a highly emotional love between two individuals. The result? Very hypnotic and ultimate sound.03:35 85 03:35YTone - Can We Do Better 1080p 1080p


Zostaw like i suba (tylko 15% osób ogląda nas z subskrypcją), chcemy zobaczyć do ilu osób dociera nasza muzyka i odbudować zasięgi. Od tego momentu będziemy dodawać 2 materiały miesięcznie. Rozpiska znajduje się w zakładce społeczność na naszym kanale.

SHARE, LIKE and listen this on SPOTIFY, please!
Download or add it to your favourite Spotify/Apple Music playlist by clicking HERE: https://ffm.to/escapeytone

Pobierz utwór lub dodaj do swojej playlisty na Spotify/Apple Music klikając TUTAJ: https://ffm.to/escapeytone

 Escape on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/ytonemusic/ytone-escape
Vocal: Naomi Wesselius 
Text: Gosia Szubińska
Graphics: Szymon Brandt
Music: YTone
Support with video: Mateusz Chlebicz (dobra mordeczka)
Naomi Wesselius (vocal) Social Media: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naomi.wesselius
INSTAGRAM: @whisper_of_soul
 YTone Social Media:

Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
INSTAGRAM: ytonemusic
Shop / Sklep: https://bit.ly/2mFGDBH
SOUNDCLOUD - https://bit.ly/2SdkrKq
BOOKING/KONTAKT - ytone.info@gmail.com
SECOND CHANNEL YTtwo: https://bit.ly/2NebfGI
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------03:15 106 03:15YTone - Escape 1080p 1080p


 ENG: Lyrics in captions.
Hello after 2 years! We are back and we have an album for you called La La Love. It consists of 5 songs. You can now listen to all songs from the album by clicking on the link below! Leave a thumbs up and add it to your Spotify playlists!

Add to your playlist on Spotify or other favorite platform by clicking HERE:

 PL: Tekst w napisach.
Cześć po 2 latach! Wracamy i mamy dla Was album o nazwie La La Love. Składa się on z 5 utworów. Już teraz możesz odsłuchać wszystkich utworów z albumu wchodząc w link poniżej! Zostawcie łapkę w górę i dodajcie do Waszych playlist na spotify! 

Dodaj do swojej playlisty na Spotify lub innej ulubione platformie klikając TUTAJ:
YTone Social Media:

 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
 INSTAGRAM: ytonemusic
Spotify: YTone
SOUNDCLOUD - https://bit.ly/2SdkrKq
BOOKING/KONTAKT - ytone.info@gmail.com
La La Love:
The creative process of the YTone duo for the La La Love album unfolded in one of the top-notch studios in Łódź. Pop and EDM genres were merged to achieve a radio-friendly, catchy, and powerful songs. Purchased vocals add a personal touch to the tracks. The albums theme revolves around love. Some tracks touch upon themes of longing, others delve into the topic of betrayal, while yet another set narrates the story of a highly emotional love between two individuals. The result? Very hypnotic and ultimate sound.02:24 86 02:24YTone - Im So Fly


 ENG: Lyrics in captions.
Hello after 2 years! We are back and we have an album for you called La La Love. It consists of 5 songs. You can now listen to all songs from the album by clicking on the link below! Leave a thumbs up and add it to your Spotify playlists!

Add to your playlist on Spotify or other favorite platform by clicking HERE:

 PL: Tekst w napisach.
Cześć po 2 latach! Wracamy i mamy dla Was album o nazwie La La Love. Składa się on z 5 utworów. Już teraz możesz odsłuchać wszystkich utworów z albumu wchodząc w link poniżej! Zostawcie łapkę w górę i dodajcie do Waszych playlist na spotify! 

Dodaj do swojej playlisty na Spotify lub innej ulubione platformie klikając TUTAJ:
YTone Social Media:

 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
 INSTAGRAM: ytonemusic
Spotify: YTone
SOUNDCLOUD - https://bit.ly/2SdkrKq
BOOKING/KONTAKT - ytone.info@gmail.com
La La Love:
The creative process of the YTone duo for the La La Love album unfolded in one of the top-notch studios in Łódź. Pop and EDM genres were merged to achieve a radio-friendly, catchy, and powerful songs. Purchased vocals add a personal touch to the tracks. The albums theme revolves around love. Some tracks touch upon themes of longing, others delve into the topic of betrayal, while yet another set narrates the story of a highly emotional love between two individuals. The result? Very hypnotic and ultimate sound.04:15 59 04:15YTone - Its Killing Me 1080p 1080p


 ENG: Lyrics in captions.
Hello after 2 years! We are back and we have an album for you called La La Love. It consists of 5 songs. You can now listen to all songs from the album by clicking on the link below! Leave a thumbs up and add it to your Spotify playlists!

Add to your playlist on Spotify or other favorite platform by clicking HERE:

 PL: Tekst w napisach.
Cześć po 2 latach! Wracamy i mamy dla Was album o nazwie La La Love. Składa się on z 5 utworów. Już teraz możesz odsłuchać wszystkich utworów z albumu wchodząc w link poniżej! Zostawcie łapkę w górę i dodajcie do Waszych playlist na spotify! 

Dodaj do swojej playlisty na Spotify lub innej ulubione platformie klikając TUTAJ:
YTone Social Media:

 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
 INSTAGRAM: ytonemusic
Spotify: YTone
SOUNDCLOUD - https://bit.ly/2SdkrKq
BOOKING/KONTAKT - ytone.info@gmail.com
La La Love:
The creative process of the YTone duo for the La La Love album unfolded in one of the top-notch studios in Łódź. Pop and EDM genres were merged to achieve a radio-friendly, catchy, and powerful songs. Purchased vocals add a personal touch to the tracks. The albums theme revolves around love. Some tracks touch upon themes of longing, others delve into the topic of betrayal, while yet another set narrates the story of a highly emotional love between two individuals. The result? Very hypnotic and ultimate sound.05:00 133 05:00YTone - La La Love


Download or add it to your favourite Spotify/Apple Music playlist by clicking HERE: https://independentdigital.ffm.to/ytone_makeyourmove

Pobierz utwór lub dodaj do swojej playlisty na Spotify/Apple Music klikając TUTAJ: https://independentdigital.ffm.to/ytone_makeyourmove

 SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/ytonemusic/ytone-make-your-move-float-mashup
#makeyourmove #make #your #move 
@Proximity @Future House Music @Future House Cloud 
 YTone Social Media:

Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
INSTAGRAM: ytonemusic
Shop / Sklep: https://bit.ly/2mFGDBH
SOUNDCLOUD - https://bit.ly/2SdkrKq
BOOKING/KONTAKT - ytone.info@gmail.com
SECOND CHANNEL YTtwo: https://bit.ly/2NebfGI
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------03:19 139 03:19YTone - Make Your Move (Float MASHUP) 1080p 1080p


 PL: Jest to cover (przy tym również połączenie) dwóch utworów - Take On Me oraz Feel This Moment autorstwa odpowiednio: A-ha oraz Pitbull ft. Christina Aguilera. Cover jest utrzymany w klimatach radiowych.
 ENG: It is a cover (also a mashup) of two songs -  Take On Me and Feel This Moment by: A-ha and Pitbull ft. Christina Aguilera. Cover is kept in radio climates.
 Take This Moment on SoundCloud: https://bit.ly/3vbuWl2
Vocal: Naomi Wesselius
Instrumental / Mix / Mastering: YTone
Saxophone: Mariusz Nowicki
CD Cover: Szymon Brandt
YTone Social Media:

 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
 INSTAGRAM: ytonemusic
Spotify: YTone
SECOND CHANNEL YTtwo: https://bit.ly/2NebfGI
SOUNDCLOUD - https://bit.ly/2SdkrKq
BOOKING/KONTAKT - ytone.info@gmail.com
Shop / Sklep: https://bit.ly/2mFGDBH
 CD cover by Szymon Brandt  - http://bit.ly/29gCVak02:55 89 02:55YTone - Take This Moment 1080p 1080p


Add to your playlist on Spotify or other favorite platform by clicking HERE: https://ffm.to/ve0vgk

Dodaj do swojej playlisty na Spotify lub innej ulubione platformie klikając TUTAJ: https://ffm.to/ve0vgk
YTone Social Media:

 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
 INSTAGRAM: ytonemusic
Spotify: YTone
SOUNDCLOUD - https://bit.ly/2SdkrKq
BOOKING/KONTAKT - ytone.info@gmail.com
------------------------------------------------------------------------------02:15 23 02:15YTone - Techno Rave 1080p 1080p


 ENG: Hello after 2 years! We are back and we have an album for you called La La Love. It consists of 5 songs. You can now listen to all songs from the album by clicking on the link below! Leave a thumbs up and add it to your Spotify playlists!

Add to your playlist on Spotify or other favorite platform by clicking HERE:

 PL: Cześć po 2 latach! Wracamy i mamy dla Was album o nazwie La La Love. Składa się on z 5 utworów. Już teraz możesz odsłuchać wszystkich utworów z albumu wchodząc w link poniżej! Zostawcie łapkę w górę i dodajcie do Waszych playlist na spotify! 

Dodaj do swojej playlisty na Spotify lub innej ulubione platformie klikając TUTAJ:
YTone Social Media:

 Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sl42mk
 INSTAGRAM: ytonemusic
Spotify: YTone
SOUNDCLOUD - https://bit.ly/2SdkrKq
BOOKING/KONTAKT - ytone.info@gmail.com
La La Love:
The creative process of the YTone duo for the La La Love album unfolded in one of the top-notch studios in Łódź. Pop and EDM genres were merged to achieve a radio-friendly, catchy, and powerful songs. Purchased vocals add a personal touch to the tracks. The albums theme revolves around love. Some tracks touch upon themes of longing, others delve into the topic of betrayal, while yet another set narrates the story of a highly emotional love between two individuals. The result? Very hypnotic and ultimate sound.02:53 61 02:53YTone - Thinking About You 1080p 1080p