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Dołączył(a): 2020-02-28
02:33 18 02:33What is Female Muscle Modeling? 480p 480p

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03:20 22 03:20What is Sake? 480p 480p

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01:10 19 01:10What is an Equinox? 480p 480p

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The God of Thunder has a bright future ahead of him! For this video, well be exploring how the future looks for Thor and his team after their recent adventure filled with gods, a god-slayer, and the perils of love. Our countdown includes Who Will Thor Fight Next?, Is Thor Doomed in Romance?, Will We See Thor before Phase 5?, and more! Where do you think lightning will strike next for Thor and his friends? Share your predictions in the comments.

Watch more great Marvel videos here: 
Top 10 Best Superhero Team Ups in the MCU: https://youtu.be/rA-xtVRgu5o  
Top 10 MCU Characters with the Coolest Superpowers: https://youtu.be/dyg7OLas0Mo   
Every MCU Movie Ranked: https://youtu.be/8exIAuQTokM  

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#GuardiansOfTheGalaxy11:23 64 11:23Whats Next After Thor: Love and Thunder 1080p 1080p

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Avengers Trivia challenge: https://watchmojo.com/trivia/hardcore-trivia-for-mcu-fans
He was so close in Age of Ultron . . . then by Endgame it was hammer time! But when exactly did Captain America become worthy enough to wield Mjolnir? What did Steve Rogers do that allowed him to not only lift Thors enchanted war-hammer, but to use is in battle? Join us as we explain! Who do YOU think wielded it better, Captain America or Thor? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great Avengers: Endgame videos here: 
Does Avengers: Endgames Timeline Make Sense?: https://youtu.be/T_QQMhZIITw
Top 10 Things You Missed In Avengers: Endgame: https://youtu.be/mbd4j2tfaoM
Top 10 Avengers: Endgame Fan Theories That Were Wrong: https://youtu.be/PttDE1yixZM

Watch on WatchMojo: http://watchmojo.com/video/id/16385/

#Avengers #Movies #Marvel

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WatchMojos ten thousand videos on Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Tips, How Tos, Reviews, Commentary and more on Pop Culture, Celebrity, Movies, Music, TV, Film, Video Games, Politics, News, Comics, Superheroes. Your trusted authority on ranking Pop Culture.07:57 24 07:57When Did Captain America Become Worthy? 1080p 1080p

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Put some water on that burn! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the hilarious digs at pop culture figures during award ceremonies. Our countdown of savage celebrity roasts at awards shows includes Emma Stone, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Downey Jr., George Clooney, James Corden, and more! Whats the funniest roast youve ever heard at an award show? Let us know if it made our list in the comments below!

Watch more great comedy videos here: 
Top 20 Comedy Movies of the Century So Far: https://youtu.be/s0gdBeTqql8 
Top 21 Comedy Movies of Each Year (2000 - 2020): https://youtu.be/GkgX74P3qeI 
Top 20 Scenes Where Actors Couldnt Keep a Straight Face: https://youtu.be/8bYjWOU4KcU  

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#GoldenGlobes20:54 44 20:54When Stars Throw Shade At Award Shows.. 1080p 1080p

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This is what happens when you get cocky playing Elden Ring! Have you experienced this pain yourself? Let us know in the comments!

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#xboxseries00:48 22 00:48When You Get Cocky In Elden Ring #Shorts 1080p 1080p

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Which sweet treat shall you eat? There can only be one! Welcome to WatchMojo, and in this installment of versus, were pitting three ice cream titans against each other  its Wendys Frosty versus Dairy Queens Blizzard versus McDonalds McFlurry! Our contest includes such categories as Flavors & Toppings, Spoons, Specials & Promos, and more! What do YOU think is the best fast food frozen treat? Let us know in the comments! 

Watch more great fast food videos here: 
Top 10 Fast Food Hamburgers: https://youtu.be/plxjkqG3SFk 
Top 10 Outrageous Fast Food Items: https://youtu.be/h_c58V3NmyU 
Top 10 Insane Secret Menu Items: https://youtu.be/VIbPRT-Wi_w 

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#FastFood #McDonalds #DairyQueen11:35 541 11:35Which Is The Best Fast Food Ice Cream Ever? 1080p 1080p

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Who REALLY Created Spider-Man?
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Stan Lee. Steve Ditko. Jack Kirby. Three titans of the comic book industry who each had a hand in the creation of Spider-Man? But who had the biggest role in Spideys creation? Which one of these influential artists should be credited for creating the web-head we know and love? We take a look at the facts and history to determine who really created Spider-Man.

Top 10 Worst Things Spider-Man Has Ever Done - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vWEzdR40WJ_k&t187s

Top 10 Alternate Reality Versions of Spider-Man - 

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WatchMojos ten thousand videos on Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Tips, How Tos, Reviews, Commentary and more on Pop Culture, Celebrity, Movies, Music, TV, Film, Video Games, Politics, News, Comics, Superheroes. Your trusted authority on ranking Pop Culture.07:27 22 07:27Who REALLY Created Spider-Man? 720p 720p

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Top 10 People Who Should Host the Oscars
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And the Academy Awards hosting gig goes to. . For this list, were taking a look at performers who seem like ideal candidates to host the Academy Awards. Were excluding any bears from this list, so, sadly, no Paddington. Our list includes Justin Timberlake & Jimmy Fallon, Donald Glover, Tina Fey & Amy Poehler, Melissa McCarthy, and more! Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 People Who Should Host the Oscars.

Check out these other great videos:
Top 10 Funniest Awards Show Speeches Ever: https://youtu.be/6-2L1RkbaBw
Top 10 Early Oscar Contenders You NEED To See: https://youtu.be/IjPKij5eErA
Top 10 Celebrity Audience Reactions: https://youtu.be/R30tnN0lbZY

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10) Donald Glover 
9) Justin Timberlake & Jimmy Fallon 
8) Melissa McCarthy 
7) LinManuel Miranda 
6) Tina Fey & Amy Poehler 
5) Nick Kroll & John Mulaney 
4) Billy Eichner 
3, 2 & 1???

#Oscars2019 #Movies #AcademyAwards

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WatchMojos ten thousand videos on Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Tips, How Tos, Reviews, Commentary and more on Pop Culture, Celebrity, Movies, Music, TV, Film, Video Games, Politics, News, Comics, Superheroes. Your trusted authority on ranking Pop Culture.11:03 13 11:03Who Should Host the Oscars Next? 720p 720p

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What if the Ghostbusters had to face ghosts and ghouls from R-rated horror movies? Join us for a laugh as we mash them up, and let us know if you would have liked to see these guys tackle ever more terrifying supernatural threats!

Check out these other Ghostbusters videos:

Top 10 Ghostbusters Ghosts

Top 10 Things You Missed in Ghostbusters: Afterlife

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#horror00:37 263 00:37Who Ya Gonna Call? Someone Else! 1080p 1080p

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Why Are There So Many Captain Marvels?
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Oh Captains, our Captains! There have been many, many, MANY characters who have adopted the name Captain Marvel, both under Marvel and DC. For this explainer video, were breaking down the history of Captain Marvel to unpack the history of the name and the characters who have used it. 

Superhero Origins: Shazams Captain Marvel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vn-O6h26R95Q

Superhero Origins: Marvels Captain Marvel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vq_7cq9EJ7K0

Superhero Origins: Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vVY9WaVukFJo

#Shazam #CaptainMarvel #CarolDanvers

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WatchMojos ten thousand videos on Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Tips, How Tos, Reviews, Commentary and more on Pop Culture, Celebrity, Movies, Music, TV, Film, Video Games, Politics, News, Comics, Superheroes. Your trusted authority on ranking Pop Culture.06:52 305 06:52Why Are There So Many Captain Marvels? 720p 720p

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Youve gotta spend money to make money. Just ask Marvel Studios! Age of Ultron, Infinity War, and Endgame are some of the most expensive films ever made. In fact, Avengers: Endgame had an estimated budget of $350 to 400 million. So what the heck is all that money spent on? Join us as we explain why Avengers: Endgame cost 400 to make! Do YOU think it was money well spent? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great MCU related videos here: 
Whats Next After Avengers: Endgame? - MCU Phase 4 Explained: https://youtu.be/SEXBbzPPeqQ
Top 10 Things You Missed In Avengers: Endgame: https://youtu.be/mbd4j2tfaoM
Avengers Endgame Ending Explained: https://youtu.be/HMbBy3einqo

Watch on WatchMojo: http://watchmojo.com/video/id/16385/

#Avengers #Movies #Marvel

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Oscar winning Rami Malek seems like hell be a Bond villain next, heres why thats a great idea!
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After the success of playing Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody, Rami Malek seems to be the most sought after actor in Hollywood. Hes being tapped to play James Bonds newest enemy in Bond 25, and we think hes the perfect choice!

Check out these other great videos:
Why Joaquin Phoenix Is Meant To Be The Joker - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vixJzcnJF8JM
Top 10 James Bond Movies - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vKzY3TXikWaE
Top 10 James Bond Kills - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vu53CBSedcIQ

Watch the video at http://www.WatchMojo.com/

#RamiMalek #JamesBond #Bond25

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WatchMojos ten thousand videos on Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Tips, How Tos, Reviews, Commentary and more on Pop Culture, Celebrity, Movies, Music, TV, Film, Video Games, Politics, News, Comics, Superheroes. Your trusted authority on ranking Pop Culture.11:02 454 11:02Why Rami Malek Is Meant To Be a Bond Villain 1080p 1080p

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