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Dołączył(a): 2020-02-28
These are the most iconic superhero movies of all time, and we dare you to change our minds! For this list, well be looking at the absolute best live-action films centered on the mightiest of heroes and the most super of friends. Our countdown includes X-Men: First Class, Deadpool, Iron Man, Avengers: Endgame, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and more! Whats your favorite superhero movie? Let us know in the comments.

Watch more great superhero videos here: 
Top 20 Superheroes Of All Time: https://youtu.be/TkdM7W7rYPE 
Top 10 Upcoming Superhero Movies of 2021 and 2022: https://youtu.be/jPPUmi-eWsA 
Top 10 WTF Superhero Movie Rip-Offs: https://youtu.be/1BrR0gcaFNw   

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#SpiderMan25:45 31 25:45Top 20 Superhero Movies of ALL TIME 1080p 1080p

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Defeating bad guys has never looked more appealing thanks to these awesome gadgets. For this list, well be going over the coolest and most iconic weapons used by superheroes in movies. Our countdown includes Wolverines Adamantium Claws, Iron Mans Armor, Spider-Mans Web-Shooters, Batarangs, Good Samaritan, and more! Whats your favorite superhero weapon of all time? Let us know in the comments below. 

Watch more great superhero videos here: 
Top 20 Superheroes Of All Time: https://youtu.be/TkdM7W7rYPE 
10 Superheroes With The Best Villains: https://youtu.be/CIpdKjruW2A 
Top 10 Things That Would Suck About Being a Superhero: https://youtu.be/HxgiH0oD_rw 

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#Marvel23:06 27 23:06Top 20 Superhero Weapons 1080p 1080p

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There are worlds outside of Marvel and DC! For this list, well be looking at the best comic book heroes that dont come from one of the big two. Our countdown includes Vampirella, The Hargreeves, The Tick and more! Let us know in the comments below which superheroes not owned by Marvel or DC are your favorites!

Check out these other superhero-themed videos: 
Top 20 Best Superhero Movie Plot Twists: https://youtu.be/_cSUQisv0vk
Top 10 Scariest Superheroes Ever: https://youtu.be/U2Jfyl1-ETI
Top 10 Dark Truths About Your Favorite Superheroes: https://youtu.be/qFOEkYsO90Q

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#superhero #comics #tmnt #hellboy #spawn #umbrellaacademy #theboys #starlight17:26 38 17:26Top 20 Superheroes Outside Marvel and DC 1080p 1080p

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You dont want to tangle with these murderous movie villains. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the scariest movie serial killers with supernatural traits. Our countdown of supernatural serial killers in movies includes The Creeper, Jennifer Check, Pennywise, Dracula, Jason Voorhees, and more! Which of these killers scared you the most? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great horror videos here: 
Top 20 Instant Karma Moments In Horror Movies: https://youtu.be/H4OGJ2bGyfs  
Top 20 Scariest Horror Movies of All Time: https://youtu.be/HQhdackJsUE  
Top 20 Best Horror Movie Trailers of All Time: https://youtu.be/2NncOGdFBtA   

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#TrueCrime17:47 21 17:47Top 20 Supernatural Serial Killers In Movies 1080p 1080p

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Get your crucifix ready! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the best fictional TV series with significant supernatural elements. In this video, we take a look at classic shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stranger Things and The Twilight Zone. Whats your favorite supernatural show? Let us know in the comments! 

Watch more supernatural videos:
Top 10 Most WTF Supernatural Episodes - https://youtu.be/5OWALad7jEw?siPYz3R1wGvfREL1nt
Top 20 Supernatural Serial Killers In Movies - https://youtu.be/Szi0noDi_Eg?siHRLpaW9UohCvz9kB
Top 10 Actually Scary Moments from Paranormal Investigation Shows - https://youtu.be/7j12eXKqdtA?siwfmq8zfdz0druuVV

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#Shudder19:42 8 19:42Top 20 Supernatural TV Shows 1080p 1080p

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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for actors who walked away with a movie despite not playing the most important character. This list takes a look at impressive performances from actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, Octavia Spencer, Robin Williams and Jennifer Hudson. Who is your favorite supporting actor? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more impressive performances here:

Top 30 Best Performances of the Century (So Far) - https://youtu.be/a0S4zchSZtU?sienB9R6FSqpnnCliK
Top 23 Best Performances of Each Year (2000 - 2022) - https://youtu.be/_US9vasI1No?siy2nhpQlUKk8pLBbq
Top 10 Method Actors Who Went Too Far - https://youtu.be/hhyFuHNEUXU?sil0KxRTaCC_UWNQCP

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#RyanGosling18:59 30 18:59Top 20 Supporting Actors Who Stole the Show 1080p 1080p

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Welcome to WatchMojo and today were counting down our picks for the top 20 surprising Lego facts. In this countdown, we look at how much Lego is on planet Earth, how many pieces the biggest Lego build has, what a Master Model Builder gets up to and how Star Wars changed Lego forever! If you know of any cool Lego facts, let us know in the comments below!

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Watch more great LEGO videos here: 
Top 10 Craziest Lego Builds - https://youtu.be/CmjDfIgcIaY?si59FBgeyHM22jwHwr
Top 10 Amazing LEGO Sets You Can Actually Buy - https://youtu.be/GzbKwQCxyI8?siHhkDSKd3CCqAZL0G
Top 20 Lego Video Games - https://youtu.be/uNDpPUhpVXs?siARLb2Ysuk5mSigYp

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Your trusted authority for Top 10 lists, reviews, tips and tricks, biographies, origins, and entertainment news15:30 43 15:30Top 20 Surprising LEGO Facts 1080p 1080p

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These celebs are how tall?! For this list, well be looking at the most notable celebrities who carry themselves large but are actually relatively short in stature. Our countdown includes Vanessa Hudgens, Shakira, Kendrick Lamar, Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr., and more! Have you met any of these people in person? Were you surprised by their height? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great celebrity videos here: 
Top 20 Celebs Who Ruined Their Careers in 2020: https://youtu.be/qPo-nkGMato 
Top 10 Celebs Who Keep Getting Cancelled: https://youtu.be/QGZxc2HaXCE 
Top 10 Celebrities with Troubled Kids: https://youtu.be/_-Sbhgl6FtA  

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#LadyGaga17:14 39 17:14Top 20 Surprisingly Short Celebrities 1080p 1080p

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These are the ghosts with the most! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the scariest ghosts throughout the world. Our countdown of the terrifying legendary ghosts includes The Gettysburg Ghosts, The Winchester Mystery House, The Ghosts of the Stanley Hotel, the Bell Witch, and more! Do you have any personal ghost stories you want to share? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great ghost videos here: 
Top 10 Most Chilling Theories About Real Life Ghosts: https://youtu.be/EFpM55hqxDs   
Top 10 Times Ghosts Were Actually Caught On Camera: https://youtu.be/4Ur_yxQA49I  
Top 10 TERRIFYING Legendary Ghosts: https://youtu.be/7s2UwA-Q6S0    

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#Haunted22:53 34 22:53Top 20 TERRIFYING Legendary Ghosts 1080p 1080p

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Theres always drama in the workplace! For this list, well be looking at notable reported quarrels between cast members of popular television shows. Our countdown includes rivalries from shows I Love Lucy, NCIS, The Golden Girls and more! Did you know about any of these? Let us know in the comments below!

Check out these other TV related videos: 
Top 20 Stupidest Ways TV Shows Killed Off Characters: https://youtu.be/SBkqwmC5-GI
Top 20 Shocking Kids Show Scandals: https://youtu.be/oO_A4yQ6_WQ
Top 10 Times People Were Fired or Quit on Live TV: https://youtu.be/w9moTdknHy0

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Your trusted authority for Top 10 lists, reviews, tips and tricks, biographies, origins, and entertainment news19:45 25 19:45Top 20 TV Cast Feuds 1080p 1080p

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Some characters hold special places in the hearts of fans! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the major character deaths that had a negative impact on a shows quality and reputation. Our countdown includes characters from shows Two and a Half Men, Family Guy, Greys Anatomy and more! Did you stop watching after these deaths? Let us know in the comments below!

Check out these other TV show videos:
Top 20 TV Reboots That SUCK: https://youtu.be/TYl2hRzXIOI?sivHRoUKZwAhhiDWFW
Top 30 Best TV Shows of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/NM2VY7LWDCI?sitlcYQvAB-bBvdjw0
Top 10 TV Cancellations Announced This Year (So Far): https://youtu.be/tWMMRIch30M?siBcIIocWbHjZsEzby

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#tvshows #deaths #characters #supernatural #southpark #familyguy #the10017:42 18 17:42Top 20 TV Character Deaths that Hurt the Show 1080p 1080p

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These characters arent bad, but over time they lost their luster. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the TV characters that lost their appeal over time, or all at once. Our countdown of TV characters who lost their mojo includes Sabrina Spellman, Ted Mosby, Andy Bernard, Joey Tribbiani, and more! Is there a character whose lost mojo WatchMojo lost? Help us find it again in the comments! 

Watch more great TV videos here: 
Top 20 Best TV Shows of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/XZq_zYjXe-s 
Top 10 TV Shows Everyone Should Watch at Least Once: https://youtu.be/umeMR2eactU 
Top 10 TV Shows That Lasted Too Long: https://youtu.be/EiYaRPEiqrQ  

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#TheOffice17:16 21 17:16Top 20 TV Characters That Lost Their Mojo 1080p 1080p

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These are the TV moments we waited years to see. Our countdown includes Dexter, Game of Thrones, Lost, and more! Which TV moment did YOU wait years for? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great TV videos here: 
Top 20 Best TV Shows of the Century (So Far) - https://youtu.be/XZq_zYjXe-s
Top 10 TV Shows of All Time - https://youtu.be/t8TAKpbRvH8
Top 10 Worst TV Plot Twists EVER! - https://youtu.be/h2GPQ3qhU5s

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#TV #BreakingBad #GameOfThrones29:12 309 29:12Top 20 TV Moments We Waited Years to See 1080p 1080p

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These plot twists have made watching TV this century so much better. For this list, well be looking at the best story turns that were revealed on the small screen between 2000-21. Well be sticking to one plot twist per television show. Foreign language and animated series will be excluded here because they could each have a list of their own. And while it probably wont surprise you to hear this, there will be major spoilers ahead. Our countdown includes the Bent-Neck Ladys Identity from The Haunting of Hill House (2018), Arthurs Final Victim in Dexter (2006-13), the Red Wedding from Game of Thrones (2011-19), and more! Which of these plot twists left your jaw on the floor? Let us know in the comments.

Watch more great videos about this century here:
Top 20 Pilot Episodes of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/nkf1c1TvME8
9 Greatest Innovators Of The Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/egdFliA8irE
Top 10 Cheesiest One Hit Wonder Songs of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/hHFUGGp3S3I

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#Century #TV #Twist #Television #Streaming #PlotTwist #Twists23:58 63 23:58Top 20 TV Plot Twists of the Century (So Far) 1080p 1080p

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Who asked for these? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were looking at the worst remakes, stand-alone sequels, and overall betrayals of cherished television shows. Our countdown includes Bionic Woman, Beauty and the Beast, MacGyver and more! What are your LEAST favorite reboots of your favorite shows? Recycle your thoughts in the comments.

Check out these other bad TV videos: 
Top 10 WORST TV Shows of 2022: https://youtu.be/LxaGAiso1Mw?si0JMeaSJ_7GsuO3Bk
Top 20 Worst TV Spin-Offs: https://youtu.be/irsR-HkNKk8?siGdh94g3mYSi0ftwJ
Top 10 Episodes That Killed TV Shows: https://youtu.be/pI-2R_T8AfI?sipbu9EXYSTm7a9Wam

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#reboots #remakes #tvshows #worst #90210 #teentitansgo #macgyver19:34 25 19:34Top 20 TV Reboots That SUCK 1080p 1080p

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Honestly, where would we be without our memes? For this list, were looking at quality memes that originated from our favorite TV moments. These scenes were captured and then embraced by internet culture to be altered and adjusted endlessly to fit a multitude of situations. Our countdown includes scenes from The Office, Ancient Aliens, Dexter and more! Which of these memes do you find yourself using the most? Let us know in the comments! 

Check out these other meme-related videos:
Top 20 Meme Stars: Where Are They Now?: https://youtu.be/otm6hzPkOho
Top 10 Celebrity Reactions to Memes About Them: https://youtu.be/FCr9IF4H2Zo
Top 10 Most Memed Shrek Moments Ever: https://youtu.be/12je9VQ-pP4

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#memes #internet #tvshows #tvmemes #theoffice #startrek #dexter #gameofthrones18:16 78 18:16Top 20 TV Scenes That Became Memes 1080p 1080p

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These are the TV segments that broke the internet. For this list, well be looking at segments that were originally part of TV shows, awards shows, TV specials and news broadcasts that found an even bigger life on their own through online sharing. Our countdown includes woman yells at cat, best cry ever, Antoine Dodson, and more! Were YOU blown away by these internet-breaking TV segments? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great YouTube videos here: 
Top 20 Funniest Videos That Broke the Internet - https://youtu.be/9b_z-JaM8Hg
Top 10 Funniest Videos That Broke The Internet In 2020 (So Far) - https://youtu.be/FKgdP7e5YMQ
10 Times Keanu Reeves BROKE the Internet - https://youtu.be/JpiS1ZdurLc

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#ViralVideos #BrokeTheInternet #YouTube21:34 412 21:34Top 20 TV Segments That Broke the Internet 1080p 1080p

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All these amazing shows are celebrating major anniversaries! Can you believe The Simpsons is 30 years old? Yikes. Today we are looking at the most memorable TV shows that are celebrating their anniversaries in 2019! This includes Family Guy, The Simpsons and many more! Join us as we count down the best TV show anniversaries of 2019! Did we miss a show? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great videos below:
Top 10 TV Crossovers: https://youtu.be/sJzaNzPJqWI
Top 10 Most 90s TV Shows Of All Time: https://youtu.be/KJ0kbpr_kQs
Top 10 BEST Sci-Fi and Fantasy Netflix Originals: https://youtu.be/N6wQ5D9GpQY

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These TV show opening scenes had us hooked for the long haul. For this list, well be looking at shows that had us hooked from their first scenes, guaranteeing wed stick around for more. Our countdown includes Better Call Saul, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, and more! WatchMojo ranks the best TV show opening scenes. Whats your favorite TV opening? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great TV related content here: 
Top 10 Most Re-Watched TV Scenes of All Time - https://youtu.be/fTXX6_pzze0
Another Top 10 Most Re-Watched TV Scenes of All Time - https://youtu.be/Gz6Y0RYUi1g
Top 10 TV Moments that Changed Everything - https://youtu.be/2QnhutQYDbA

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#Netflix #HBO #BreakingBad21:43 272 21:43Top 20 TV Show Opening Scenes 1080p 1080p

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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the best television programs that deserved at least one more season. In this video, we take a look at Mindhunter, Freaks & Geeks, Hannibal and Twin Peaks. Which TV show do you miss the most? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more cancelled TV show videos here:
Top 10 TV Cancellations Announced This Year (So Far) - https://youtu.be/tWMMRIch30M?sifQXfkyqnNNEUQX5u
Top 10 TV Shows So Bad They Were Canceled After One Episode - https://youtu.be/0WEzJX9Netk?si6pZJgvkvxpp9_YaT
Top 20 TV Shows That Were Canceled For Ridiculous Reasons - https://youtu.be/SOUYwQNelEo?siTSnMqN5FGhbBfn3o

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#AgentCarter18:12 30 18:12Top 20 TV Shows CANCELLED Too Soon 1080p 1080p

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Not everything needs to be televised. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the most notable shows that were taken off the air owing to some kind of backlash. Our countdown includes Kid Nation, Paulas Best Dishes, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, House of Cards, Roseanne, and more. Were these shows justifiably canceled? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more controversial TV videos here:
Top 20 Most Controversial TV Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vk8_UeTuL8uA
Top 30 Biggest Reality Show Controversies & Scandals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?ve8D6DtMN68c
Top 10 Shocking Kids Show Scandals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vTIuriOzaHrM

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#TV #Cancelled #Controversy #Luck #Roseanne #Heathers #PBS #ESPN #HBO #TLC #Netflix19:57 16 19:57Top 20 TV Shows CANCELLED over Controversy 1080p 1080p

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These shows are guaranteed to get the man tears flowing. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were looking at TV shows that most effectively, and most regularly, brought a core audience of adult males to tears. Our countdown of TV shows that made men cry includes The Leftovers, Lost, Band of Brothers, The Walking Dead, and more! What are your favorite guy cry moments in a TV show? Share your feelings in the comments.

Watch more great TV videos here: 
Top 20 Best TV Shows of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/XZq_zYjXe-s 
Top 10 TV Shows Everyone Should Watch at Least Once: https://youtu.be/umeMR2eactU 
Top 10 TV Shows That Lasted Too Long: https://youtu.be/EiYaRPEiqrQ  

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#TheLastOfUs23:55 17 23:55Top 20 TV Shows That Made Men Cry 1080p 1080p

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One does not simply walk onto the big screen! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for TV stars who were unable to achieve a similar level of success on the big screen. Our countdown includes actors Zach Braff, Topher Grace, Shelley Long and more! Which of these TV stars do you feel shouldve had a much bigger movie career? Let us know in the comments!

Check out these other TV related videos:
Top 20 TV Shows CANCELLED Too Soon: https://youtu.be/Bb0YXU5YBiU?siIfXTyD1iJXfU3o2E
Top 50 Creepiest Things Caught on Live TV: https://youtu.be/dOMt-AtdAKM?sieMUCrVQJ4Hhmqrt3
Top 10 TV Shows That Didnt Deserve a Second Season: https://youtu.be/E6SXTdcW0y4?si9-EENiFSaFG9TQwU 

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#tv #celebrities #actors #friends #madmen #that70sshow #nathanfillion16:36 12 16:36Top 20 TV Stars Who FLOPPED in Movies 1080p 1080p

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