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Dołączył(a): 2020-02-28
Pleasant surprises! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the films that achieved surprising success, either at the box office, with critics, or both. Our countdown includes movies Iron Man, 21 Jump Street, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and more! Which movie surpassed your expectations? Let us know in the comments.

Check out these other movie related videos: 
Top 20 Best Movies of the Last Decade: https://youtu.be/3QgEPymrXOU?sigyV0BjUKWTAMvk9Y
Top 20 Darkest Plot Twists in Movies: https://youtu.be/LoOq4uZODIw?si2Z1lBCTIACpvIjre
Top 20 Worst Movie Actors: https://youtu.be/FfRjTDSXu1I?sia9qMfPN0gBPq7QG2

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#movies #rocky #mcu #spiderman #planetoftheapes #batman #startrek35:12 36 35:12Top 30 Movies That Exceeded Expectations 1080p 1080p

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See you in court! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most controversial movies that have been the subject of major lawsuits, for good, bad, or bizarre reasons. Some spoilers to come! Our countdown includes movies Blazing Saddles, 12 Monkeys, Frozen and more! Which other notable film do you remember was at the center of an explosive lawsuit and even controversy? Let us know in the comments down below!

Check out these other lawsuit themed videos:
Top 20 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits Ever: https://youtu.be/uYOxmC_LoBs?siC_A2tM0xDKlpKFP_
Top 10 Times The Simpsons Got Sued: https://youtu.be/CV6BobEqlmI?siGSzwApCUWGJehCUW
Top 10 WORST Products that Got Companies SUED: https://youtu.be/xCcxIwDJKZM?si11AOzWjN5DLfiYWY

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#lawsuits #controversy #movies #backtothefuture #diehard #disney #marvel30:20 26 30:20Top 30 Movies That Led to HUGE Lawsuits 1080p 1080p

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What was that?! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were looking at films that are so disturbing that you might need someone along to keep you safe. Beware: some spoilers might be ahead. Our countdown includes movies The Grudge, Funny Games, The Babadook and more! Which movie had you hiding under your blanket? Let us know in the comments.

Check out these other horror-centric videos:
Top 10 Horror Movies with the Best Plots: https://youtu.be/YBYTVDZySv8?sihysG0TcVVjxH-yMX
Top 20 Best Horror Movies of the Last Decade: https://youtu.be/sWcMmeB6IJU?siVSAridpIBfoX-aK-
Top 10 Best Horror Movie Post Credit Scenes: https://youtu.be/QWPtE9EllA0?siAchd-3DY6suh0SeQ

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Dont forget to play our Live Trivia games at 3pm EST for a chance to win cash! The faster you answer, the more points you get!: https://www.watchmojo.com/play

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#horror #movies #hereditary #theconjuring #paranormalactivity #it #freddy #saw25:28 56 25:28Top 30 Movies You Shouldnt Watch Alone 1080p 1080p

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Who doesnt love a news blooper? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most hilarious flubs, awkward mishaps and fiery moments that have ever tripped up news reporters on live TV. Our countdown includes moments involving instant karma, an involuntary high, mic fails and more! Did you catch any of these hilarious news fails live? Let us know in the comments below. 

Check out these other news worthy videos:
Top 10 Creepiest Things to Ever Happen in the Background of News Reports: https://youtu.be/HCqgqQPnq6s?si1k0YY3KR5XYLC4en
Top 22 Biggest Breaking News Stories of Each Year (2000 - 2021): https://youtu.be/7dI-QrtuF-M?sifeH5sEMHogsoBZo2
Top 10 Times News Anchors Couldnt Keep a Straight Face: https://youtu.be/0PFjvCG73wk?siW8CTvdAAONR9QzcD

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#news #reporting #fails #livetv #bbcnews #foxnews #cnn #anchor24:53 22 24:53Top 30 News Reporting Fails 1080p 1080p

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These celebrities go above and beyond to make every interaction with fans and the public at large a memorable one. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the kindest famous faces around, focusing on things like work for important causes and positive interactions with fans. Our countdown of the nicest celebrities ever includes Tom Holland, Lady Gaga, Keanu Reeves, John Cena, Emma Stone, and more! Who is the nicest celebrity youve ever met in real life? Let us know below! 

Watch more great celebrity videos here:
Top 20 Celebrity Couples You Forgot Are Together: https://youtu.be/jxhjDe8DKcc?siwkxWjbOhAcuSBRWl  
Top 20 Craziest Things Celebs Did for Attention: https://youtu.be/MWCQazUoWfc?si2QM2XAi9FV7llkPA 
Top 10 Celebs Who Keep Getting Cancelled: https://youtu.be/QGZxc2HaXCE 

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#Music31:30 20 31:30Top 30 Nicest Celebrities Ever 720p 720p

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Thankfully, we dont often see these in real life! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most memorable, effective, and devastating nuclear bomb explosions in movies. Be warned, this list is full of spoilers. Our countdown includes scenes from movies The Dark Knight Rises, Independence Day, The Divide and more! Which of these scenes still stays with you? Tell us about it in the comments.

Check out these other action-packed videos:
Top 30 Most Rewatched Action Movie Scenes Ever: https://youtu.be/fP1iP_-cmDs?si4v92EZ1_j7c-F90Q
Top 10 WORST Movie Chase Scenes: https://youtu.be/vZn5ZQni2F8?siagwW7woA3TjtHChx
Top 20 Action Movies That Deserve More Attention: https://youtu.be/N2qhAsdkOPU?si9UsjekOr1pGOXEWW

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#nuclearbomb #action #movies #oppenheimer #godzilla #batman #indianajones27:42 59 27:42Top 30 Nuclear Bomb Scenes in Movies 1080p 1080p

Dodał: WatchMojo

Crazy things go down at live shows. These are just a few of the best! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most intense meltdowns from famous musicians during their sets. Our countdown of the top onstage freakouts by musicians includes Action Bronson Throws Fans Offstage, Grimes Technical Difficulties at Coachella, Dave Grohl Kicks a Fan Out, Ted Nugent on Obama & Clinton, Kurt Cobain Has a Tantrum, and more! Have any of your favorite musicians ever freaked out mid-performance? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great music videos here: 
Top 20 Most Infamous Rip Off Songs Ever: https://youtu.be/1ThCRDWGbb8 
Top 20 Most Important Moments in Music History: https://youtu.be/JC7xO7j16lc 
Top 20 Band Mates Who Hate Each Other: https://youtu.be/kRWhE-mEpgY?siIU_H69BV5inLP_4y  

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#Rock28:42 23 28:42Top 30 Onstage Freakouts by Musicians 1080p 1080p

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Oh, untimely death! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most wacky villain sendoffs in movies. Well be getting into some zany spoilers, so consider this your warning. Our countdown includes scenes from movies Con Air, The Punisher, The Cabin in the Woods  and more! Is there an insanely over-the-top way a bad guy kicked the bucket that we missed? Let us know in the comments!

Check out these other villainous videos:
Top 100 Greatest TV Villains: https://youtu.be/YdxukXW_kDc?sis86ot4EzwnfmNgj0
Top 20 Worst Movie Villains of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/IQuI5aadKAI?siEihISP9BmQkRo9bq 
Top 20 Best Supervillain Introductions: https://youtu.be/O4FKk5z0t64?siN7PloUMLPbGCtUBH

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#villains #death #movies #indianajones #bond #superman #pennywise29:10 19 29:10Top 30 Over the Top Villain Deaths 1080p 1080p

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Good luck getting into these restricted places. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for areas around the world that are closed off to travelers and locals due to dangerous conditions or exclusive access. Our countdown of places youre not allowed to visit includes Morgan Island, South Carolina, USA, Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway, Poveglia, Italy, Pine Gap, Australia, Area 51, Nevada, USA, and more! Which banned location do you think seems the most fun to explore? Let us know in the comments below.

Watch more great travel videos here: 
The Best Luxury Destinations in 2023: https://youtu.be/5l1xsu-xlO0   
The Most Incredible Regions of Mexico to Visit: https://youtu.be/AWLsCwVvhUA 
The Best Countries for Foodies: https://youtu.be/KBO7kRmH0_w  

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#Scary24:27 17 24:27Top 30 Places You Are NOT Allowed to Visit 1080p 1080p

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M for Mature, M for Masterful. Join Ashley as we look over the best anime aimed at an adult audience, including the likes of Baki, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, and more! Which of these series do you think leans most into its r-rating? Let us know in the comments! 

Watch more great anime videos here: 
Top 100 Binge Worthy Anime https://youtu.be/iwv7p7HoglA?siLuK1t2zAu4Sq8jRV 
Top 10 Live Action Anime Adaptations That Are ACTUALLY GOOD https://youtu.be/hon-g832tqw?siX8XyXroq3HewxlrZ 
Top 10 Binge Worthy Anime of the 2020s https://youtu.be/0-5Xh0Ih9h0?siyWpq_eQvZXN6WGUv 

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#AttackonTitan27:52 24 27:52Top 30 R-Rated Anime 1080p 1080p

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They were gone too soon. Join Ashley as we look over the most heartbreaking demises of beloved anime characters, as seen in series such as My Hero Academia, Oshi no Ko, Vinland Saga, and more! Which of these deaths broke you? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great anime videos here: 
Top 20 Instant Death Techniques in Anime https://youtu.be/GbmFEt2p-gY?sitLhHtGeK-XCw7DjO 
Top 10 Anticipated Anime Movies https://youtu.be/liUO5DfePm0?siAEdh5U7_Qw6NE3ZG 
Top 30 Most Satisfying Anime Deaths Ever https://youtu.be/_Xs2hYhXKco?sioyQqPl2HFjpSDkwS 

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#VinlandSaga32:44 31 32:44Top 30 Saddest Anime Deaths 1080p 1080p

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Are dolls creepy? Yes. Yes they are. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the scariest dolls in movie history. Our countdown includes dolls from movies The Boy, Dolly Dearest, Dead Silence and more! Which of these dolls freaked you out the most? Let us know in the comments below!

Check out these other horrific videos: 
Top 20 Best Modern Horror Movie Franchises: https://youtu.be/GPpvvnxTyhY?sijIuzlXuEn10vG6hK
Top 30 Scariest Horror Movies of All Time: https://youtu.be/Ku2qRCqz3hs?sio4sjGBSYRWj7Bu3C
Top 10 Times Horror Villains Actually Did Something Nice: https://youtu.be/EMvEF7QqCBo?sir9Z9G9IYTlSOJ3ht

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#dolls #horror #scariest #movies #annabelle #saw #chucky #puppets28:25 20 28:25Top 30 Scariest Dolls in Horror Movies 1080p 1080p

Dodał: WatchMojo

Looking for scares? Netflix has you covered! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were looking at the most nightmare-inducing movies you can watch on Netflix as of February 2024. Just to be on the safe side, look out for potential spoilers. Our countdown includes movies Fear Street Part Two: 1978, Lights Out, Incantation and more! Which Netflix horror movie will have you hiding behind the couch? Let us know in the comments. 

Check out these other horror-centric videos: 
Top 20 Best Horror Movies of the Last Decade: https://youtu.be/sWcMmeB6IJU?siQ7HjDeN3PA40zF5H
Top 10 Horror Movies with the Best Plots: https://youtu.be/YBYTVDZySv8?siTqkW1KOLPogrPogX
Top 20 Villain Vs Villain Fights In Movies: https://youtu.be/IyYAXq1a-8I?sinFRamZqmz3WkZ4-s

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Dont forget to play our Live Trivia games at 3pm EST for a chance to win cash! The faster you answer, the more points you get!: https://www.watchmojo.com/play

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#horror #netflix #movies #insidious #malignant #ouija #theconjuring29:11 91 29:11Top 30 Scariest Horror Movies On Netflix 1080p 1080p

Dodał: WatchMojo

Looking for some proper scares? Get ready! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most harrowing fright flicks, full stop. Our countdown includes movies The Silence of the Lambs, The Witch, The Babadook and more! Which horror film frightens you the most? Let us know in the comments!

Check out these other horror-centric videos:
Top 20 Best Horror Movies of the Last Decade: https://youtu.be/sWcMmeB6IJU?siZpPZKuCesdsUr027
Top 20 Scariest Horror Movie Deaths: https://youtu.be/Bqyo8B6qTFY?siDBSNeFKxdJMgIPUy
Top 20 Unique Horror Movie Kills: https://youtu.be/yoLLGIs_W2w?si1rTpLIffkZYKY90W

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#horror #scary #gore #halloween #alien #freddy #leatherface #theconjuring28:05 53 28:05Top 30 Scariest Horror Movies of All Time 1080p 1080p

Dodał: WatchMojo

You have to be pretty brave to watch these alien movies with the lights off. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most spine chilling, horrific extraterrestrials to ever grace the silver screen. Our countdown of the scariest movie aliens includes films like Edge of Tomorrow, Cloverfield, Pitch Black, War of the Worlds, The Thing, and more! Scary aliens have been a staple of film since its inception. Have any of your favorite aliens been scared off our list? Let us know in the comments below! 

Watch more great alien videos here: 
Top 20 Scariest Movie Aliens: https://youtu.be/XnrKU5BIVFM 
Top 10 Historical Events That Were Supposedly Tied to Aliens: https://youtu.be/8u280IJFwyQ 
Top 10 CREEPIEST Real-Life Alien Abduction Stories: https://youtu.be/U5URbtVfMmc  

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#Creepiest30:02 24 30:02Top 30 Scariest Movie Aliens 1080p 1080p

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Going out with a boo! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the horror movie finales that still give us nightmares. Were revealing some great endings, so heres a spoiler alert. Our countdown includes movies Phantasm, Paranormal Activity, Enemy and more! What terrifying movie ending kept you up at night? Tell us in the comments.

Check out these other scary videos: 
10 Creepy Mysteries of 2023: https://youtu.be/OGt8IModE4s?siLr2gwcBsk8fN8B9V
Top 20 Scariest YouTube Videos: https://youtu.be/c2i8e9hQ_W8?sii0y3YY8YojPc4x6_
10 Scary Videos With Haunting Backstories: https://youtu.be/cfAStOc5tA8?si2WrixwfGyiEumkQu

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#scariest #movies #endings #horror #freddy #halloween #theomen25:29 44 25:29Top 30 Scariest Movie Endings 1080p 1080p

Dodał: WatchMojo

Good old nightmare fuel! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most terrifying monsters in movie history. Our countdown includes monsters from movies The Thing, Pans Labyrinth, Annihilation and more! Which of these movie monsters gave you nightmares? Tell us in the comments.

Check out these other monstrous videos:
Top 30 Greatest Giant Movie Monster Fights of All Time: https://youtu.be/Xr4ZND9r00M?sihpRyh_6IvPYuTfyW
Top 20 Lesser Known Movie Monsters: https://youtu.be/b7a3Mq72aiE?siRq2LsV66xvMZg-Wc
Top 10 Creepiest Monsters Based On Legend: https://youtu.be/Kf7-9DKifCM?sivMQhoHy9lhZM2SFF

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#monsters #movies #horror #lordoftherings #pennywise #insidious #harrypotter30:46 24 30:46Top 30 Scariest Movie Monsters of All Time 1080p 1080p

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Live TV news can be unpredictable, but these moments take unexpected to a whole new level! From ghostly apparitions and shocking accidents to natural disasters and bizarre interruptions, were counting down the most terrifying and unbelievable events ever captured during live broadcasts. Our countdown includes shocking incidents like the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, the Tiananmen Square Massacre, a helicopter collision, and a mysterious ghostly fan at a soccer stadium! Which of these surprised you the most? Share in the comments. 

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#LiveTV, #News, #Shocking, #Paranormal, #Disaster, #Breaking, #Unexpected, #LiveBroadcast, #Supernatural, #Bizarre, #Terrifying28:40 3 28:40Top 30 Scariest Things Caught on Live TV News 1080p 1080p

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