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Dołączył(a): 2020-02-28
What do you think of the casting of the Borderlands movie, or the horrific review scores? Let us know in the comments!

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#jackblack00:39 28 00:39Borderlands Movie VS Game

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04:16 39 04:16Branches of the U. S. Military 480p 480p

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Whats Walter White up to these days? For this video, well be looking at what the actors from this iconic series have been up to since its end in 2013. If you havent seen the show, there will be some spoilers. Our list includes Jesse Plemons, RJ Mitte, Aaron Paul and more! Whose post-Breaking Bad career has surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments!  

Check out these other Where are they now videos: 
Top 20 Meme Stars: Where Are They Now?: https://youtu.be/otm6hzPkOho
Top 10 SNL Cast Members From The 90s: Where Are They Now?: https://youtu.be/il684MG5aGs
Top 10 Lost Stars: Where Are They Now?: https://youtu.be/Fg30Q_N-mfM

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#breakingbad #walterwhite #jessepinkman #elcamino #bettercallsaul #bobodenkirk #bryancranston #gusfring13:55 348 13:55Breaking Bad Cast: Where Are They Now? 1080p 1080p

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Whats Walter White up to these days? For this video, well be looking at what the actors from this iconic series have been up to since its end in 2013. If you havent seen the show, there will be some spoilers. Our list includes Jesse Plemons, RJ Mitte, Aaron Paul and more! Whose post-Breaking Bad career has surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments!  

Check out these other Where are they now videos: 
Top 20 Meme Stars: Where Are They Now?: https://youtu.be/otm6hzPkOho
Top 10 SNL Cast Members From The 90s: Where Are They Now?: https://youtu.be/il684MG5aGs
Top 10 Lost Stars: Where Are They Now?: https://youtu.be/Fg30Q_N-mfM

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#breakingbad #walterwhite #jessepinkman #elcamino #bettercallsaul #bobodenkirk #bryancranston #gusfring13:55 771 13:55Breaking Bad Cast: Where Are They Now? 1080p 1080p

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Brendan Fraser received a 7 minute long standing ovation for his work on The Whale, which was beyond deserved. Its so good to see him back doing what he loves and getting recognized for it. Did you grow up on Brendan Fraser movies, and how do you feel about seeing him moved to tears from the applause? Let us know in the comments.

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#brendanfraserthewhale00:36 40 00:36Brendan Frasers Standing Ovation #shorts 1080p 1080p

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Brian Griffin DIED WHEN!?!
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Its time to feel old. For this list, were scouring our memory banks and the history books to find five interesting stories thatll make you say, oh, yeah, that happened. Be sure to keep an eye on our Community Tab to vote for your favorite memories on upcoming episodes! 

Check out our other videos of TMNT Ended 22 Years Ago?! This Week in History: October 28-November 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vq4tc1... III and Gargoyles! This Week in History: October 21-27: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v5uDm9..., and the Top 10 Toys You Played With In Your Childhood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?viIWR0....

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The Batman is almost here! We cant help but imagine a Bat-verse where all the versions can interact and co-exist. What is your favorite version of the caped crusader? Let us know in the comments.

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#shorts00:53 73 00:53Bring On The Bat-Verse 1080p 1080p

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Arguably the OG beast! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the movie moments that best displayed the legends speed, skill, and all-out rage on screen. Our countdown includes scenes from movies Enter the Dragon, The Big Boss, The Way of the Dragon and more! Let us know your favorite Bruce Lee fight or finisher in the comments!

Check out these other beast mode videos:
Top 10 Times the Scooby Gang Went Beast Mode: https://youtu.be/4wosd6Kr3Sk?sivv8MHS4Ikn2osIaG
Top 20 Times Batman Went Beast Mode: https://youtu.be/DhGS5fhObSY?sikuhaMUmI_vy2PBb9
Top 10 Times Horror Movie Villains Went Beast Mode: https://youtu.be/z607lmJQj6I?siVg-QxRHpNbFzwiGv

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#brucelee #martialarts #movies #fistsoffury #enterthedragon #fight10:36 104 10:36Bruce Lees Top 10 Most Badass Moments 1080p 1080p

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Ready? Fight! For this showdown, well be looking at two of the most legendary Chinese martial artists and action movie superstars. Our categories includes Acting, Stunt Work, Martial Arts Training, and more!  Dont forget to let us know in the comments if you think we picked the right martial arts icon in this battle of the badasses. 

Watch more great versus videos here: 
Tobey Maguire vs Andrew Garfield vs Tom Holland as Spider-Man: https://youtu.be/80ejy90RMjo 
MCU vs. DCEU: https://youtu.be/eoILZJBhWLo 
Best Food: Pizza Vs Burgers: https://youtu.be/cRCmI4TBu94 

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#BruceLee #Versus #JackieChan10:34 1478 10:34Bruce Lee vs Jackie Chan 1080p 1080p

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Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we pit DCs Bruce Wayne against Marvels Tony Stark to see which billionaire hero is more super than the other. Special thanks to our user villiguns for submitting the idea on our WatchMojo.com/suggest page.

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http://amara.org/v/E7fk/05:38 62 05:38Bruce Wayne Vs Tony Stark 480p 480p

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01:03 46 01:03Bulgarian Language Translations 480p 480p

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00:02 33 00:02Bulgarian Translations - How To Say Hello 480p 480p

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01:05 26 01:05CK Old Commercial #1 480p 480p

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Netflix strikes again! More shows have been canceled after their first season, leaving viewers without a satisfying conclusion to shows they have invested themselves in. Let us know in the comments if you have been a victim of show cancelation and which killed show irks you the most!

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#residentevilnetflix00:30 70 00:30Canceled By Netflix #shorts 1080p 1080p

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03:05 26 03:05Cannibal Corpse Talks Torture 1080p 1080p

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Can you believe Aladdin is... OLD?
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Time is cruel, but nostalgia is so sweet. For this list, were scouring our memory banks and the history books to find five interesting stories thatll make you miss the good old days. Be sure to keep an eye on our Community Tab to vote for your favorite memories on upcoming episodes! WatchMojo checks out this week in history: November 25-December 1.

Check out our other videos of Toy Story and Tamagotchis! This Week in History: November 18-24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vhToju3URnWk, TMNT Ended 22 Years Ago?! This Week in History: October 28-November 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vq4tc1HCXgHw, and GTA III and Gargoyles! This Week in History: October 21-27: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v5uDm9uJXi3I.

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WatchMojos ten thousand videos on Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Tips, How Tos, Reviews, Commentary and more on Pop Culture, Celebrity, Movies, Music, TV, Film, Video Games, Politics, News, Comics, Superheroes. Your trusted authority on ranking Pop Culture.06:20 56 06:20Can you believe Aladdin is... OLD? 720p 720p

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03:13 27 03:13Car Review: 2010 BMW 550i Gran Turismo 480p 480p

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02:49 30 02:49Car Review: 2010 Lincoln MKT 480p 480p

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01:56 29 01:56Car Review: 2010 Nissan Cube Krom 480p 480p

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