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Dołączył(a): 2020-02-28
Tis the season for Christmas lists! For this Deep Dive, were taking a look at our best Christmas lists. Our video will touch upon such lists as Top 20 Best Christmas Movies of All Time, Top 10 Musical Moments in Christmas Movies, Top 10 Iconic Christmas Movie Quotes, and more! Whats your favorite Christmas list? Let us know in the comments! 

Watch more great Christmas videos here:
Top 20 Best Christmas Movies of All Time: https://youtu.be/kfLa-gkEExU?siHKt4GDhwHtsIcdG_  
Top 20 Greatest Christmas Songs of All Time: https://youtu.be/2BcxUCGWBs0?siBs5QAsbT4JX6zzeu 
Top 10 Christmas Movies That Aged Poorly: https://youtu.be/FG0XvEHsxAk?siDwil1JUBH4BonGQN  

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#WatchMojo01:40:41 121 01:40:41Our Best Christmas Lists Marathon! 1080p 1080p

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Whos up for a trip to Springfield? For this Deep Dive, were taking a look at some of our most popular lists involving televisions favorite family, The Simpsons. Our countdown of Simpsons lists includes Top 20 Times The Simpsons Predicted the Future, Top 10 Times The Simpsons Angered People, Top 10 Major Characters of The Simpsons Who Tragically Died, and more! Whats your favorite Simpsons list? Let us know in the comments! 

Watch more great Simpsons videos here:
Top 10 Times Homer Simpson Got What He DESERVED: https://youtu.be/d64hbvT0YfA?siC1Nl_722s_qyHd06 
Top 10 Funniest Simpsons TV Parodies: https://youtu.be/HrCElcAwsvk 
The Simpsons vs Family Guy: https://youtu.be/agNk3dqwk2A 

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#Funny01:40:25 51 01:40:25Our Best Simpsons Lists Marathon 1080p 1080p

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Top 10 Best Breaking Bad Characters
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The best and most memorable Breaking Bad characters can be found here! For this list, were looking at the most compelling characters from Breaking Bad, while excluding those that only appeared in Better Call Saul. Our list includes characters like Tuco Salamanca, Saul Goodman, Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Gustavo Fring, and more. Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Breaking Bad Characters.

List Rank and Entries:
10. Badger 
9. Walter White Jr. 
8. Tuco Salamanca 
7. Hector Salamanca 
6. Gustavo Fring 
5. Hank Schrader 
4. Saul Goodman 
3, 2, 1: ???

Check out MyMojo to see how people voted and add your picks: https://www.watchmojo.com/suggest/10+Best+Breaking+Bad+Characters

Watch more Breaking Bad videos below:
Top 10 Worst Things Walter White Has Done: https://youtu.be/1BVgQ1fEfGQ
Top 10 Things We Want to See in the Breaking Bad Movie: https://youtu.be/-uljPcoTYVw
Top 10 Breaking Bad Scenes: https://youtu.be/sm7bkc1REUI

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Our Top 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 Moments
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Over on MojoPlays, our reviewer Dave has been playing through Red Dead Redemption 2 nonstop! So for this list, hes compiled his Top 10 Personal Moments of Red Dead Redemption 2. Do note that this isnt a list of the Top 10 missions, since we know that not everyone has finished the game yet, thatll come later.

Check out these other great videos:
Red Dead Redemption 2 Spoiler Free Review - https://youtu.be/10w_PhH4RUs
Top 10 Red Dead Redemption Moments - https://youtu.be/5AD3QtvYNdM
Greatest Video Game Ending of All Time - Red Dead Redemption - https://youtu.be/MYuRlmlv0EQ

List Entries and Rank:
10) Fear The White Cougar
9) Non lethal method of dealing with an ODriscoll thug
8) Ok, clearly not a toy boat
7) Playing Poker is fun Wait. What was I doing again?
6) The Prison Rescue
5) But you said I could have it!
4) Wanted for Walking past an Officer?
3, 2 & 1: ?

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#RedDeadRedemption2 #RDR2 #gaming

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04:33 58 04:33P Diddy Sean Puff Daddy Combs Biography 480p 480p

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04:18 17 04:18Party Makeup Tips 480p 480p

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Patrick Stewart and Ryan Reynolds are lying about being in Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness and everyone knows it! Join us as we examine interviews, movie clips and judge them intensely hoping they are lying!

Weve been right before...
Andrew Garfield Is A Liar!

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#deadpool00:46 32 00:46Patrick Stewart And Ryan Reynolds Are LIARS 1080p 1080p

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Peacemaker may just be the best show on TV at the moment! James Gunn and John Cena are firing on all cylinders! Do you love the show more than you thought you would? let us know in the comments!

Check out this other short!:

The Bat-Verse

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#johncena00:46 120 00:46Peacemaker Is Must Watch TV! 1080p 1080p

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Turns out Pedro Pascal is one of us! Join us for the soundbite that says it all...

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Your trusted authority for Top 10 lists, reviews, tips and tricks, biographies, origins, and entertainment news00:08 20 00:08Pedro Pascal Likes Top 10s

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Youll never go to the circus or childs birthday party again. For this showdown, were going to find out which of these horror movie clown characters reigns supreme. Our list includes such categories as Background / Origin Story, Scare Factor, Powers, and more! Which clown do YOU think is the scariest? Le us know in the comments! 

Watch more great horror videos here: 
Top 20 Scariest Horror Movies You Probably Havent Seen: https://youtu.be/5AVYMkq_L1s 
Top 20 Best Performances in Horror Movies of All Time: https://youtu.be/lsBxEKY4yOc 
Top 10 Horror Movies No One Understands: https://youtu.be/f3-yg5mBnJs 

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#Pennywise #ArtTheClown #Horror11:58 607 11:58Pennywise vs Art the Clown 1080p 1080p

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This video is brought to you by LOCKED, starring Bill Skarsgård and Anthony Hopkins in the ultimate horror-thriller. ONLY IN THEATERS: March 21 https://tix.locked-movie.com

Two iconic horror villains face off in this ultimate showdown! Watch as we compare the dancing demon clown from Derry against the sophisticated cannibal in five intense rounds. From their chilling backstories to their unforgettable performances, well determine which horror legend reigns supreme. We analyze their origins, killing methods, relationships with heroes, fear factor, and the legendary performances by Bill Skarsgård and Anthony Hopkins. Which terrifying villain would you bet on in a face-to-face encounter? Who do you think is the greatest? Share in the comments. 

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#Horror #Movies #Pennywise #HannibalLecter #IT #SilenceOfTheLambs #BillSkarsgard #AnthonyHopkins #Thriller #Villains13:55 1 13:55Pennywise vs Hannibal Lecter 1080p 1080p

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How these folks made it out alive well never know! For this list, well be looking at some truly unlucky people who were unfortunate enough to suffer more than one disaster. Our countdown includes Rahmat Saiful Bahri, Wenman Wykeham-Musgrave, Tsutomu Yamaguchi, and more! Which of these stories is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great disaster videos here: 
Top 10 Most Dramatic Footage of Natural Disasters Caught on Camera: https://youtu.be/Pn28evaXaOU 
Top 10 Man-Made Disasters: https://youtu.be/cPiINrpQEgI 
Top 10 Scariest Disaster Movies: https://youtu.be/yuxvyOD4qTc 

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#Disasters10:34 69 10:34People Who Survived More Than One Disaster 1080p 1080p

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Its a QB battle of epic proportions! Today were counting were pitting quarterbacks Peyton Manning and Tom Brady against one another to see who comes out on top. Our countdown includes such categories as Head-to-Head Matchups, Supporting Cast, Postseason Success, and more! Which quarterback do YOU Believe is the GOAT? Be sure to let us know in the comments!

Watch more great sports videos here:
Top 10 Worst Decisions In Sports: https://youtu.be/TkYYhMetQZU 
Top 20 Most Scandalous Olympic Controversies Ever: https://youtu.be/VSqKjIVK1jc 
Top 10 Athletes Who Ruined Their Careers With One Play: https://youtu.be/IxzhBL0Ev2s  

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#SuperBowl15:27 27 15:27Peyton Manning vs Tom Brady 1080p 1080p

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02:56 18 02:56Photos That Defined 2007 480p 480p

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00:49 20 00:49Pick-Up lines Part 2

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03:13 15 03:13Pierre Trudeau: Private Life 480p 480p

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Were diving deep into the origins of this horrifying movie villain. For this video, were going over the iconic Cenobites horror history from page to screen, including the backstory and terrifying characterization. Well include Pinheads brutal breakthrough, eerie evolution, and whats still to come for this otherworldly character. Whats your favorite Pinhead quote? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great horror videos here: 
Top 10 Best Horror Movies of 2021 (So Far): https://youtu.be/coIHeihoQ-A 
Top 20 Scariest Horror Movies of All Time: https://youtu.be/HQhdackJsUE 
Top 20 Best Horror Movie Trailers of All Time: https://youtu.be/2NncOGdFBtA   

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#HorrorMovies08:27 229 08:27Pinhead Origins (Hellraiser) 1080p 1080p

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Pink - The Story & the Songs
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Who Knew, So What, U + Ur Hand These are not only some of the best Pink songs; theyre some of the best modern pop tracks of all time AND some of the best songs of the 20th century...period. But how did  PInk get so famous? What influence did she have on music history?  Learn how Alecia Beth Moore aka Pink changed music forever by learning about the songs that started it all.

You cant rank the music without knowing the artist, so were bringing you The Story and the Songs; a http://www.WatchMojo.com music show covering the bios and top 10s of the most influential artists of all time. On this episode, we tackle Pinks  career and best songs.

Be sure to give your opinion on which artists we should cover next! https://www.watchmojo.com/suggest/Artist+of+the+Day:+The+Story+and+the+Songs+-+VOTE+FOR+THE+NEXT+FEATURED+ARTIST!

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01:55 15 01:55Pioneer Sound Systems 480p 480p

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Where did those damned dirty apes come from, anyway? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were breaking down the complete timeline for The Planet of the Apes. Since well be discussing the plots of these films in depth be warned, therell be plenty of spoilers. Well have a look at Rise of the Planet of the Apes, the Simian Flu, the battle of the Golden Gate and more! Are you excited for the next installment in the Apes saga? Let us know in the comments. 

Check out these other timeline videos:
The Entire Jurassic World Timeline Explained: https://youtu.be/atnfLaXL_wY?sijzpce9ejFqH2xoIv
The Dune Universe Timeline EXPLAINED: https://youtu.be/MzbfU2viXHM?si3uQQ-GAklNNDJvOf
The Terminator Timeline Explained: https://youtu.be/JJYHaeQTqz4?sibrBqUQziLzUulYeq

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#planetoftheapes #timeline #scifi #movies #riseoftheplanetoftheapes #caesar11:11 19 11:11Planet of the Apes Timeline EXPLAINED 1080p 1080p

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The next-gen console wars between PlayStation and Xbox are about to begin anew! For this list, were looking at which of these two upcoming video game consoles looks to be the most impressive at the current time. Our countdown includes their designs, online components, currently listed games, and more! Did YOUR favorite features make the list? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great PlayStation 5/Xbox Series X videos here: 
7 Confirmed Facts About the PlayStation 5 | MojoPlays https://youtu.be/LxbCrQr4Z6c
Every Confirmed Game Coming to the Xbox Series X https://youtu.be/vFwZyKjlwqU 
Everything We Know About The Next Console Generation https://youtu.be/WsWrdx1YYn4

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#VideoGames #PlayStation5 #XboxSeriesX10:05 149 10:05PlayStation 5 vs Xbox Series X 1080p 1080p

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