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Dołączył(a): 2020-02-28
When was the last time space tried to kill us all? Join us... and find out!

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Space is a dangerous place! Most of it is a near-perfect vacuum, and everything else is nearly always deadly, too! But how close has Earth come to cosmic destruction in the past? In this video, we take a look at 3 times in the recent past when space almost obliterated life on this planet!

0:00 Start
0:37 Edge of Space
1:16 Perseids and Swift-Tuttle
3:27 2012 Coronal Mass Ejection
5:43 2012 OK Asteroid
7:15 4581 Asclepius
8:02 Conclusions

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
How Long Would It Take to Travel the Universe? - https://youtu.be/tcXLjJwpvjA
What If Humanity Could Leave the Universe? - https://youtu.be/alENVjCBdCw

#Space #SolarFlare #NearEarthAsteroid08:56 22 08:563 Times Space Almost Killed Us | Unveiled 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled

UFOs reported by astronauts!! Join us... to find out more!

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In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at some of the most bizarre, unusual and controversial UFO sightings ever made... bu astronauts! Theres not much that these people dont know about the skies above and yet some of them have claimed to have seen things even THEY cant explain.  

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
How Seeing the Earth From Space Actually Changes Your Brain - https://youtu.be/MWIV6o12FTQ
Is This Steel Ball a Piece of Alien Technology? - https://youtu.be/Y0Qb7nCcP7s

0:00 Intro
2:51 Vladimir Kovalyonok
4:26 Ivan Vagner
6:02 James McDivitt
7:40 Gordon Cooper
9:12 Conclusions

#UFO #Space #Astronaut #NASA #UFOs #Unexplained10:25 24 10:254 Alleged UFOs Seen By Astronauts | Unveiled 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled

How did ancient people get their predictions so RIGHT?? Join us... and find out!

Subscribe: https://wmojo.com/unveiled-subscribe

In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at some of the best and most bizarre predictions from ancient Indian texts and legends.

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Is NASA About to Announce Alien Life? - https://youtu.be/lXT-2cQqiWU?
10 Big Questions About Parallel Universes - https://youtu.be/KjLmRVHHgMY?

#Prediction #Future #Bizarre #Mystery #Hinduism #Hindu #India #Space #Science #Unveiled08:30 20 08:304 Bizarre Predictions From Ancient Indian Texts 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled

Step inside the Book of Enoch! Join us... to find out more!

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In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at the book of Enoch! Re-discovered after centuries as part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of enoch presents many of the most famous Biblical characters in an all new light... so why were THESE stories lost to history when the others werent?

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Are There Really Secret Pyramids Hidden on Earth? - https://youtu.be/6q4kMS3YrTo
Was There a Civilization Before Ancient Egypt? - https://youtu.be/8oylKwGHZNk

0:00 Intro
0:46 The Book of Enoch
1:36 The Nephilim
3:03 The Edge of Earth
4:28 Birth of Noah
5:52 Metatron the Super Angel
7:27 Conclusions

#BizarreStories #BookOfEnoch #Enoch #Noah #Nephilim08:06 35 08:064 Bizarre Stories From The Book of Enoch 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled

Some secrets of the ancient civilisations have been lost! Join us... and find out more!

Subscribe for more from Unveiled  https://wmojo.com/unveiled-subscribe

In the modern world, weve grown to expect the very best that technology has to offer. But, actually, weve lost some of our knowledge along the way! In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at four LOST TECHNOLOGIES from ancient history, to try to discover where they disappeared to...

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
5 Discoveries That Could Change Ancient History - https://youtu.be/TFcAC8kFkkY
Did Ancient Civilizations Have Modern Technology? - https://youtu.be/-w3hCpjsKtw

0:00 Start
0:52 Greek Fire
2:43 Damascus Steel
3:55 Archimedes Death Ray
5:36 Stradivarius Violin
7:20 Honorable Mention
8:17 Conclusions

#Ancient #Technology #Lost09:02 426 09:024 Lost Technologies In Ancient History | Unveiled 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled

What do you get when you mix religion... with aliens?? Join us... and find out!

Subscribe for more from Unveiled  https://wmojo.com/unveiled-subscribe

God is an alien. At least, thats the claim made by these groups, anyway! In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at the strangest, most bizarre, and often most dangerous UFO religions on Earth. Featuring alien overlords, UFO prophecies and absurd rituals, all with the promise of alien enlightenment!

What do you think? Are we living in a multiverse?? Let us know your opinion in the comments!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
The Strange Theory That Earth Was Once a Planet of Giants - https://youtu.be/jmOGOAH5lJk
4 most Bizarre UFO Claims Ever Recorded - https://youtu.be/1pO1LUf3N4A

0:00 Intro
0:39 UFO Culture
2:04 Raelism
3:30 Aetherius Society
4:33 Scientology
6:02 Heavens Gate
8:01 Conclusions

#UFOReligion #UFO #Ufology #Scientology #Bizarre #Aliens08:27 509 08:274 Most Bizarre UFO Religions | Unveiled 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled

Can science finally explain the unexplained?? Join us... to find out more!

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In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at 4 seemingly paranormal events and legends, to ask whether science can finally solve whats really going on? Featuring a strange case of green-skinned people from underground... and a mysterious location in America, where the laws of physics apparently dont work! 

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Why Would the Government Want to Hide Proof of Aliens? - https://youtu.be/QaNaLxR6jZk
What is the Black Knight Satellite and is NASA Hiding it From Us? - https://youtu.be/yq9_3v05XlQ

0:00 Intro
0:40 The Green Children of Woolpit
3:07 The Inner Voice Who Saved a Womans Life
4:39 The Oregon Vortex
5:57 Near Death Experiences
8:03 Conclusions

#Paranormal #Ghost #Unexplained #NDE #NearDeathExperience #OregonVortex #Unusual08:53 566 08:534 Paranormal Events Backed By Science | Unveiled 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled

Where are all the aliens? Join us... and find out!

Subscribe: https://wmojo.com/unveiled-subscribe

In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at why we STILL havent discovered alien life!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Is NASA About to Announce Alien Life? - https://youtu.be/lXT-2cQqiWU?
10 Big Questions About Parallel Universes - https://youtu.be/KjLmRVHHgMY?

#Fermi #Alien #SETI #Planets #Space #Science #WhatIf #Unveiled08:45 19 08:454 Possible Solutions To The Fermi Paradox 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled