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Dołączył(a): 2020-02-28
Improv games dont get funnier than these Whose Line Is It Anyway? scenes from a hat. Our countdown includes pick-up lines in space, bad songs to sing in prison, what Drew whispers in his dates ear, and more! Whats YOUR favorite WLIIA scene from a hat? Let us know in the comments! 

Watch more great Whose Line Is It Anyway? videos here: 
Top 10 Times Whose Line Is It Anyway Bits Went Wrong - https://youtu.be/h_jct4JVDZg
Top 10 Whose Line Is It Anyway Games - https://youtu.be/LBiiI-3pMGQ
Top 10 Funniest Robin Williams Moments Well Never Forget - https://youtu.be/AoOWEV6uzbc

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#WMTV #WMComedy #WLIIA20:15 275 20:15Top 20 Whose Line is It Anyway Scenes From a Hat 1080p 1080p

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We hope you have a strong ability to resist the cringe these are some of the worst acting performances ever committed to film. These include great actors turning in the most cringeworthy performances of their careers, like Dennis Hopper in Super Mario Bros., Halle Berry in Catwoman, or John Travolta in Battlefield Earth. They also include actors who are known for, well, their lack of acting skills, like Tommy Wiseau in The Room, Taylor Lautner in Abduction, or Jennifer Lopez in Gigli. Watch with your face firmly planted in your palm as we count down the worst acting of all time. Which performance do you think is the worst? Are there any we missed? Let us know in the comments!

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Talk about failing at the finish line. Join Ashley as we look over our picks for animes most hated endings, as seen in series such as Wonder Egg Priority, Platinum End, The Promised Neverland, and more! Which of these conclusions disappointed you the most? Let us know in the comments! 

Watch more great anime videos here: 
Top 30 Anime Everyone Needs To Watch https://youtu.be/TwHA-TXvaP0?siIXEsVkndy6-5pd9n 
Top 10 Anime That Are 10 out of 10 https://youtu.be/lTaq6SVK2x0?siZxFL8wVx9G5xZ2Hf 
Top 10 Most Underappreciated Anime Of All Time https://youtu.be/YNT19UJzkzg?siR1EyvlBhGyOLwskF 

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#ThePromisedNeverland20:09 31 20:09Top 20 Worst Anime Conclusions 1080p 1080p

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Welcome to the bottom of the anime barrel! Join Ashley as he counts down the worst series to come out of the anime scene so far, including the likes of Vampire Holmes, Skelter Heaven, Big Order,, Pupa, Conception, Glasslip, Mars of Destruction, Hand Shakers, Eiken, Diabolik Lovers, and more! Well never get back the time we wasted watching trash like this...

Check out these other anime videos on WatchMojo: 
Top 20 Most Hated Anime Characters https://youtu.be/3alhzZXBK0w
Top 10 Most Disappointing Anime of All Time https://youtu.be/EEpEIpZREQk
Top 10 Worst Anime Conclusions https://youtu.be/ONBZGYJU8q4

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 #Anime #DiabolikLovers #MarsofDestruction20:02 44 20:02Top 20 Worst Anime Of The Century (So Far) 1080p 1080p

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We have a hard time believing anyone would buy what weve deemed the worst as seen on TV items ever. Its time to look at the oddest, most impractical or downright embarrassing products that have been marketed on television, because hey clearly theres no shortage of bad ideas out there. Just because it made it to television doesnt mean you should buy it. WatchMojo ranks the worst as seen on TV items ever. Which as seen on TV item do you think is the worst? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great as seen on TV related content here: 
Top 10 As Seen On TV Products That Were Surprisingly Awesome - https://youtu.be/74MRyztl3jQ
Another Top 10 As Seen On TV Products That Were Surprisingly Awesome - https://youtu.be/6BzxdeIGE9o
Top 10 Ridiculous Infomercial Products - https://youtu.be/uZFEUhJe0iU

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These terrible CGI movie effects will leave you shaking your head in disbelief. For this list, well be looking at the most embarrassing and unconvincing special effects found in comic book movies. Our countdown includes Daredevil, Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Green Lantern, Justice League, and more! Which of these do you find the most deplorable? Do you actually like any of them? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great superhero videos here: 
Top 20 Superheroes Of All Time: https://youtu.be/TkdM7W7rYPE 
Top 10 Upcoming Superhero Movies of 2021 and 2022: https://youtu.be/jPPUmi-eWsA 
Top 10 WTF Superhero Movie Rip-Offs: https://youtu.be/1BrR0gcaFNw  

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#WorstCGI22:19 48 22:19Top 20 Worst CGI Effects in Superhero Movies 1080p 1080p

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These effects are laughable. For this list, well be looking at respectable attempts at big screen computer-generated imagery that utterly failed and remained unconvincing. Our countdown includes The Scorpion King, Justice League, The Social Network, Ghost Rider, Green Lantern, and more! What is the worst instance of CGI that youve ever seen? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great CGI videos here: 
Top 10 Bad Movies With Great CGI Effects: https://youtu.be/6yZP5uKvzlg 
Another Top 10 Worst CGI Movie Effects: https://youtu.be/blZGns7QGCo 
Top 10 Movie Scenes You Didnt Realize Were CGI: https://youtu.be/va1Bhnb3AJw 

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#CGI #Movies #SpecialEffects19:27 367 19:27Top 20 Worst CGI Movie Effects of All Time 1080p 1080p

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These celebrity apologies left a bad taste in peoples mouths. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most disingenuous and half-hearted apologies to come from famous people that generated a significant amount of controversy. Our countdown of the worst celebrity apologies ever includes Jimmy Fallon, Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis, Ellen DeGeneres, Logan Paul, Mel Gibson, and more! Which of these tasteless apologies made you cringe the most? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great celebrity videos here: 
Top 20 Craziest Things Celebs Did for Attention: https://youtu.be/MWCQazUoWfc?si2QM2XAi9FV7llkPA  
Top 10 Celebs Who Keep Getting Cancelled: https://youtu.be/QGZxc2HaXCE  
Top 10 Celebrities with Troubled Kids: https://youtu.be/_-Sbhgl6FtA  

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#Apology24:13 35 24:13Top 20 Worst Celebrity Apologies Ever 1080p 1080p

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So close and yet so far. For this list, well be looking at famous people who attempted a career comeback and failed.  Our countdown includes Fergie, Paris Hilton, Dustin Diamond, Vanilla Ice, Sharon Stone, and more! Do you wish to see these people in the spotlight again? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great fail videos here: 
Top 10 Disney FAILS: https://youtu.be/C0aEQNK2R7E 
Top 10 CGI Fails in Hollywood Movies: https://youtu.be/3KErT658j8w 
Top 10 Apple Fails: https://youtu.be/KssWMZxLJSw 

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#Celebrity #Comeback #Fails19:17 11 19:17Top 20 Worst Celebrity Comeback Fails 1080p 1080p

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Sometimes its best to stick to the source material! For this list, well be looking at alterations to remakes that worsened certain aspects of character, story, or theme. Some of these entail spoilers. Our countdown includes changes in movies Beauty and the Beast, Clash of the Titans, The Stepford Wives and more! Which of these ticked you off the most? Let us know in the comments below!

Check out these other worst videos: 
Top 10 Worst Movies of 2023 (So Far): https://youtu.be/wHVBtDL-7JY
Top 20 Worst Movie Actors: https://youtu.be/FfRjTDSXu1I
Top 20 Worst Decisions in History: https://youtu.be/PUlgm48-Cyo

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#movies #remakes #reboot #psycho #godzilla #disney #freddy #halloween20:41 39 20:41Top 20 Worst Changes in Movie Remakes 1080p 1080p

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Havent these athletes ever heard the saying Cheaters will inevitably end up on a WatchMojo list? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most notorious cheating scandals in sports history. Our countdown of the worst cheaters in sports includes Mike Tyson, Rosie Ruiz, The Houston Astros, The Spanish Paralympians, Lance Armstrong, and more! Can you think of any more famous cheaters? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great sports videos here: 
Top 20 Craziest Sports Brawls: https://youtu.be/U1DDaHoeIp4?sil-JowzcdnkiWjGEn  
Top 20 Most Scandalous Olympic Controversies Ever: https://youtu.be/VSqKjIVK1jc   
Top 10 Athletes Who Ruined Their Careers With One Play: https://youtu.be/IxzhBL0Ev2s  

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#NFL22:39 31 22:39Top 20 Worst Cheaters in Sports 1080p 1080p

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Wed say these movies are so bad its funny, but its not. Its really not. For this list, well be ranking the most critically maligned studio comedy films ever made. Our countdown includes Zoolander 2, Freddy Got Fingered, Grown Ups 2, Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star, and more! Which of these movies do you find the worst? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great comedy videos here: 
Top 20 Comedy Movies of the Century So Far: https://youtu.be/s0gdBeTqql8 
Top 21 Comedy Movies of Each Year (2000 - 2020): https://youtu.be/GkgX74P3qeI 
Top 20 Scenes Where Actors Couldnt Keep a Straight Face: https://youtu.be/8bYjWOU4KcU  

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#WorstComedies22:02 18 22:02Top 20 Worst Comedy Movies of All Time 1080p 1080p

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Check out our featured song: Overdue by The Quadroholics! https://youtu.be/NRnR99Z4P34

No offence to those involved, but theres not much nuance here. For this list, well be looking at song covers that really dont measure up to the originals. Our countdown includes Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Bohemian Rhapsody, Love Will Tear Us Apart, These Boots Are Made for Walkin, and more! Any lackluster covers we missed? Drop us a comment below.

Watch more great music videos here: 
Top 20 Most Important Moments in Music History: https://youtu.be/JC7xO7j16lc 
Top 20 Most Infamous Rip Off Songs Ever: https://youtu.be/1ThCRDWGbb8 
Top 10 Best Songs of 2020: https://youtu.be/FHY7J1ZfGzU  

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#BadSongs22:02 27 22:02Top 20 Worst Cover Songs Ever 1080p 1080p

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Lets face it, wed all make dumb decisions in some of these cases! For this list, well be looking at times when characters from this long-running horror franchise made boneheaded choices, often with deadly consequences. Since several fates will be discussed, a spoiler warning is in effect. Our countdown includes scenes from Saw III, Saw IV, Saw 3D and more! Were there any ill-advised decisions we missed? Play a game with us down in the comments!

Check out these other Saw themed videos: 
Top 10 Smartest Decisions in Saw Movies: https://youtu.be/jXRD3HAyN6I
Top 20 Best Saw Movie Traps: https://youtu.be/IMY5m6ih6lI
Top 10 Most BRUTAL Deaths in the Saw Movies: https://youtu.be/TCauWhc_TKw

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#saw #horror #decisions #traps #worst #jigsaw #gore #saw2 #saw324:10 70 24:10Top 20 Worst Decisions In Saw 1080p 1080p

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These blunders were truly historic. For this list, well be looking at historical mistakes that have us slapping our foreheads in retrospect. Our countdown includes The Bay of Pigs Invasion, Napoléons Invasion of Russia, The Fourth Crusade, Japan Brings the United States Into World War II, Hitler Invades Russia, and more! If theres a historical mistake you feel we were mistaken for excluding, help us rectify things in the comments!

Watch more great history videos here: 
Top 10 Worst Decisions in History: https://youtu.be/TjPmk62WajE 
Top 10 Mind-Blowing Alternate Histories That Almost Happened: https://youtu.be/3M4aYRHnqpA 
Top 10 Historically Accurate Movies: https://youtu.be/_q8NCKx3Pgw  

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#WorstDecisionsInHistory18:12 29 18:12Top 20 Worst Decisions in History 1080p 1080p

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Humanity is nothing if not resilient. Need proof? Just consider everything weve survived so far! For this list, well be looking at the deadliest and most significant outbreaks of contagious disease throughout human history. Our countdown includes the 2009 Flu Pandemic, the 1772 Persian Plague, 1520 Smallpox Epidemic, and more! What do YOU think is the worst epidemic in history? Let us know in the comments! 

Watch more great worst of videos here: 
Top 10 Worst Movie Outbreaks: https://youtu.be/QaScnTqjdFQ 
Top 20 Worst Movies of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/uPq50BUAozw 
Top 10 Diseases That Kill You Quickly: https://youtu.be/DlQu2AFC8JU 

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#Epidemic #Pandemic #History15:24 148 15:24Top 20 Worst Epidemics in History 1080p 1080p

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Whether they lack imagination, are easily defeated, or are just plain ole boring to square off against, these final bosses didnt live up to expectations. For this list, were looking at the most disappointing boss encounters at the end of otherwise amazing games. Our countdown of the worst final bosses in video games includes The Destroyer from Borderlands (2009), Frank Fontaine from BioShock (2007),  Yu Yevon from Final Fantasy X (2001), The Black Hand of Sauron from Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (2014), and more! Which final boss do you think is the worst? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great gaming videos here:
Top 20 Video Games With The BEST Boss Fights: https://youtu.be/5gLVD5IBSZo
Top 20 HARDEST Video Game Endings To Get: https://youtu.be/EuzIvsaqTFk
Top 10 Biggest Hacks in Gaming History: https://youtu.be/fha13fR-yCM

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#Gaming #VideoGames #Boss #Games #Nintendo #PlayStation #Xbox #PC #Mario #Batman17:48 28 17:48Top 20 Worst Final Bosses In Great Games 1080p 1080p

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Swipe left while you still can! Join Ashley as he counts down the ladies in anime that make for the worst romantic partners, as seen in such hit series as Citrus, Fate/Zero, Scums Wish, Danganronpa, Oreimo, Future Diary, School Days, One Piece, Code Geass, Gundam SEED, and more! Seriously, who thought dating the likes of Big Mom was going to be a good idea? 

Check out these other anime videos on WatchMojo: 
Top 10 Anime Girls Who Broke The Internet https://youtu.be/PS3ekzI2F7U
Top 10 Hottest Anime Girls With The Worst Personalities (ft. Lauren Landa) https://youtu.be/j07TpI3enR8
Top 10 Times Anime Girls Fall for Losers (ft. Todd Haberkorn) https://youtu.be/bvRW2rYH_u4

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#Anime #OnePiece #Danganronpa20:09 248 20:09Top 20 Worst Girlfriends in Anime 1080p 1080p

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Its not me, its you! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the TV characters who make terrible girlfriends. Beware of show spoilers ahead. Our countdown includes characters from shows Girls, The O.C., Gossip Girl and more! Who do you think is the worst girlfriend on TV?  Let us know in the comments. 

Check out these other TV related videos: 
Top 20 TV Cast Feuds: https://youtu.be/ZdamZ9WRWpo?siOvnaCmaQ9INYHuC6
Top 10 Funniest Things to Happen in the Background of TV Shows: https://youtu.be/PBHWyiVSYP8?siWxxqjV9kQH61VKC7
Top 20 BEST TV Episodes of All Time: https://youtu.be/YLYqgQEWv9w?siVVz8UT0XxWxJzvdK

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#tvshows #girlfriends #relationships #worst #theoffice #bridgerton19:32 64 19:32Top 20 Worst Girlfriends in TV 1080p 1080p

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Just because theyre the hero doesnt mean we have to root for them. For this list, were taking a look at the video game heroes that werent so honorable, be it for their cringey demeanor, rude behavior, or general unlikability. Our countdown includes Desmond Miles of the Assassins Creed series (2007-), Aiden Pearce of Watch_Dogs (2014), Big the Cat of the Sonic the Hedgehog series (1991-), Beck of Mighty No. 9 (2016), and more! Which of these heroes was downright unbearable for you? Share your frustration with us in the comments below.

Watch more great gaming videos here:
Top 20 Greatest Video Game Anti-Heroes: https://youtu.be/t4d3IlgwVuk
Top 20 Best Superhero Video Games: https://youtu.be/UYQQJOTS1GY
Top 10 Times Video Game Characters Got What They Deserved: https://youtu.be/ktg_wuA4c9I

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#Gaming #Hero #VideoGames #Nintendo #PlayStation #Xbox #Games #Gamer #Heroes18:58 38 18:58Top 20 Worst Heroes In Video Games 1080p 1080p

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These endings were scary...scary bad, that is. For this list, well be ranking the horror movies that are known for possessing either divisive or downright hated end sequences. Our countdown includes Devil, Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones, Jigsaw, Secret Window, The Happening, and more! Did we miss any bad horror movie endings? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great horror videos here: 
Top 20 Scariest Horror Movies You Probably Havent Seen: https://youtu.be/5AVYMkq_L1s 
Top 10 Horror Movies Everyone Needs to Watch Once: https://youtu.be/00Z9TaswHGo 
Top 20 Horror Movies That Were Better Than We Expected: https://youtu.be/OY7AUI-Pzio 

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#Worst #Horror #Endings20:35 70 20:35Top 20 Worst Horror Movie Endings 1080p 1080p

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While many of these songs are excellent, they just arent great for karaoke. For this list, well be looking at the most difficult, overplayed, or otherwise problematic songs one can choose for sing-along performances. Our countdown includes My Heart Will Go On, Ice Ice Baby, I Believe in a Thing Called Love, Margaritaville, Stairway to Heaven, and more! What song do you never want to hear at karaoke night again? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great music videos here: 
Top 20 Most Important Moments in Music History: https://youtu.be/JC7xO7j16lc 
Top 20 Most Infamous Rip Off Songs Ever: https://youtu.be/1ThCRDWGbb8 
Top 10 Best Songs of 2020: https://youtu.be/FHY7J1ZfGzU  

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#Rap18:08 24 18:08Top 20 Worst Karaoke Songs Ever 1080p 1080p

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For more videos on business and entrepreneurship, check out our channel ContextTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/context

Not every marketing campaign is going to be a success, but these were downright horrible! For this list, well be looking at advertising campaigns or statements from major corporations that backfired horribly, resulting in tons of negative press. Our countdown includes Pepsi, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc., The Coca-Cola Company, Fiat, Ford Motor Company, and more! Can you think of any other marketing blunders? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great fail videos here: 
Top 10 Celebrity Apology Fails: https://youtu.be/8XhbgCREDn4 
Top 10 Disgusting Beverage FAILS: https://youtu.be/WFzofJi3jsc 
Top 10 Apple Fails: https://youtu.be/KssWMZxLJSw 

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#Fails #Marketing #Coca-Cola19:04 25 19:04Top 20 Worst Marketing Fails 1080p 1080p

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It may be time for these actors to retire...if they havent already. For this list, well be looking at the least convincing and most questionable film performers. Our countdown includes Kim Kardashian, Rob Schneider, Jaden Smith, Madonna, Pauly Shore, and more! Did we miss one actor that shouldve been on this list? Let us know in the comments below.

Watch more great acting videos here:
Top 20 Greatest Acting Debuts in Movies: https://youtu.be/-wcNYJ3U-cU 
Top 10 Best Acting Performances of 2021: https://youtu.be/ccWJybcEge4 
Top 20 Improvised Movie Moments: https://youtu.be/cigQW8y9bHE 

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#Famous18:24 90 18:24Top 20 Worst Movie Actors 1080p 1080p

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Who would have thought John Wayne couldnt pull off a good Ghengis Khan? Everyone, thats who. For this list, weve picked casting choices that, after the movies were released, still left people scratching their heads. Our countdown includes Denise Richards, Keanu Reeves, Steve Martin and more! Which of these casting choices still irks you to this day? Let us know in the comments below!

Check out these other casting related videos: 
Top 20 Actors Who Broke Type-Casting: https://youtu.be/7gREV4eBSvo
Top 10 Casting Decisions That Fans HATED: https://youtu.be/YOSz69ir7vw
Top 10 Fan Castings That Actually Came True: https://youtu.be/XDBtmYf6nMc

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#actors #casting #worst #mcu #dceu #batman #spiderman #superman23:00 30 23:00Top 20 Worst Movie Casting Choices Ever 1080p 1080p

Dodał: WatchMojo

These films took us for a ride and failed to stick the landing. For this list, well be looking at the most disappointing, anticlimactic, nonsensical, sentimental, god-awful endings in cinema history. Our countdown includes I Am Legend, Lucy, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, The Matrix Revolutions, The Happening, and more! What movie do YOU think had the worst ending? Let us know in the comments! 

Watch more great movie videos here: 
Top 20 Best Movie Plot Twists of the 21st Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/Ax1Cy9sh7_M 
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#BadEndings #Movies #IAmLegend20:17 150 20:17Top 20 Worst Movie Endings of All Time 1080p 1080p

Dodał: WatchMojo

Youll be shocked by how stupid these movie monster weaknessess are. For this list, were breaking down the strangest, most ridiculous pitfalls of terrifying movie monsters. Our countdown includes Water, Antifreeze, Cats, Wish Logic, Courage, and more! What do YOU think is the worst movie monster weakness? Let us know in the comments! 

Watch more great monster videos here: 
Top 10 Monster Movie Reveals: https://youtu.be/upnil3c9peg 
Another Top 10 Scariest Movie Monsters: https://youtu.be/_ByyWDOJtRI 
Top 10 Giant Movie Monsters: https://youtu.be/2Eex1-DTbgc 

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#Movies #Monsters #Weaknesses19:49 308 19:49Top 20 Worst Movie Monster Weaknesses 1080p 1080p

Dodał: WatchMojo