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Dołączył(a): 2020-02-28
These killers aimed high. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were looking at confirmed murderers who made an attempt on or claimed the life of a high-profile individual. Our countdown of killers with notorious targets includes Nathan Gale, Yolanda Saldívar, Mark David Chapman, and more! What are some other major crimes with notorious victims? Provide some information in the comments.

Watch more great crime videos here: 
Top 10 Books That Inspired Horrific Real Life Crimes: https://youtu.be/U-IIBOiRapk 
Top 10 Partners in Crime: https://youtu.be/Bi1LRbmwxc4 
Top 20 Crime Movies of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/G3BDNgNnq-g  

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#History12:58 19 12:5810 Killers with High-Profile Targets 1080p 1080p

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These infamous disasters ruined lives. For this list, well be examining musical performances that ended in tragedy or serious accidents. Our countdown of live music acts that went horribly wrong includes Astroworld Festival (2021), Pukkelpop Festival (2011), Live Concert at Wingate Field (1990), and more! Were you ever at a show where something went wrong? Tell us about it in the comments!

Watch more great music videos here: 
Top 20 Most Important Moments in Music History: https://youtu.be/JC7xO7j16lc 
Top 20 Most Infamous Rip Off Songs Ever: https://youtu.be/1ThCRDWGbb8 
Top 10 Best Songs of 2022: https://youtu.be/FHY7J1ZfGzU  

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#MusicFestival13:01 46 13:0110 Live Music Acts That Went HORRIBLY Wrong 1080p 1080p

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These celebrity conspiracy theories had a lot of people fooled. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for celebrities who are alive, but who have been victims of conspiracies or hoaxes regarding their deaths. Our countdown of living celebrities rumored to have already died includes Jeremy Renner, Dwayne Johnson, Paul McCartney, and more! Which death hoax shocked you the most? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great celebrity videos here:
Top 20 Celebrity Couples You Forgot Are Together: https://youtu.be/jxhjDe8DKcc?siwkxWjbOhAcuSBRWl   
Top 20 Craziest Things Celebs Did for Attention: https://youtu.be/MWCQazUoWfc?si2QM2XAi9FV7llkPA 
Top 10 Celebs Who Keep Getting Cancelled: https://youtu.be/QGZxc2HaXCE  

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#Scandal10:47 19 10:4710 Living Celebrities Rumoured to Have DIED 1080p 1080p

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When it comes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the translation from page to screen isnt always perfect. While some characters are pretty faithful adaptations of their comic book counterparts, others have been changed drastically for the big screen. For this list, were looking at Marvel characters who got a significant makeover when they were ported over to the MCU. For the most, these changes were for the better. After all, who doesnt love more Goldblum?
atch more great videos about comics here:
Top 10 Darkest Moments in Superhero Comics: https://youtu.be/-3jxFMEPDCg
Top 10 Comic Book Relationships: https://youtu.be/1IiizV-HK0Q
Top 10 Greatest Marvel Storylines Ever Written: https://youtu.be/SpJq4G91Lp8

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The internet can be a dangerous place. For this list, well be looking at the most notable incidents where a piece of viral content badly affected the life of someone involved. Our countdown includes Technoviking, Star Wars Kid, Dog Poop Girl, and more! Have you ever had a meme about yourself online? Let us know in the comments below! 

Watch more great internet related videos here: 
Top 10 Times the Internet Solved Crimes: https://youtu.be/-yiV8fknTHE 
Top 10 Things The Internet Needs To Stop Glorifying: https://youtu.be/s7ofwIau5Fo 
Top 10 Unsolved Internet Mysteries: https://youtu.be/fIE5Ei6v14A  

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#Fail11:38 94 11:3810 Memes That RUINED Peoples Lives 1080p 1080p

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These mind control techniques are shockingly powerful. For this video, well be analyzing the most commonly used methodologies utilized by those at the head of cults, techniques often employed to retain their positions of power and influence. Our countdown of mind control techniques used by cults includes Controlling the Environment and Narrative, Induced Dependency, Thought Reform, and more! Were you aware of all these examples? Let us know in the comments.

Watch more great cult videos here: 
10 Killer Cults You Should Know About: https://youtu.be/PHWRy0enzA8 
10 Most Disturbing Cults That Are Still Active: https://youtu.be/_HQM5WaqfUs 
Top 10 Creepy Cults in Movies: https://youtu.be/bfgY3akhwNI  

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#Disturbing09:42 53 09:4210 Mind Control Techniques Used by Cults 1080p 1080p

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Some of the most intriguing disappearances in history involve celebrities who vanished without a trace. From musicians and actors to athletes and pioneers, these mysterious cases have captivated the publics imagination for decades, leaving behind more questions than answers. Our countdown includes legendary aviator Amelia Earhart, photojournalist Sean Flynn, Manic Street Preachers guitarist Richey Edwards, and other fascinating stories of celebrities who mysteriously disappeared! Which one surprised you the most? Share in the comments. 

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#MissingCelebrities, #Mysteries, #Disappearances, #Unsolved, #ColdCase, #Celebrity, #History, #Conspiracy, #Investigation, #Documentary, #TrueStories14:42 3 14:4210 Missing Celebs Who Were NEVER Found 1080p 1080p

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These missing persons cases were finally put to rest. For this list, well be looking at various people who were found in 2022 after a prolonged period where their whereabouts had been uncertain. Our countdown includes Dawn Dumont, Ezra Miller, Brandon Gabriel Cairney, and more. Which of these stories do you find the most fascinating? Let us know in the comments below.

Watch more great news videos here: 
Top 10 Craziest Live TV FAILS of 2021: https://youtu.be/V80e4nGpqpo  
Top 10 Most Confrontational News Moments Ever: https://youtu.be/e5AQAaCxHHg  
Top 10 Reporters Who Couldnt Hold Back Tears: https://youtu.be/-a2BrGvRBYc  

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#EzraMiller12:24 34 12:2410 Missing People Who Were Found in 2022 1080p 1080p

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These mistakes continue to rear their ugly heads. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were looking at the worst errors that seem to have been repeated over and again throughout human history. Our countdown of mistakes humankind tragically repeated includes Empiralist Misadventures Turn Into Quagmires, Republics Falling to Tyranny, Pandemics, and more! Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. What are some historical echoes that you hope dont repeat again? Let us know in the comments below. 

Watch more great history videos here: 
Top 20 Most Controversial People in History: https://youtu.be/XKiQXM6YwKI?sivhpRMIGtMp_55IZX   
Top 10 Mind-Blowing Alternate Histories That Almost Happened: https://youtu.be/3M4aYRHnqpA 
Top 10 Historically Accurate Movies: https://youtu.be/_q8NCKx3Pgw  

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#HistoricalMistakes14:20 13 14:2010 Mistakes Humanity Tragically Repeated 1080p 1080p

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These mistakes brought down some of historys most despicable criminals. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down the errors and miscalculations that led to serial killers getting captured. Our countdown of serial killers who got caught after making a mistake includes David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, Dennis Rader, and more! Which serial killer mistake was the most surprising? Let us know in the comments. 

Watch more serial killer videos here: 
10 Serial Killers That Are STILL ACTIVE: https://youtu.be/HEKmC0y4nqk 
20 Cold Cases That Were Finally Solved: https://youtu.be/aFlo8G7NpsM  
Top 20 Serial Killers Who Were Never Caught: https://youtu.be/S8eo4-URLpA  

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#TrueCrime10:13 48 10:1310 Mistakes That Got Serial Killers Caught 1080p 1080p

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Get ready for a touchdown of hilarity! Were diving into the most memorable Super Bowl commercials of 2025 that didnt quite make our previous top 10. From extraterrestrial snack battles to heartwarming farm stories, these ads will have you laughing, crying, and craving more! Our lineup includes epic commercials from Squarespace, Lays, Rocket, Doritos, Ram Trucks, Pfizer, Reeses, Instacart, Stella Artois, and Jeep that showcase creativity, emotion, and pure entertainment! Which Super Bowl commercial was your favorite? Share in the comments. 

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#SuperBowl, #Commercials, #Advertising, #Marketing, #Brands, #Humor, #Entertainment, #2025Ads, #CreativeAds, #BrandMarketing, #AdCampaign09:25 1 09:2510 More Best Superbowl Commercials of 2025 1080p 1080p

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And you thought stubbing your toe was bad! For this list, well be looking at the most unbelievable and exaggerated deaths throughout human history, whether the demises are confirmed or not. Our countdown includes Julius Caesar, William Wallace, Grigori Rasputin, and more! Which of these do you find the most horrific? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great history videos here: 
Top 10 Worst Decisions in History: https://youtu.be/TjPmk62WajE 
Top 10 Mind-Blowing Alternate Histories That Almost Happened: https://youtu.be/3M4aYRHnqpA 
Top 10 Historically Accurate Movies: https://youtu.be/_q8NCKx3Pgw  

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#WilliamWallace09:59 47 09:5910 Most BRUTAL Deaths In History 1080p 1080p

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Free speech? Good luck finding it in these censor-loving countries. For this list, were looking at the countries where the press has the least amount of freedom, and the internet is heavily restricted. Our countdown includes North Korea, Cuba, Iran, and more! Are there other countries which have equally censorious policies? Let us know in the comments which country youd least like to live in.

Watch more great internet related videos here: 
Top 10 Times the Internet Solved Crimes: https://youtu.be/-yiV8fknTHE 
Top 10 Things The Internet Needs To Stop Glorifying: https://youtu.be/s7ofwIau5Fo 
Top 10 Unsolved Internet Mysteries: https://youtu.be/fIE5Ei6v14A  

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#Internet11:57 31 11:5710 Most Censored Countries In The World 1080p 1080p

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Creepy, chaotic, corrupt, charismatic. Yup, these cult leaders were all that and more. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were looking at charismatic cult leaders who used their charm to deceive and manipulate their followers. Our countdown of the most charismatic cult leaders includes Shoko Asahara, Keith Raniere, Jim Jones, and more! Can you think of other charismatic leaders who used their talent for persuasion to influence those around them? Let us know in the comments!  

Watch more great cult videos here: 
10 Killer Cults You Should Know About: https://youtu.be/PHWRy0enzA8 
10 Most Disturbing Cults That Are Still Active: https://youtu.be/_HQM5WaqfUs 
Top 10 Creepy Cults in Movies: https://youtu.be/bfgY3akhwNI  

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#Charisma12:03 17 12:0310 Most Charismatic Cult Leaders 1080p 1080p

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Welcome to WatchMojo and today were counting down our picks for the top 10 most controversial Lego sets. In this list, we take a look at various controversial Star Wars sets, product recalls and how fans shunned The Simpsons Lego. Do you know of any controversial Lego sets? Let us know in the comments below!

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Watch more Lego videos here:
Top 10 Most Hard-to-Find LEGO Sets - https://youtu.be/m4AUEQrADcw?siLn2P5j2GKpQYxlHs
Top 20 Surprising LEGO Facts - https://youtu.be/ZUnJWd8EqyY?sixUmmDo3scflCm1bT
Top 10 Amazing LEGO Sets You Can Actually Buy - https://youtu.be/GzbKwQCxyI8?si3IfYPpfjjN4FPFOd

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#ProductRecall09:31 37 09:3110 Most Controversial LEGO Sets 1080p 1080p

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To call these prison exchanges controversial would be a gross understatement. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were breaking down the prisoner exchanges that, for better or worse, made global headlines. Our countdown of the most controversial prisoner exchanges includes The U.S.-Tehran Swap (2023), Rudolf Abel for Francis Gary Powers (1962), Brittney Griner for Viktor Bout (2022), and more! Which prisoner exchange shocked you the most? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great history videos here: 
Top 10 Worst Decisions in History: https://youtu.be/TjPmk62WajE 
Top 10 Mind-Blowing Alternate Histories That Almost Happened: https://youtu.be/3M4aYRHnqpA  
Top 10 Historically Accurate Movies: https://youtu.be/_q8NCKx3Pgw  

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#Geopolitics11:42 22 11:4210 Most Controversial Prisoner Exchanges 1080p 1080p

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More disturbing than 1980s fashion sense? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were counting down our picks for movies from the 1980s that left an indelible mark upon our collective psyches. A spoiler alert is hereby declared, as well as a content warning for some seriously sensitive subject matter being discussed. Our countdown includes movies The Shining, Blue Velvet, Rivers Edge and more! Have you seen any of these movies? Would you watch them again? Let us know in the comments!

Check out these other 1980s related videos:
Top 20 Cringiest Things From The 80s: https://youtu.be/hQLlI_vv_qg?siBwQo8JeyOA-kMUkS
Top 20 Cheesiest One Hit Wonders of the 1980s: https://youtu.be/MBpLvZ61Mdc?sitifcHTT9-WVvsnBC
Top 20 80s Songs You Forgot Were Awesome: https://youtu.be/4KzI2_lHHOQ?sijY68D75AIzhmkXbw

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#1980s #movies #disturbing #horror #scifi #jeffgoldblum #theshining #davidlynch13:32 38 13:3210 Most DISTURBING 1980s Movies 1080p 1080p

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Violence, social upheaval, and corruption. Youll find all three and more in these dangerous places. For this list, well be looking at conflict zones around the world. Our countdown of the most dangerous countries includes the Central African Republic, Russia, Yemen, and more! There are many hazardous hotspots across the globe today. Are there others that should have made our list? Please let us know in the comments below. 

Watch more great travel videos here: 
The Best Luxury Destinations in 2023: https://youtu.be/5l1xsu-xlO0   
The Most Incredible Regions of Mexico to Visit: https://youtu.be/AWLsCwVvhUA 
The Best Countries for Foodies: https://youtu.be/KBO7kRmH0_w  

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#Country13:08 28 13:0810 Most Dangerous Countries in the World 1080p 1080p

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Crossing paths with these individuals was often a deadly endeavor. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today were looking at dangerous individuals with high body counts or unusually lethal skills - not murderous dictators with armies at their disposal. Our countdown of the most dangerous people in history includes Donald McBane, Vasily Zaitsev, Spartacus, and more! History is replete with tales of lethal assassins, sadistic killers, and deadly soldiers. Who do you think was the most dangerous individual in history? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch more great videos about assassins here: 
Top 20 Movie Assassins: https://youtu.be/_9MWotlwxbw 
Top 10 Assassins in History: https://youtu.be/i8ySxrQtZKw 
10 Deadliest Assassin Organizations in History: https://youtu.be/so8ad69_SmI  

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#Badass12:13 13 12:1310 Most Dangerous People To Have Ever Lived 1080p 1080p

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